Abstract: In this paperwe present a newapproachto volume rendering in which
curves of constant intensity in image space, or iso-contours, are computed
directly for eachview. The generatediso-contours canbe used
to drive various visualization and feature-detection algorithms. The
approachimposesno restriction on the organization of the data points
andcanaccommodatea large class of radially-symmetric filter functions.
The technique works well for both perspective and orthographic
viewing projections. Each... (Update)
...local irradiance extrema and iso meshing. The similar idea was also employed by him to generate the iso contour in volume rendering [8]. Using the similar derivative technique in a high dimensional setting, this chapter 17 18 introduces a new computational tool for non...
...a sign change and therefore fail. For density functions, Arvo et al. applied a numerical method known as the predictor corrector method [2]. Their main goal is the rendering of iso curves of medical data sets. In this paper we introduce an efficient and more robust predictor...
James Arvo and Kevin Novins. Iso-contour volume rendering. In 1994 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization, Washington DC, October 1994. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/64677.html More
@inproceedings{ arvo94isocontour,
author = "James Arvo and Kevin Novins",
title = "{Iso-Contour} Volume Rendering",
booktitle = "1994 Symposium on Volume Visualization",
editor = "Arie Kaufman and Wolfgang Krueger",
pages = "115--122",
year = "1994",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/64677.html" }