Abstract: A planar map is a figure formed by a set of intersecting lines and curves. Such an object
captures both the geometrical and the topological information implicitly defined by the data. In
the context of 2D drawing, it provides a new interaction paradigm, map sketching, for editing
graphic shapes. To build a planar map, one must compute curve intersections and deduce from
them the map they define. The computed topology must be consistent with the underlying
geometry. Robustness of geometric... (Update)
...curve paths. Fig. 1: A cel. After cleaning, each drawing is prepared for coloring by computing the planar map defined by the centerlines [3]. A planar map is an object that contains a description of the regions, edges, and vertices, formed by a set of paths. Planar map methods...
...important topics in Computational Geometry. The arrangements find numerous applications, going from the design of 2D drawing tools [11] to motion planing, point location and visibility problems, 6] The arrangements of hyperplanes, especially the arrangements of lines in the...
Gangnet, M., Herve, J., Pudet, T., and Van Thong, J. Incremental Computation of Planar Maps. ACM Computer Graphics,23:3, (1989), 345354 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/gangnet89incremental.html More
@article{ gangnet89incremental,
author = "Michel Gangnet and Jean-Claude Herv{\'e} and Thierry Pudet and Jean-Manuel Van Thong",
title = "Incremental Computation of Planar Maps",
journal = "Computer Graphics",
volume = "23",
number = "3",
pages = "345--354",
year = "1989",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/gangnet89incremental.html" }