Robust Approximation of Offsets and Bisectors of Plane Curves (2000)(Make Corrections)(1 citation) João Batista de Oliveira, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
Abstract: Most methods for computing offsets and bisectors of parametric curves are based on a local formulation of the distance to a curve. As a consequence, the computed objects may contain spurious parts and components, and have to be trimmed. We approach these problems as global optimization problems, and solve them using interval arithmetic, thus generating robust approximations that need not be trimmed. Keywords: parametric curves; offset curves; global optimization; interval arithmetic; range... (Update)
...tool for implementing inclusion functions. Interval arithmetic has been used successfully in several graphics problems [5,11,13,22, 25,29,35], including the implementation of absence oracles for adaptive enumeration of implicit curves [23, 30, 33] Interval arithmetic can...
J. B. S. de Oliveira and L. H. de Figueiredo. Robust approximation of offsets and bisectors of plane curves. In Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2000, pages 139--145. IEEE Press, October 2000. More
@inproceedings{ oliveira00robust,
author = "J. B. de Oliveira and L. de Figueiredo",
title = "Robust approximation of offsets and bisectors of plane curves",
booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'2000",
pages = {139--145},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
month = oct,
year = 2000,
url = {} }