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Abstract: We show how to construct an O( p n)-separator decomposition of a planar graph G in O(n) time. Such a decomposition defines a binary tree where each node corresponds to a subgraph of G and stores an O( p n)-separator of that subgraph. We also show how to construct an O(n ffl )-way decomposition tree in parallel in O(log n) time so that each node corresponds to a subgraph of G and stores an O(n 1=2+ffl )-separator of that subgraph. We demonstrate the utility of such a separator decomposition by... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More .... of linear equations [14, 9] for developing algorithms for VLSI layout design [4, 12] for shortest path problems [7] in parallel computing [10] , and in computational complexity [16] A class of problems for whose solutions separator theorems are especially well suited is data ... .... that can report the k intersections of a chain of n segments in time O(n k) Can our linear time algorithm be parallelized (Goodrich [13] has given a fast and work optimal implementation of Chazelle s algorithm in a parallel computation model. Can the approach of... Cited by: More
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17 : A Separator Theorem for Planar Graphs (context) - Lipton, Tarjan - 1979
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
M. Goodrich, "Planar separators and parallel polygon triangulation," Proc. 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (1992), 507--516. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/goodrich92planar.html More @inproceedings{ goodrich92planar,
author = "Michael T. Goodrich",
title = "Planar separators and parallel polygon triangulation (preliminary version)",
pages = "507--516",
year = "1992",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/goodrich92planar.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Introduction to Algorithms (context) - Cormen, Leiserson et al. - 1990
Computational Geometry: An Introduction (context) - Preparata, Shamos - 1985
Graph Theory with Applications (context) - Bondy, Murty - 1976
Data Structures and Algorithms (context) - Aho, Hopcroft et al. - 1983
An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms (context) - J'aJ'a - 1992
Parallel Algorithms for Shared-Memory Machines (context) - Karp, Ramachandran - 1990
Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Data Structures and Network Algorithms (context) - Tarjan - 1983
Parallel Merge Sort (context) - Cole - 1988
A Separator Theorem for Planar Graphs (context) - Lipton, Tarjan - 1979
Parallel Prefix Computation (context) - Ladner, Fischer - 1980
A Data Structure for Dynamic Trees (context) - Sleator, Tarjan - 1983
Triangulating a Simple Polygon in Linear Time (context) - Chazelle - 1991
The Parallel Evaluation of General Arithmetic Expressions (context) - Brent - 1974
A Dichromatic Framework for Balanced Trees (context) - Guibas, Sedgewick - 1978
Applications of a Planar Separator Theorem (context) - Lipton, Tarjan - 1980
Linear Time Algorithms for Visibility and Shortest Path Prob.. (context) - Guibas, Hershberger et al. - 1987
A Framework for Solving VLSI Graph Layout Problems
- Bhatt, Leighton - 1984
Parallel Computational Geometry (context) - Aggarwal, Chazelle et al. - 1988
Deterministic Parallel List Ranking (context) - Anderson, Miller - 1988
Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Planar..
- Eppstein, Italiano et al. - 1992
Triangulating Simple Polygons and Equivalent Problems (context) - Fournier, Montuno - 1984
A Theorem on Polygon Cutting with Applications (context) - Chazelle - 1982
A Polyhedron Representation for Computer Vision (context) - Baumgart - 1975
Dynamic Trees and Dynamic Point Location
- Goodrich, Tamassia - 1991
Finding the Intersection of Two Convex Polyhedra (context) - Muller, Preparata - 1978
Highly Parallelizable Problems (context) - Berman, Breslauer et al. - 1989
Finding Biconnected Components and Computing Tree Functions .. (context) - Tarjan, Vishkin - 1985
Separator Based Sparsification for Dynamic Planar Graph Algo.. (context) - Eppstein, Galil et al. - 1993
Triangulating a Simple Polygon (context) - Garey, Johnson et al. - 1978
The Accelerated Centroid Decomposition Technique for Optimal..
- Cole, Vishkin - 1988
The Power of Parallel Prefix (context) - Kruskal, Rudolph et al. - 1985
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- Clarkson, Cole et al. - 1992
An Optimal Worst Case Algorithm for Reporting Intersections .. (context) - Bentley, Wood - 1980
Fast Algorithms for Shortest Paths in Planar Graphs, with Ap.. (context) - Frederickson - 1987
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Triangulating a Polygon in Parallel (context) - Goodrich - 1989
Parallel Methods for Visibility and Shortest Path Problems i.. (context) - Goodrich, Shauck et al. - 1990
Parallel Triangulation of a Polygon in Two Calls to the Trap.. (context) - Yap - 1988
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An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Building a Data Structure .. (context) - Cole, Zajicek - 1990
Polygon Triangulation in O(n log log n) time with Simple Dat.. (context) - Kirkpatrick, Klawe et al. - 1990
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Parallel Algorithms for Higher-Dimensional Convex Hulls - Amato, Goodrich, Ramos (1994)
Planar Upward Tree Drawings with Optimal Area - Garg, Goodrich, Tamassia (1996)
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