(Enter summary)
Abstract: We devise techniques to manipulate a collection of loosely interpenetrating
spheres in three-dimensional space. Our study is motivated by the representation
and manipulation of molecular configurations, modeled by a collection
of spheres. We analyze the sphere model and point to its favorable properties
that make it more easy to manipulate than an arbitrary collection of spheres.
For this special sphere model we present efficient algorithms for computing its
union boundary and for hidden... (Update)
Active bibliography (related documents): More All
1.2 : Spheres, Molecules, and Hidden Surface Removal - Dan Halperin
0.3 : Algorithms for Modeling and Measuring Proteins - Slonim
0.2 : Geometric Manipulation of Flexible Ligands - Finn, Halperin, Kavraki, al. (1996)
Similar documents based on text: More All
0.4 : Efficient Motion Planning for an L-Shaped Object - Halperin, Overmars, Sharir (1988)
0.3 : Dynamic Partition Trees - Schipper, al. (1989)
0.3 : Reaching a Goal with Directional Uncertainty - de Berg, Guibas, Halperin.. (1994)
BibTeX entry: (Update)
@inproceedings{ halperin94spheres,
author = "Dan Halperin and Mark H. Overmars",
title = "Spheres, Molecules, and Hidden Surface Removal",
booktitle = "Symposium on Computational Geometry",
pages = "113-122",
year = "1994",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/halperin94spheres.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Computational Geometry---An Introduction (context) - Preparata, Shamos - 1985
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
The protein data bank: A computer-based archival file for ma.. (context) - Bernstein, Koetzle et al. - 1977
Dynamic perfect hashing: upper and lower bounds
- Dietzfelbinger, Karlin et al. - 1988
Combinatorial complexity bounds for arrangements of curves a.. (context) - Clarkson, Edelsbrunner et al. - 1990
the union of Jordan regions and collision-free translational.. (context) - Kedem, Livne et al. - 1986
Fat triangles determine linearly many holes (context) - Matousek, Pach et al. - 1994
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (context) - Foley, van Dam et al. - 1990
Point location in fat subdivisions (context) - Overmars - 1992
A singly-exponential stratification scheme for real semi-alg.. (context) - Chazelle, Edelsbrunner et al. - 1991
Efficient hidden surface removal for objects with small unio..
- Katz, Overmars et al. - 1992
Analytical molecular surface calculation (context) - Connolly - 1983
Solvent-accessible surfaces of proteins and nucleic acids (context) - Connolly - 1983
The interpretation of protein structure: Estimation of stati.. (context) - Lee, Richards - 1971
Protein data bank (context) - Abola, Bernstein et al. - 1987
The overlay of lower envelopes and its applications
- Agarwal, Schwarzkopf et al. - 1994
and protein structure (context) - Richards, volumes - 1977
The complexity of the free space for a robot moving amidst f..
- van der Stappen, Halperin et al. - 1993
Molecular surfaces (context) - Mezey - 1990
depth orders and hidden surface removal (context) - de Berg, shooting - 1993
The Chemical Rubber Co (context) - Biochemistry, Sober - 1970
Fast analytical computation of Richards's smooth molecular s..
- Varshney, Jr - 1993
Evaluation of algorithms for geometrical contactsearching pr.. (context) - Fjallstrom, Petersson - 1993
Fast display of molecular models (context) - Giezeman, Halperin et al. Documents on the same site (http://www.cs.uu.nl/docs/research/publication/TechList1.html): More
Motion Planning Using A Colored Kohonen Network - Vleugels, Kok, Overmars (1993)
Visual Representations Embodying Spacetime Structure - Florack (1999)
Efficient Methods for Isoline Extraction from a Digital.. - van Kreveld (1994)
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