Abstract: This paper first recalls by some examples the damages that the numerical inaccuracy
of the floating-point arithmetic can cause during geometric computations,
and it intends to explain why damages for geometric computations differ from those
met in numerical computations. Then it surveys the various approaches proposed
to overcome inaccuracy difficulties; conservative approaches use classical geometric
methods but with `exotic' arithmetics instead of the standard floating-point one;
radical ones ... (Update)
.... central geometric operators such as the Boolean operations or some speci c variants of the Minkowski sum has always remained critical [24, 14, 23]. The authors claim that a robust algorithm is one whose correctness is proved with the assumption of a realistic machine model...
.... already aware of the ravages of inaccuracy on geometric methods, especially from CG, can skip this section (partly already published in [Mic96] 2.1 Notations We will use the following notations : 1. Straight lines with equation ffx fiy fl = 0 are represented by a triple of...
D. Michelucci. Arithmetic Issues in Geometric Computations. Second Real Numbers and Computer Conference, 1996. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/michelucci96arithmetic.html More
@misc{ michelucci96arithmetic,
author = "D. Michelucci",
title = "Arithmetic Issues in Geometric Computations",
text = "D. Michelucci. Arithmetic Issues in Geometric Computations. Second Real
Numbers and Computer Conference, 1996.",
year = "1996",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/michelucci96arithmetic.html" }