(Enter summary)
Abstract: . Frequently, data in scientific computing is in its abstract form a finite point set in
space, and it is sometimes useful or required to compute what one might call the "shape" of the
set. For that purpose, this paper introduces the formal notion of the family of ff-shapes of a finite
point set in IR
. Each shape is a well-defined polytope, derived from the Delaunay triangulation
of the point set, with a parameter ff 2 IR controlling the desired level of detail. An algorithm is
presented... (Update)
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
H. Edelsbrunner and E. P. Mucke, "Three-dimensional Alpha Shapes", Technical Report Rept. UIUCDCS-R-92-1734, Comput. Sci. Dept., Univ., Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1992. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/edelsbrunner94threedimensional.html More @article{ edelsbrunner94threedimensional,
author = "Herbert Edelsbrunner and Ernst P. M{\"{u}}cke",
title = "Three-Dimensional Alpha Shapes",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "43--72",
year = "1994",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/edelsbrunner94threedimensional.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Introduction to Algorithms (context) - Cormen, Leiserson et al. - 1990
Computational Geometry --- An Introduction (context) - Preparata, Shamos - 1985
Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry (context) - Edelsbrunner - 1987
Marching cubes: A high resolution 3D surface construction al.. (context) - Lorensen, Cline - 1987
Primitives for manipulation of general subdivisions and the .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Simulation of Simplicity: A technique to cope with degenerat..
- Edelsbrunner, Mucke - 1990
Geometric structures for three-dimensional shape representat.. (context) - Boissonnat - 1984
A framework for computational morphology (context) - Kirkpatrick, Radke - 1985
Incremental topological flipping works for regular triangula.. (context) - Edelsbrunner, Shah - 1992
Constructing higher-dimensional convex hulls in logarithmic .. (context) - Seidel - 1986
The relative neighborhood graph of a finite planar set (context) - Toussaint - 1980
Higher-dimensional Voronoi diagrams in linear expected time (context) - Dwyer - 1991
Primitives for the manipulation of three-dimensional subdivi.. (context) - Dobkin, Laszlo - 1989
surface interpolation (context) - Lawson - 1977
Properties of Gabriel graphs relevant to geographic variatio.. (context) - Matula, Sokal - 1980
Convex Polytopes and the Upper Bound Conjecture (context) - McMullen, Shepard - 1971
Construction of three-dimensional Delaunay triangulations us.. (context) - Joe - 1991
Three-dimensional triangulations from local transformations (context) - Joe - 1989
Representing geometric structures in d dimensions: Topology .. (context) - Brisson - 1993
Linear optimization queries
- Matousek, Schwarzkopf - 1992
An Introduction to Convex Polytopes (context) - Bronsted - 1983
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (context) - Edelsbrunner, Kirkpatrick et al. - 1983
Closed Object Boundaries from Scattered Points (context) - Veltkamp - 1992
Otdelenie Matematicheskii i Estestvennyka Nauk (context) - Delaunay, sphere et al. - 1934
Regular triangulations of convex polytopes (context) - Lee - 1991
etres continus `a la th (context) - Voronoi, des - 1907
etres continus `a la th (context) - Voronoi, des - 1908
Chapman and Hall (context) - Giblin, Surfaces et al. - 1981
Department of Computer Science (context) - Edelsbrunner, shapes et al. - 1992
Shapes and Implementations in Three-Dimensional Geometry (context) - Mucke - 1993
The protein folding problem (context) - Richards - 1991
Exact upper bounds for the number of faces in d-dimensional .. (context) - Seidel - 1991
Contoured shape generation: Forms that people see in dot pat.. (context) - Fairfield - 1979
Segmenting dot patterns by Voronoi diagram concavity (context) - Fairfield - 1983
Mapping the universe (context) - Geller, Huchra - 1989
Computing the shape hull of points in the plane (context) - Jarvis - 1977
Protein Folding (context) - Gh'elis, Yon - 1982
Some new analytic and graphic approaches to numerical taxono.. (context) - Moss - 1967
Conference Proceedings (context) - Drebin, Carpenter et al. - 1988
An alpha-shape view of our universe (context) - Dyksterhouse - 1992
The universe in a box: Thermal effects in a standard cold da.. (context) - Cen, Jameson et al. - 1990
Geometric algorithms (context) - Edelsbrunner - 1992
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Simulation of Simplicity: A Technique to Cope with.. - Edelsbrunner, Mücke (1990)
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