Abstract: We present results of an empirical investigation into the performance of two O(nlogn) worst-case optimal Delaunay triangulation algorithms: a divide-andconquer algorithm and a plane-sweep algorithm. We present improvements which give a factor of 4-5 speedup to the divide-and-conquer algorithm and a factor of 13-16 speed-up to the plane-sweep algorithm. Experiments using our improved implementations of both algorithms show the plane-sweep algorithm to be slightly faster (about 20%) than the... (Update)
.... of the algorithm is O(n log n) The sweepline algorithm is due to Fortune [9] In a comparison with divide and conquer, Leach [18] has optimized both algorithms and measured execution speed. According to Leach, the sweepline algorithm is the fastest, but also appears to...
Geoff Leach. Improving worst-case optimal Delaunay triangulation algorithms. In 4th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 1992. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/leach92improving.html More
@inproceedings{ leach92improving,
author = "Geoff Leach",
title = "Improving Worst-Case Optimal {Delaunay} Triangulation Algorithms",
booktitle = "4th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry",
year = "1992",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/leach92improving.html" }