(Enter summary)
Abstract: )
Timothy Lambert
A locally optimized triangulation (LOT) of a set of
sites can be defined by a flip rule that determines
which diagonal of a convex quadrilateral should be
included in the triangulation. A flip rule is systematic
if there is a unique LOT. It is local if the only
new edges added when inserting a new site in the
triangulation are adjacent to the new site. I prove
that the only systematic local flip rules correspond
to generalizations of convex distance function... (Update)
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
@inproceedings{ lambertlambertsystematic,
author = "Timothy Lambert",
title = "Systematic local flip rules are generalized Delaunay rules",
pages = "352--357",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/lambert93systematic.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (context) - Foley, van Dam et al. - 1990
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
Voronoi diagrams---a survey of a fundamental geometric data .. (context) - Aurenhammer - 1991
Mesh generation and optimal triangulation
- Bern, Eppstein - 1992
Randomized incremental construction of Delaunay and Voronoi .. (context) - Guibas, Knuth et al. - 1992
the angle condition in the finite element method (context) - Babuska, Aziz - 1976
Two algorithms for constructing the Delaunay triangulation (context) - Lee, Schachter - 1980
Locally equiangular triangulations (context) - Sibson - 1978
International Computer Science Institute (context) - Omohundro, triangulation et al. - 1990
Generation of a triangular grid with application to contour .. (context) - Lawson - 1972
volume 400 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (context) - Klein, Abstract - 1989
Surface representation based on triangular grids (context) - De Floriani - 1987
An introduction to the theory of surreal numbers (context) - Gonshor - 1986
Local optimization of triangulations (context) - Lambert - 1993
Zur kinematischen Ordnung ebener JordenKurven (context) - Bol - 1936
Surface construction based upon triangulations (context) - Nielson, Franke - 1983
Ein Satz uber konvexe geschlossene Kurven (context) - Fujiwara - 1920
A practical algorithm for computing the Delaunay triangulati.. (context) - Scot - 1990
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