Bounded Clustering - Finding Good Bounds on Clustered Light Transport (1997)(Make Corrections)(8 citations) Marc Stamminger, Philipp Slusallek, Hans-Peter Seidel
Abstract: Clustering is a very efficient technique to apply finite
element methods to the computation of radiosity
solutions of complex scenes. Both computation time
and memory consumption can be reduced dramatically
by grouping the primitives of the input scene into a
hierarchy of clusters and allowing for light exchange
between all levels of this hierarchy. However, problems
can arise due to clustering, when gross approximations
about a cluster's content result in unsatisfactory solutions
or... (Update)
.... algorithms based on the finite element approach use ray shooting to approximate visibility between certain regions (patches) [201, 69, 154, 163, 169, 168]. Ray shooting is also used within many hybrid approaches [156, 103, 104, 96, 195] A naive ray shooting algorithm would test...
.... computations enhancements to the radiosity algorithm like incorporating glossy reflection [2] and the efficient use of error bounds [3, 14] have been published. Recent research however, focuses on the efficient and accurate creation of object hierarchies that can be used as a...
Marc Stamminger, Philipp Slusallek, and Hans-Peter Seidel. Bounded clustering -- finding good bounds on clustered light transport. Technical Report TR-97-1, Universitat Erlangen, IMMD 9, 1997. More
@techreport{ stamminger97bounded,
author = "M. Stamminger and Ph. Slusallek and H.-P. Seidel",
title = "Bounded Clustering -- Finding Good Bounds on Clustered Light Transport",
number = "2",
year = "1997",
url = "" }