Abstract: We show that the edges of a graph with maximum edge density d can always be oriented such
that each vertex has in-degree at most d. Hence, for arbitrary graphs, edges can always be
assigned to incident vertices as uniformly as possible. For example, in-degree 3 is achieved
for planar graphs. This immediately gives a space-optimal data structure that answers edge
membership queries in a maximum edge density-d graph in O(log d) time.
1 The Theorem
Let G be an undirected graph with n vertices and ... (Update)
.... in order to bound the weight of GT (S) by means of the weights of the points in S after step k, we utilize the following result proved in [AAR]. Lemma 6 Let T be an arbitrary triangulation of S. Then the edges of T can be oriented such that each point p 2 S has an in degree of...
O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, G. Rote, Optimal graph orientation with storage applications, SFB-Report F003-51 (Optimierung und Kontrolle), TU Graz, Austria, 1995. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/aichholzer95optimal.html More
@misc{ aichholzer95optimal,
author = "O. Aichholzer and F. Aurenhammer and G. Rote",
title = "Optimal graph orientation with storage applications",
text = "O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, G. Rote, Optimal graph orientation with
storage applications, SFB-Report F003-51 (Optimierung und Kontrolle), TU
Graz, Austria, 1995.",
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/aichholzer95optimal.html" }