Abstract: Finding the intersection, union, or difference of two simple polygons are well known problems
in computational geometry. In this paper, new algorithms and their implementation solving these
problems are presented. Assuming that line segment intersection is done already, the common
main idea is to build up a colored doubly connected edge list (DCEL), independently of the actual
operation. Colors indicate the relationship between polygons and elements, i.e. every element
covered by a polygon will ... (Update)
.... Important applications are the overlay of planar maps and calculating the intersection (or union) of simple polygons (see e.g. Fre98] There are many other applications, especially in CAD CAM, like clipping operations or hidden surface removal ( FvDF 93] The...
Wolfgang Freiseisen. Colored dcel for boolean operations in 2d. Technical Report 98--03, RISC, University of Linz, Februar 1998. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/freiseisen98colored.html More
@misc{ freiseisen98colored,
author = "W. Freiseisen",
title = "Colored dcel for boolean operations in 2d",
text = "Wolfgang Freiseisen. Colored dcel for boolean operations in 2d. Technical
Report 98--03, RISC, University of Linz, Februar 1998.",
year = "1998",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/freiseisen98colored.html" }