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Abstract: this paper appeared in the Third Symposium on Solid Modeling
and Applications [7]. (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More .... This has motivated a great deal of research on the subject of robust computational geometry (see, e.g. [4, 11, 10, 18, 26, 27, 30, 35, 33, 38, 47, 53, 56, 20, 29, 31] ) Also, efficiency must be evaluated in a finer framework than the conventional big Oh analysis. In... ...and transformations, not decompositions, convex hull, or Minkowski sum. Topology might be unpleasantly altered. Manifold Rounding [11] : Given a manifold representation of a polyhedral solid, round equations of faces. If rounded solid is self intersecting, retain only the... Cited by: More
The Convex Hull in a New Model of Computation - Edalat, Lieutier, Kashe
Shortest Path Geometric Rounding - Milenkovic (2000)
Robust Proximity Queries in Implicit Voronoi Diagrams - Liotta, Preparata, Tamassia (1996)
Active bibliography (related documents): More All
0.7 : Robustness issues in geometric algorithms - Fortune (1996)
0.6 : Static Analysis Yields Efficient Exact Integer Arithmetic.. - Fortune, Van Wyk (1996)
0.4 : Efficient B-rep Generation of Low Degree Sculptured.. - Keyser, Krishnan.. (1997)
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2 : Multiple Translational Containment (context) - Milenkovic - 1997
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
S. Fortune. Polyhedral modeling with multiprecision integer arithmetic. Computer Aided Design, 1996. to appear. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/fortune96polyhedral.html More @misc{ fortune96polyhedral,
author = "S. Fortune",
title = "Polyhedral modeling with multiprecision integer arithmetic",
text = "S. Fortune. Polyhedral modeling with multiprecision integer arithmetic.
Computer Aided Design, 1996. to appear.",
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/fortune96polyhedral.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Simulation of simplicity: a technique to cope with degenerat..
- Edelsbrunner, Mucke - 1990
Verifiable implementations of geometric algorithms using fin.. (context) - Milenkovic - 1988
Non-standard analysis (context) - Robinson - 1966
Geometric and Solid Modeling: an Introduction (context) - Hoffmann - 1989
Efficient Delaunay triangulation using rational arithmetic (context) - Karasick, Lieber et al. - 1990
The problems of accuracy and robustness in geometric computa.. (context) - Hoffmann - 1989
How to compute the Voronoi diagram of line segments: theoret.. (context) - Burnikel, Mehlhorn et al. - 1994
Robust set operations on polyhedral solids (context) - Hoffmann, Hopcroft et al. - 1989
Numerical stability of algorithms for 2D Delaunay triangulat.. (context) - Fortune - 1995
The nature and meaning of perturbations in geometric computi.. (context) - Seidel - 1993
Construction of the Voronoi diagram for one million generato.. (context) - Sugihara, Iri - 1989
An Algorithmic Theory of Numbers (context) - Lovasz - 1986
Error-free boundary evaluation based on a lazy rational arit..
- Benouamer, Michelucci et al.
Finding compact coordinate representations for polygons and ..
- Milenkovic, Nackman - 1990
A solid modeling system free from topological inconsistency (context) - Sugihara, Iri - 1989
Practical methods for set operations on polygons using exact..
- Milenkovic - 1995
Polyhedral modeling with exact arithmetic (context) - Fortune - 1995
Progress in computational geometry (context) - Fortune - 1993
Facebased data structure and its application to robust geome.. (context) - Higashi, Torihara et al. - 1995
Computing in Euclidean geometry (context) - Yap, Dub'e et al. - 1995
a la saisie d (context) - Jaillon, arithm'etique et al. - 1993
Robustness in solid modeling -- a tolerance-based (context) - Fang, Bruderlin et al. - 1993
Static analysis yields efficient exact integer arithmetic fo.. (context) - Fortune, Van Wyk
Efficient exact arithmetic for computational geometry (context) - Fortune, Van Wyk - 1993
An introduction to solid modeling (context) - Mantylla - 1988
Geometric and product modeling (context) - Heisserman, Woodbury et al. - 1993 Documents on the same site (http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/sjf/pubs.html): More
Topological beam tracing - Fortune (1999)
Robustness issues in geometric algorithms - Fortune (1996)
Static Analysis Yields Efficient Exact Integer Arithmetic.. - Fortune, Van Wyk (1996)
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