(Enter summary)
Abstract: In this paper we present a new technique for piecewise-linear surface reconstruction
from a series of parallel polygonal cross-sections. This is an important
problem in medical imaging, surface reconstruction from topographic data, and
other applications. We reduce the problem, as in most previous works, to a
series of problems of piecewise-linear interpolation between each pair of successive
slices. Our algorithm uses a partial curve matching technique for matching
parts of the contours, an... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More ...in [1] these papers contain also combinatorial results and pointers to many related works. Boissonnat in [5] Barequet and Sharir in [3] and Gitlin, O Rourke and Subramannian in [20] studied the problem of reconstructing polyhedra from parallel slices by interpolation, a ... .... Systems (GIS) finite element methods, statistics, scattered data interpolation, and pattern recognition to name a few ( 1] [3] , 27] 34] 39] 41] 42] 44] However, in the study of finite element methods and scattered data interpolation, it has recently been ... Cited by: More
Reconstruction and Simplification of Surfaces From Contours - Klein, Schilling, Straßer (1999)
No Quadrangulation is Extremely Odd - Bose, Toussaint (1995)
Characterizing and Efficiently Computing Quadrangulations .. - Prosenjit Bose Godfried (1997)
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39.2% : Piecewise-Linear Interpolation between Polygonal Slices - Barequet, Sharir (1994)
6.6% : Filling Gaps in the Boundary of a Polyhedron - Barequet, Sharir (1993)
Active bibliography (related documents): More All
1.5 : Optimizing a Strip Separating Two Polygons - Barequet, Wolfers (1998)
1.1 : Shape Reconstruction from Contours using Isotopic Deformation - Fujimura, Kuo (1997)
0.8 : Reconstruction of Surfaces From Planar Contours - Meyers (1994)
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0.2 : Partial Surface and Volume Matching in Three Dimensions - Barequet, al. (1994)
0.2 : Partial Surface Matching by Using Directed Footprints - Barequet, Sharir (1996)
0.2 : Triangulation of Branching Contours using Area.. - Sederberg, Klimaszewski, ..
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11 : Optimal surface reconstruction from planar contours (context) - Fuchs, Kedem et al. - 1977
10 : Shape reconstruction from planar cross sections (context) - Boissonnat - 1988
9 : On reconstructing polyhedra from parallel slices (context) - Gitlin, O'Rourke et al. - 1996
BibTeX entry: (Update)
G. Barequet and M. Sharir. Piecewise-linear interpolation between polygonal slices. In Proc. 10th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom., pages 93--102, 1994. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/27364.html More @article{ barequet96piecewiselinear,
author = "Gill Barequet and Micha Sharir",
title = "Piecewise-Linear Interpolation between Polygonal Slices",
journal = "Computer Vision and Image Understanding: CVIU",
volume = "63",
number = "2",
pages = "251--272",
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/27364.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Marching cubes: A high resolution 3D surface construction al.. (context) - Lorensen, Cline - 1987
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Optimal surface reconstruction from planar contours (context) - Fuchs, Kedem et al. - 1977
A functional approach to data structures and its use in mult.. (context) - Chazelle - 1988
Shape reconstruction from planar cross sections (context) - Boissonnat - 1988
Two algorithms for the three-dimensional reconstruction of t.. (context) - Cline, Lorensen et al. - 1988
Approximating complex surfaces by triangulation of contour l.. (context) - Keppel - 1975
Identification of partially obscured objects in two and thre.. (context) - Schwartz, Sharir - 1987
Minimal triangulations of polygonal domains (context) - Klincsek - 1980
Conversion of complex contour line definitions into polygona.. (context) - Christiansen, Sederberg - 1978
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligen.. (context) - Wolfson, matching - 1990
A new general triangulation method for planar contours (context) - Ganapathy, Dennehy - 1982
Three dimensional reconstruction of complex shapes based on .. (context) - Boissonnat, Geiger - 1992
Filling gaps in the boundary of a polyhedron
- Barequet, Sharir - 1993
A triangulation algorithm from arbitrary shaped multiple pla.. (context) - Ekoule, Peyrin et al. - 1991
On reconstructing polyhedra from parallel slices (context) - Gitlin, O'Rourke et al. - 1993
boundary matching using footprints (context) - Kalvin, Schonberg et al. - 1986
Surface reconstruction and representation of 3-D scenes (context) - Wang, Aggarwal - 1986
Surface reconstruction between simple polygons via angle cri.. (context) - Welzl, Wolfers - 1993
curve matching using splines (context) - Kishon, Hastie et al. - 1991
objects from cross-sections (context) - Schumaker - 1989
Surface definition for branching contour-defined objects (context) - Shantz - 1981
Pessimal guesses may be optimal: A counterintuitive search r.. (context) - Sloan, Painter - 1988
An improved model-based matching method using footprints (context) - Hong, Wolfson - 1988
Surfaces from contours: The correspondence and branching pro.. (context) - Meyers, Skinner et al. - 1991
Surface interpolation from cross sections (context) - Muller, Klingert - 1993
semantic technique for surface reconstruction from cross-sec.. (context) - Kehtarnavaz, Simar et al. - 1988
Surface construction from planar contours (context) - Zyda, Jones et al. - 1987
Threedimensional computer reconstruction from surface contou.. (context) - Batnitzky, Price et al. - 1981
An algorithm for volume estimation based on polyhedral appro.. (context) - Cook, Cook et al. - 1980
A framework for surface reconstruction from 3D contours (context) - Kehtarnavaz, De Figueiredo - 1988
From contours to surfaces: Testbed and initial results (context) - Sloan, Painter - 1987
Surface reconstruction from sparse data (context) - Sloan, Hrechanyk - 1981
Construction et utilisation des mod`eles d'organes en vue de.. (context) - Geiger - 1993
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