Dynamic graph algorithms are algorithms that maintain properties of a (possibly edgeweighted)
graph while the graph is changing. These algorithms are potentially useful
in a number of application areas, including communication networks, VLSI design, distributed
computing, and graphics, where the underlying graphs are subject to dynamic
changes. Efficient dynamic graph algorithms are also used as subroutines in algorithms
that build and modify graphs as part of larger tasks, e.g.,... (Update)
...graph problems on undirected graphs has met with much success, for a number of graph properties. For a survey of the earlier work, see [6]. For more recent work, see [10, 8, 9] Directed graph problems have proven to be much tougher and very little is known, especially...
...graph problems on undirected graphs has met with much success, for a number of graph properties. For a survey of the earlier work, see [5]. For more recent work, see [8, 7, 9] Directed graph problems have proven to be much tougher and very little is known, especially for fully...
J. Feigenbaum and S. Kannan, "Dynamic Graph Algorithms", in Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, pp. 583-591. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/feigenbaum00dynamic.html More
@incollection{ feigenbaum00dynamic,
author = "Feigenbaum and Kannan",
title = "Dynamic Graph Algorithms",
booktitle = "Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, {CRC} Press, 2000",
editor = "Rosen and Michaels and Gross and Grossman and Shier",
year = "2000",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/feigenbaum00dynamic.html" }