Abstract: :
Previous work on camera calibration, and particularly work on self-calibration, has assumed
that the camera is well modeled by an ideal, relatively simple, parametric model. Real
camera systems, however, diverge significantly from a simple pinhole perspective imaging
model. Therefore, parametric calibration models are typically extended to include parameters
which model distortions from perspective. However, fitting these extra parameters
greatly complicates calibration algorithms.
This... (Update)
...pixels, as reference. The other triangulations were normalized so as to have the same global scale and orientation as the reference. See [17] for details. Then a grid of 20 by 20 uniformly spaced points in the input image was warped to stereographic, using the normalized...
...with respect to the projection of the intersection line since the projection preserves the angle. Common projective transformation candidates [10] are perspective (d 0 b = k Delta tanfl) stereographic (d 0 b = k Delta tan( fl 2 ) equidistant (d 0 b = k Delta fl) where d 0 b...
Stevenson, Daniel and Margaret Fleck (1995) "Nonparametric Correction of Distortion," TR 95-07, Comp. Sci., U. of Iowa. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/stevenson95nonparametric.html More
@misc{ daniel95nonparametric,
author = "S. Daniel and M. Fleck",
title = "Nonparametric Correction of Distortion",
text = "Stevenson, Daniel and Margaret Fleck (1995) Nonparametric Correction of
Distortion, TR 95-07, Comp. Sci., U. of Iowa.",
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/stevenson95nonparametric.html" }