Abstract: In a broad range of computer graphics applications the representation of geometric
shape is based on triangle meshes. General purpose data structures for polygonal
meshes typically provide fast access to geometric objects (e.g. points) and topologic
entities (e.g. neighborhood relation) but the memory requirements are rather high
due to the many special configurations. In this paper we present a new data structure
which is specifically designed for triangle meshes. The data structure... (Update)
...newly subdivided triangles which are not needed any more. The main data structure is based on a lean version of directed edges [4]. Here a half edge is represented by the address of the vertex where the directed edge points to. Thus a triangle is defined by three...
.... 3 Implementation The mesh connectivity is stored in a half edge type data structure (e.g. double connected edge list [3] or directed edges [1]) When a face is added to the data structure and one if its oriented edges exists the oriented edge is repeated, thus, effectivily...
Swen Campagna, Leif Kobbelt, and Hans-Peter Seidel. Directed edges -- a scalable representation for triangle meshes. Journal of Graphics Tools. to appear. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/370995.html More
@article{ campagna98directed,
author = "Swen Campagna and Leif Kobbelt and Hans-Peter Seidel",
title = "Directed Edges --- {A} Scalable Representation for Triangle Meshes",
journal = "Journal of Graphics Tools: JGT",
volume = "3",
number = "4",
pages = "1--12",
year = "1998",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/370995.html" }