(Enter summary)
Abstract: Several algorithms for approximating terrains and other height fields using polygonal meshes are
described, compared, and optimized. These algorithms take a height field as input, typically a
rectangular grid of elevation data H(x; y), and approximate it with a mesh of triangles, also known
as a triangulated irregular network, or TIN. The algorithms attempt to minimize both the error
and the number of triangles in the approximation. Applications include fast rendering of terrain
data for flight ... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More ...terrains that goes beyond the scope of this paper. We refer the interested reader to the literature for more details (see [3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 19] ) Because such TIN based methods work on arbitrary irregular point input data sets they tend to have higher computa 1. hregular... ...of the surface depicted on the left handside. Note that terrains can also be represented using TINs (see for example Garland et al.[8] ) However using a quadtree triangulation, a multiresolution terrain is naturally described by a nested family of quadtrees. The... Cited by: More
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Unknown - Livermore National Laboratory
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
P.S. Heckbert and M. Garland. Fast polygonal approximation of terrains and height fields. Technical Report CMU-CS-95-181, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, 1995. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/heckbert95fast.html More @techreport{ garland95fast,
author = "Michael Garland and Paul S. Heckbert",
title = "Fast Polygonal Approximation of Terrains and Height Fields",
number = "CMU-CS-95-181",
month = "Sept.",
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/heckbert95fast.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Introduction to Algorithms (context) - Cormen, Leiserson et al. - 1990
Computational Geometry: an Introduction (context) - Preparata, Shamos - 1985
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (context) - Foley, van Dam et al. - 1990
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
San Francisco (context) - Marr, Freeman - 1982
Hierarchical geometric models for visible surface algorithms (context) - Clark - 1976
A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry (context) - Spivak - 1979
Randomized incremental construction of Delaunay and Voronoi .. (context) - Guibas, Knuth et al. - 1990
Multiresolution modeling for fast rendering
- Heckbert, Garland - 1994
Constrained Delaunay triangulations (context) - Chew - 1989
Structural Pattern Recognition (context) - Pavlidis - 1977
Automatic extraction of irregular network digital terrain mo.. (context) - Fowler, Little - 1979
and Werner Stuetzle (context) - Hoppe, DeRose et al. - 1993
On levels of detail in terrains
- de Berg, Dobrindt - 1995
Data dependent triangulations for piecewise linear interpola.. (context) - Dyn, Levin et al. - 1990
surface interpolation (context) - Lawson - 1977
A pyramidal data structure for triangle-based surface descri.. (context) - De Floriani - 1989
Computing Dirichlet tesselations in the plane (context) - Green, Sibson - 1978
A drop heuristic conversion method for extracting irregular .. (context) - Lee - 1989
Adaptive approximation by piecewise linear polynomials on tr.. (context) - Rippa - 1992
Incremental Delaunay triangulation (context) - Lischinski - 1994
Triangulation algorithms for adaptive terrain modeling (context) - Heller - 1990
Data point selection for piecewise trilinear approximation (context) - Hamann, Chen - 1994
Spatial Data Representations for Rapid Visualization and Ana.. (context) - Scarlatos - 1993
Piecewise linear best L 2 approximation on triangulations (context) - Nadler - 1986
Piecewise planar surface models from sampled data (context) - Southard - 1991
Optimizing triangulations by curvature equalization (context) - Scarlatos, Pavlidis - 1992
Issues in iterative TIN generation to support large scale si.. (context) - Polis, McKeown - 1993
Survey of surface approximation algorithms (context) - Heckbert, Garland - 1995
Serious Putty: Topological Design for Variational Curves and.. (context) - Welch - 1995
Adaptive range data approximation by constrained surface tri.. (context) - Chen, Schmitt - 1993
of Geographical Information Systems (context) - Puppo, Davis et al. - 1994
Fast segmentation of range images into planar regions (context) - Schmitt, Chen - 1991
A Delaunay-based method for surface approximation (context) - De Floriani, Falcidieno et al. - 1983
A method of image representation based on bivariate splines (context) - McClure, Shwartz - 1989
Lessons learned from visual simulation (context) - Jones - 1994
The graph only includes citing articles where the year of publication is known. Documents on the same site (http://www.limsi.fr/Individu/krus/Thesis/all-bib.html): More
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