Abstract: this paper we introducea simple and efficient scheme
for encoding the connectivity of a triangle mesh. Using
seven operations our algorithm traverses all edges of the
mesh and records a sequence of corresponding labels T,
R, L, S, E, H, and M. For every triangle there is a label
of type T, for every hole there is a label of type H, and
for every handle there is a label of type M. The remaining
labels R, L, S, and E correspond to the edges of a vertex
spanning tree that `fixes' triangles and... (Update)
...here. The first is the compression of the representation of the topology and the vertex geometry of the meshes, as was done in [8, 3, 27, 26]. The second avenue allows the modification of the topology of the given mesh, through the use of a multi resolution representation [23,...
...assume a mesh of sphere topology without boundary, so that we can ignore how to deal with holes and handles. Edge based schemes [18, 9] describe all boundary updates per edge. The boundaries are loops of half edges that separate the region of processed edges from the...
M. Isenburg. Triangle fixer: Edge-based connectivity compression. In Abstracts 16th European Workshop Comput. Geom., pages 18--23. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2000. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/isenburg99triangle.html More
@techreport{ isenburg00triangle,
author = "Martin Isenburg",
title = "Triangle Fixer: Edge-based Connectivity Compression",
number = "TR99-038",
month = "24",
year = "2000",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/isenburg99triangle.html" }