MAPS: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surfaces (1998)(Make Corrections)(61 citations) Aaron W. F. Lee, Wim Sweldens, Peter Schröder, Lawrence Cowsar, David Dobkin
Abstract: We construct smooth parameterizations of irregular connectivity triangulations
of arbitrary genus 2-manifolds. Our algorithm uses hierarchical
simplification to efficiently induce a parameterization of
the original mesh over a base domain consisting of a small number
of triangles. This initial parameterization is further improved
through a hierarchical smoothing procedure based on Loop subdivision
applied in the parameter domain. Our method supports
both fully automatic and user constrained... (Update)
...Techniques based on a retiling of the model promise to provide higher compression ratios. For example, a mesh can be retiled [33] 34][36] by inserting few new vertices, distributed regularly with a density that may be uniform or that may depend on the local curvature. In a...
...triangles do not satisfy the lower bound condition. There is plenty of literature on polygonal mesh simplification (see e.g. [8,10 14,17,23]) Any vertex removal scheme, for instance the scheme created by B. Hamann [12, 13] that is based on the local curvature...
A. Lee, W. Sweldens, P. Schroder, L. Cowsar, and D. Dobkin. Maps: Multiresolution adaptive parameterization of surfaces. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '98 Proceedings), pages 95--104, 1998. More
@article{ lee98maps,
author = "Aaron W. F. Lee and Wim Sweldens and Peter Schr{\"o}der and Lawrence Cowsar and David Dobkin",
title = "{MAPS}: Multiresolution Adaptive Parameterization of Surfaces",
journal = "Computer Graphics",
volume = "32",
number = "{Annual Conference Series}",
pages = "95--104",
year = "1998",
url = "" }