(Enter summary)
Abstract: this
paper, and to add own new classes and algorithms. There are only three conditions that have to be
ffl For each algorithm of a problem class P that is to be integrated into PlaNet, P has to be integrated
in PlaNet. (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More ...with each other. The GUI offers a feature to print the contents of a window or to dump it to a file in PostScript format. We refer to [HN96] for a tutorial, a more detailed overview, and a reference manual. 3 From a Developer s Perspective The implementation heavily... Cited by: More
PlaNet - A Software Package of Algorithms and.. - Brandes, Neyer.. (1997)
Active bibliography (related documents): More All
1.0 : A Linear Time Algorithm for the Arc Disjoint Menger Problem.. - Brandes, Wagner (1997)
0.6 : Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs with Short Total Length - Brandes, Neyer, Wagner (1996)
0.6 : Simple Algorithms for Steiner Trees and Paths Packing Problems in .. - Wagner (1993)
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1.2 : Survivable Networks with Bounded Delay - Cicerone, Di Stefano, Handke (1999)
1.2 : Jahresbericht 1994 bis 1996 Informatik - Universität Konstanz - Scholl, (eds.) (1994)
1.0 : Independent Tree Spanners - Fault-Tolerant Spanning Trees with.. - Handke (1998)
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2 : A linear time algorithm for edge-disjoint paths in planar graphs (context) - Wagner, Weihe - 1993
BibTeX entry: (Update)
Dagmar Handke and Gabriele Neyer. PlaNet tutorial and reference manual, 1996. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/handke96planet.html More @misc{ handke96planet,
author = "D. Handke and G. Neyer",
title = "PlaNet tutorial and reference manual",
text = "Dagmar Handke and Gabriele Neyer. PlaNet tutorial and reference manual,
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/handke96planet.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Introduction to algorithms (context) - Cormen, Leiserson et al. - 1994
Object--oriented software construction (context) - Meyer - 1994
Algorithms in combinatorial geometry (context) - Edelsbrunner - 1987
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Managing projects with make (context) - Oram, Talbott - 1993
A linear time algorithm for edge-disjoint paths in planar gr.. (context) - Wagner, Weihe - 1995
A linear time algorithm for edge-disjoint paths in planar gr.. (context) - Wagner, Weihe - 1993
Addison--Wesley Publishing Company (context) - Stroustrup, programming et al. - 1991
The vertex-disjoint menger problem in planar graphs
- Ripphausen-Lipa, Wagner et al. - 1997
The vertex-disjoint Menger-problem in planar graphs
- Ripphausen-Lipa, Wagner et al. - 1993
Efficient algorithms for disjoint paths in planar graphs (context) - Ripphausen-Lipa, Wagner et al. - 1995
volume 32 of Annals of Discrete Mathematics (context) - Nishizeki, Chiba et al. - 1988
LEDA: a library of efficient data structures and algorithms (context) - Mehlhorn, Naher - 1995
paths in undirected planar graphs in linear time (context) - Weihe, -- - 1994
paths in undirected planar graphs in linear time (context) - Weihe, -- - 1997
Addison--Wesley Publishing Company (context) - Harary - 1969
PlaNet --- A demonstration package for algorithms on planar .. (context) - Neyer, Schlickenrieder et al. - 1996
Optimierung von Wegpackungen in planaren Graphen (context) - Neyer - 1996
Edge-disjoint paths in planar graphs with short total length
- Brandes, Neyer et al. - 1996
ADLIBS --- An advanced data structure library for project sc.. (context) - Kuhl, Ludwig et al. - 1993 Documents on the same site (http://www.fmi.uni-konstanz.de/Forschung/projekte_algo.html):
Independent Tree Spanners - Fault-Tolerant Spanning Trees with.. - Handke (1998)
Wiring Edge-Disjoint Layouts - Kuchem, Wagner (1996)
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