Interval Methods for Ray Casting Implicit Surfaces with Affine Arithmetic (1999)(Make Corrections)(5 citations) Affonso de Cusatis Junior, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Marcelo Gattass
Abstract: . We study the performance of affine arithmetic as a replacement for interval arithmetic in interval
methods for ray casting implicit surfaces. Affine arithmetic is a variant of interval arithmetic designed to handle
the dependency problem, and which has improved several interval algorithms in computer graphics.
Keywords: image synthesis; root location; interval arithmetic; range analysis; self-validated computing.
1 Introduction
Given a function h: R
! R, the set
S = fp 2 R
:... (Update)
.... has been successfully implemented in the following algorithms: Intersection of parametric surfaces: The algorithm presented in [7] is a modi cation of the subdivision algorithm presented in [13] that utilizes bounding boxes computed by direct interval evaluation of...
.... 93 [2] as a tool for validated numerics [20] Since then, AA has been applied to the robust solution of several graphics problems [4,6,7,11,12], where it has successfully replaced interval arithmetic [16] In AA, a quantity x is represented as an affine form, x = x 0 x...
A. de Cusatis Junior, L.H. de Figueiredo, and M. Gattas. Interval methods for raycasting implicit surfaces with ane arithmetic. In Proceedings of XII SIBGRPHI, pages 1-7, 1999. More
@misc{ junior99interval,
author = "A. Junior and L. de Figueiredo and M. Gattas",
title = "Interval methods for raycasting implicit surfaces with ane arithmetic",
text = "A. de Cusatis Junior, L.H. de Figueiredo, and M. Gattas. Interval methods
for raycasting implicit surfaces with ane arithmetic. In Proceedings of
XII SIBGRPHI, pages 1-7, 1999.",
year = "1999",
url = "" }