Abstract: In this paper it is discussed a new method to transform a closed and possibly unconnected
polyline into a plane polygon represented as a BSP tree. In particular it is shown that
each such polygon can be expressed as the Boolean XOR of unbounded quadrilateral
stripes, bijectively associated to the polyline edges. Such a representation has a space
complexityofO(n) where n is the number of polygon edges. A set of quasi-disjoint
convex cells which partitionate the polygon is then generated... (Update)
...Boolean operations on d dimensional BSP trees using Linear Programming techniques. Baldazzi and Paoluzzi have recently discussed in [3] a conversion algorithm from 2D polygons to BSP trees, so obtaining a cell decomposition of the polygon interior. That paper describes an...
Baldazzi, C., and Paoluzzi, A. From Polyline to Polygon via XOR tree. Tech. Rep. INF-04-96, Dip. Disc. Scient., Universit`a Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, May 1996. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/baldazzi96from.html More
@misc{ baldazzi96from,
author = "C. Baldazzi and A. Paoluzzi",
title = "From Polyline to Polygon via XOR tree",
text = "Baldazzi, C., and Paoluzzi, A. From Polyline to Polygon via XOR tree. Tech.
Rep. INF-04-96, Dip. Disc. Scient., Universit`a Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, May
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/baldazzi96from.html" }