Static Analysis Yields Efficient Exact Integer Arithmetic for Computational Geometry (1996)(Make Corrections)(17 citations) Steven Fortune, Christopher J. Van Wyk
Abstract: Geometric algorithms are usually described assuming that arithmetic operations are performed exactly
on real numbers. A program implemented using a naive substitution of floating-point arithmetic for real
arithmetic can fail, since geometric primitives depend upon sign-evaluation and may not be reliable if
evaluated approximately. Geometric primitives are reliable if evaluated exactly with integer arithmetic,
but this degrades performance since software extended-precision arithmetic is... (Update)
.... class more efficient is the use of LEDA s primitive predicates (e.g. orientation) that are implemented using floating point filters [9, 20] which speed up the exact computation. This traits class could not be made a special case of Pmsegmentexacttraits R since the usage of...
.... resolve it otherwise (or if we pass some user defined threshold) In this sense our scheme resembles the adaptive arithmetic schemes [11, 22] that work with floating point approximations (such as interval arithmetic) and resort to (slow) exact arithmetic only when the...
S. FORTUNE AND C. J. VAN WYK, Static Analysis Yields Efficient Exact Integer Arithmetic for Computational Geometry, ACM Trans. Graph. 15(3) (1996) July, 223--248. More
@article{ fortune96static,
author = "Steven Fortune and Christopher J. {Van Wyk}",
title = "Static analysis yields efficient exact integer arithmetic for computational geometry",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
volume = "15",
number = "3",
pages = "223--248",
year = "1996",
url = "" }