A Discussion on Mixed (Longest-Side Midpoint Insertion) Delaunay Techniques for the Triangulation Refinement Problem (1995)(Make Corrections)(2 citations) María-Cecilia Rivara, Patricio Inostroza
Abstract: this paper we present a new Delaunay technique for refining a subregion of a triangulation,
which uses an automatic point insertion criterion (based on the fractal property of Rivara
refinement) that assures the construction of good quality triangulations in linear time.
In the context of the triangulation refinement problem, the algorithms based on the
longest-side bisection of triangles benefit of a natural point insertion strategy (longestside
midpoint insertion) which, together with the... (Update)
.... (non Delaunay) triangulations and a Delaunay algorithm that produces refined Delaunay meshes of analogous quality to the input mesh [17, 18], will be discussed and studied in detail in this paper. The algorithm is based on a LEPP point insertion strategy over Delaunay...
...In general, the mesh can be refined by placing more Steiner points inside the domain. A simple and commonly used method is bisection[35, 44, 46]. It uses the midpoint of some long edges as Steiner points and connect them together and with existing vertices to form a valid...
M. C. Rivara and P. Inostroza, "A discussion on mixed (longest side midpoint insertion) delaunay techniques for the triangulation refinement problem," Proceedings 4th International Meshing Roundtable. Albuquerque, pp. 335--346, 1995. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/rivara95discussion.html More
@misc{ rivara95discussion,
author = "M. Rivara and P. Inostroza",
title = "A discussion on mixed (longest side midpoint insertion) delaunay techniques
for the triangulation refinement problem",
text = "M. C. Rivara and P. Inostroza, A discussion on mixed (longest side midpoint
insertion) delaunay techniques for the triangulation refinement problem,
Proceedings 4th International Meshing Roundtable. Albuquerque, pp. 335--346,
year = "1995",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/rivara95discussion.html" }