Abstract: We start with a mathematical denition of a real interval
as a closed, connected set of reals. Interval arithmetic operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
are likewise dened mathematically and we provide algorithms
for computing these operations assuming exact real
arithmetic. Next, we dene interval arithmetic operations
on intervals with IEEE 754 oating point endpoints to be
sound and optimal approximations of the real interval operations
and we show that the IEEE... (Update)
...which has been designed with careful attention to soundness. The underlying interval arithmetic algorithms have been proved correct [14, 13], and we are preparing a proof of the correctness of the contractors for the special functions (exp, log, sin, etc. 4 Higher level...
.... to evaluate an arithmetic expression on floating point numbers is guaranteed to contain the mathematical result of that evaluation [9]. Multiple precision arithmetic is also sometimes used in Interval arithmetic systems. For example, in [10] a C toolbox is described...
T. Hickey, Q. Ju, and M.H. van Emden, Interval Arithmetic: from Principles to Implementation, Brandeis University Tech Report. CS-99-202, July, 1999. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/hickey99interval.html More
@article{ hickey01interval,
author = "Timothy J. Hickey and Qun Ju and Maarten H. van Emden",
title = "Interval arithmetic: From principles to implementation",
journal = "Journal of the ACM",
volume = "48",
number = "5",
pages = "1038-1068",
year = "2001",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/hickey99interval.html" }