Abstract: The GeomLib project addresses the important objective of developing an easy to use, reliable, and open library of robust and efficient geometric algorithms. This paper is a preliminary report on the project. We present here the criteria that have inspired the preliminary design of GeomLib, and discuss the guidelines that we have followed in the initial implementation. We exemplify the innovative aspects of our design through the discussion of a vertical case study. (Update)
.... oriented programming and design patterns, to the area of design and implementation of data structures and algorithms (see, e.g. [19, 18]) Traditionally, algorithms have been implemented in a way that would maximize their e#ciency, which frequently meant sacrificing...
...projects have been written based on the research version of the library, as well. Various point location algorithms have been implemented [19]. A planar map (an embedded planar graph, or EPG) has been implemented [11] with operations that preserve planarity. The EPG is built on...
R. Tamassia, L. Vismara, and J. E. Baker. A case study in algorithm engineering for geometric computing. In G. F. Italiano and S. Orlando, editors, Proc. Workshop on Algorithm Engineering, 1997. http://www.dsi.unive.it/wae97/proceedings/. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/tamassia97case.html More
@article{ tamassia01case,
author = "Roberto Tamassia and Luca Vismara",
title = "A Case Study in Algorithm Engineering for Geometric Computing",
journal = "International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications",
volume = "11",
number = "1",
pages = "15-70",
year = "2001",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/tamassia97case.html" }