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Abstract: Introduction
For arrangements of hyperplanes in IR
, the notion of
equivalence is well understood and presents no ambiguity.
Two denitions of it can be found in the literature,
one given by Edelsbrunner and the other one given by
Grunbaum. Edelsbrunner's denition is based on the
position vectors of the faces of an arrangement and it
implies the more general denition of Grunbaum, which
relies solely on the incidence graphs of the two arrangements.
The two denitions can be naturally... (Update)
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BibTeX entry: (Update)
@misc{ neagu-equivalence,
author = "Manuela Neagu",
title = "Equivalence of Arrangements of Curves",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/neagu00equivalence.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry (context) - Herbert - 1987
Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and .. (context) - Leonidas, Jorge - 1985
Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory (context) - John - 1980
Arrangements of Curves in the Plane - Topology (context) - Herbert, Leonidas et al. - 1992
Cambridge University Press (context) - Jean-Daniel, Mariette et al. - 1998
Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and (context) - Edwin - 1977
Arrangements and spreads (context) - unbaum - 1972
Stable Homeomorphisms and the Annulus Conjecture (context) - Robion - 1969 Documents on the same site (http://www.cs.unb.ca/conf/cccg/eProceedings/): More
1-bend 3-D orthogonal drawings: two open problems solved - Biedl
Spirale Reversi: Reverse decoding of the Edgebreaker encoding - Isenburg, Snoeyink (1999)
Spanners in l_1 - Caceres, Grima, Márquez.. (2000)
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