Abstract: When trying to solve quantified constraints (i.e., first-order formulas over the real numbers) exactly, one faces the following problems: First, constants coming from measurements are often only approximately given. Second, solving such constraints is in general undecidable and for special cases highly complex. Third, exact solutions are often extremely complicated symbolic expressions. In this paper we study how to do approximate computation instead - working on approximate inputs and... (Update)
...ill posed subproblems such as the isolation of the singularities. Another problem where the algebraic number arithmetic is being a bottleneck is the one of quanti er elimination (see [7, 22] An algorithm without algebraic numbers for approximating the solution has been proposed in...
...So we will concentrate on the case where L is an (existential) quanti er. In this case we have the following function on solution sets (see [36] for the other cases) 6 De nition 4 For a variable v 2 V , the v projection operator is a function P on solution sets such that 2 P...
Ratschan, S. Uncertainty propagation in heterogeneous algebras for approximate quantied constraint solving. Journal of Universal Computer Science 6, 9 (2000). http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/ratschan00uncertainty.html More
@article{ ratschan00uncertainty,
author = "S. Ratschan",
title = "Uncertainty Propagation in Heterogeneous Algebras for Approximate Quantified Constraint Solving",
journal = "J.UCS: Journal of Universal Computer Science",
volume = "6",
number = "9",
pages = "861--??",
year = "2000",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/ratschan00uncertainty.html" }