(Enter summary)
Abstract: Appeared in Computational Geometry -- Theory and Applications 13, 1999, 65-90.
Software design solutions are presented for combinatorial data structures, such as
polyhedral surfaces and planar maps, tailored for program libraries in computational
geometry. Design issues considered are flexibility, time and space efficiency, and
ease-of-use. We focus on topological aspects of polyhedral surfaces and evaluate
edge-based representations with respect to our design goals. A design for polyhedral... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More .... library are discussed in [17] Further topics on designing combinatorial data structures in CGAL, such as polyhedra, are described in [18] . Many implementations of computational geometry algorithms exist in loosely coupled collections only. Use and combination of such... .... A similar idiom has been used in CGAL to solve cyclic template dependencies in the halfedge data structure and polyhedral surface design [21] . 3 The Kernel Concept and Architecture A geometry kernel consists of types used to represent geometric objects and operations on... Cited by: More
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2 : LEDA: A platform for combinatorial and geometric computing
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
L. Kettner. Using generic programming for designing a data structure for polyhedral surfaces. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 13:65--90, 1999. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/kettner99using.html More @article{ kettner99using,
author = "Lutz Kettner",
title = "Using generic programming for designing a data structure for polyhedral surfaces",
journal = "Computational Geometry",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "65-90",
year = "1999",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/kettner99using.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Design Patterns -- Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Soft.. (context) - Gamma, Helm et al. - 1995
Programming Language (context) - Stroustrup - 1997
LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing
- Mehlhorn, Naher - 1995
Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
The Standard Template Library
- Stepanov, Lee - 1995
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications (context) - de Berg, van Krefeld et al. - 1997
An Introduction to Solid Modeling (context) - Mantyla - 1988
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the S.. (context) - Musser, Saini - 1996
A Polyhedron Representation for Computer Vision (context) - Baumgart - 1975
Edge-Based Data Structures for Solid Modeling in Curved-Surf.. (context) - Weiler - 1985
Algorithm-oriented Generic Libraries
- Musser, Stepanov - 1994
Geometric and Solid Modeling -- An Introduction (context) - Hoffmann - 1989
The CGAL Kernel: A Basis for Geometric Computation
- Fabri, Giezeman et al. - 1996
Finding the Intersection of two Convex Polyhedra (context) - Muller, Preparata - 1978
Designing the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library CGAL (context) - Overmars - 1996
the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (context) - Fabri, Giezeman et al. - 1999
Handbook: Building Moving Worlds on the Web (context) - Hartman, Wernecke - 1996
Traits: a New and Useful Template Technique (context) - Myers - 1995
Large Scale C++ Software Design (context) - Lakos - 1996
Generic Programming
- Musser, Stepanov - 1989
A Case Study on the Cost of Geometric Computing (context) - Schirra - 1999
Designing a Data Structure for Polyhedral Surfaces
- Kettner - 1998
Object Model (context) - Lippman - 1996
The Inventor Mentor: Programming Object-Oriented 3D Graphics.. (context) - Wernicke - 1994
Maintaining Winged-Edge Models (context) - Glassner - 1991
Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide (context) - Computer, Inc - 1997
Curiously Recurring Template Patterns (context) - Coplien - 1995
CGAL Reference Manual (context) - Bronnimann, Schirra et al. - 1999
Line-Sweep auf einem Gitter (context) - Hoffmann - 1996
The LEDA User Manual, Version 3.5. LEDA Software GmbH (context) - Mehlhorn, Naher et al. - 1997
American National Standards Institute (context) - ISO, Programming et al. - 1998
Getting Started with CGAL
- Giezeman, Veltkamp et al. - 1999
Geomview Manual: Geomview Version (context) - Phillips - 1994
Vorlesung uber die Theorie der Polyeder (context) - Steinitz, Rademacher - 1934
Modellierung der Grundlagen: Erweiterbare Datenstrukturen zu.. (context) - Bendels, Fellner et al. - 1995 Documents on the same site (http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/kettner/pub/): More
One Sided Error Predicates in Geometric Computing - Kettner, Welzl (1998)
On the Design of CGAL, the Computational Geometry.. - Fabri, Giezeman.. (1998)
Theoretical Foundations of 3D-Metaphors - Kettner (1994)
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