Fast Interval Branch-And-Bound Methods For Unconstrained Global Optimization With Affine Arithmetic (1997)(Make Corrections)(1 citation) Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Ronald Van Iwaarden, Jorge Stolfi
Uses Affine Arithmetic for branch-and-bound optimization of general functions.
Abstract: We show that faster solutions to unconstrained global optimization problems can be obtained by combining previous accelerations techniques for interval branch-andbound methods with affine arithmetic, a recent alternative to interval arithmetic that often provides tighter estimates. We support this claim by solving a few well-known problems. (Update)
.... affine arithmetic has been developed to overcome these shortcomings [1, 26] It has previously been applied to numerical optimization [5, 17, 13]. In this paper we apply affine arithmetic to embed deformable models within a statistical framework. This approach allows us to...
L. H. de Figueiredo, R. Van Iwaarden, and J. Stolfi. Fast interval branch-and-bound methods for unconstrained global optimization with affine arithmetic. Technical Report IC-9708, Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas, June 1997. More
@techreport{ figueiredo97fast,
author = "L. de Figueiredo and R. Van Iwaarden and J. Stolfi",
title = "Fast Interval Branch-and-Bound Methods for Unconstrained Global Optimization
with Affine Arithmetic",
institution = "Institute of Computing, Univ. of Campinas",
address = "Brazil",
number = "Technical Report IC-97-08,
month = jun,
year = "1997",
url = "" }