(Enter summary)
Abstract: A new hierarchical triangle-based model for representing surfaces over sampled data is
proposed, which is based on the subdivision of the surface domain into nested triangulations,
called a Hierarchical Triangulation (HT). The model allows compression of spatial data and
representation of a surface at successively finer degrees of resolution. An HT is a collection
of triangulations organized in a tree, where each node, except for the root, is a triangulation
refining a face belonging to its... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More .... et al. 1997; Samet, 1990; Samet, 1990) or through TINs (Cignoni et al. 1997; de Berg and Dobrindt, 1995; De Floriani, 1989; De Floriani and Puppo, 1995 ; Hamann, 1994; Klein and Stra er, 1996; Hoppe, 1998; Maheshwari et al. 1997; Taubin et al. 1998; Xia et al. 1997) ... ...regions far from the observer need not to be rendered with the same level of detail as the closer ones. Henceforth, many researchers [DeFPup95] [CiPuSc95] deBDob95] Bert 95] have proposed polygonal models that offer efficient storage of terrain data at different levels of ... Cited by: More
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
L. D. Floriani and E. Puppo. Hierarchical triangulation for multiresolution surface description. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 14(4):363--411, 1995. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/defloriani95hierarchical.html More @article{ defloriani95hierarchical,
author = "Leila de Floriani and Enrico Puppo",
title = "Hierarchical Triangulation for Multiresolution Surface Description",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
volume = "14",
number = "4",
pages = "363--411",
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/defloriani95hierarchical.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Computational Geometry: An Introduction (context) - Preparata, Shamos - 1985
Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry (context) - Edelsbrunner - 1987
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Optimal search in planar subdivisions (context) - Kirkpatrick - 1983
Applications of spatial data structures (context) - Samet - 1990
A butterfly subdivision scheme for surface interpolation wit.. (context) - Dyn, Levin et al. - 1990
A linear-time algorithm for computing the Voronoi diagram of.. (context) - Aggarwal, Guibas et al. - 1989
Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points require.. (context) - Douglas, Peucker - 1973
Automatic extraction of irregular network digital terrain mo.. (context) - Fowler, Little - 1979
Triangular Bernstein-B'ezier patches (context) - Farin - 1986
the levels of detail in terrains
- de Berg, Dobrindt - 1995
Surface approximation and geometric partitions
- Agarwal, Suri - 1994
Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers (context) - Silvester, Ferrari - 1990
Multiresolution modeling and visualization of volume data ba..
- Cignoni, De Floriani et al. - 1994
A pyramidal data structure for triangle-based surface descri.. (context) - De Floriani - 1989
Representation and visualization of terrain surfaces at vari..
- Cignoni, Puppo et al. - 1995
An Upper Bound for Conforming Delaunay Triangulations
- Edelsbrunner, Tan - 1992
Minimal roughness property of Delaunay triangulation (context) - Rippa - 1990
Hierarchical triangulation using cartographic coherence (context) - Scarlatos, Pavlidis - 1992
A hierarchical triangle-based model for terrain description (context) - De Floriani, Puppo - 1992
Comparison of existing methods for building triangular irreg.. (context) - Lee - 1991
Adaptive approximations by piecewise linear polynomials on t.. (context) - Rippa - 1992
Speeding up the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorith..
- Hershberger, Snoeyink - 1992
Pyramidal simplicial complexes (context) - Bertolotto, De Floriani et al. - 1995
Computing optimal triangulations using simulated annealing (context) - Schumaker - 1993
A combinatorial analysis of boundary data structure schemata (context) - Woo - 1985
Digital model for three-dimensional surface representation (context) - Gomez, Guzman - 1979
A hierarchical spatial data structure for global geographic .. (context) - Goodchild, Shiren - 1992
Quadtree representation of digital terrain (context) - Chen, Tobler - 1986
Property spheres: a new representation for 3-D object recogn.. (context) - Fekete, Davis - 1984
Polar forms and triangular B-spline surfaces
- Seidel - 1992
Accurate triangulations of deformed, intersecting surfaces (context) - Von Herzen, Barr - 1987
Extracting contour lines from a hierarchical surface model (context) - De Floriani, Mirra et al. - 1993
Horizon computation on a hierarchical triangulated terrain m.. (context) - De Floriani, Magillo - 1995
A hierarchical data structure for surface approximation (context) - De Floriani, Falcidieno et al. - 1984
A hierarchical method for representing relief (context) - Barrera, Vazquez - 1984
A unifying framework for multilevel description of spatial d.. (context) - Bertolotto, De Floriani et al. - 1995
Modified multiquadric methods for scattered data interpolati.. (context) - Pottmann, Eck - 1990
Spatial queries on a hierarchical terrain model
- De Floriani, Gattorna et al. - 1994
An implementation of triangular B-spline surfaces over arbit..
- Fong, Seidel - 1993
Hyerarchical Hypersurface Modeling (context) - Bertolotto, De Floriani et al. - 1994
A hierarchical approach to the overlay problem (context) - Bertolotto, Magillo et al. - 1995
A triangle-based C 1 interpolation method (context) - Renka, Cline - 1984
A posteriori error estimate. Adaptive local mesh refinement .. (context) - Bank - 1986
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How Generalization Interacts with the Topological and Metric.. - Dettori, Puppo (1996)
Spatial queries and data models - De Floriani, Marzano, Puppo (1993)
Representation and Visualization of Terrain Surfaces at.. - Cignoni, Puppo, Scopigno (1997)
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