Abstract: For any finite point set S in E
, an oriented matroid DOM(S) can be defined
in terms of how S is partitioned by Euclidean hyperspheres. This oriented
matroid is related to the Delaunay triangulation of S and is realizable, because
of the lifting property of Delaunay triangulations.
We prove that the same construction of a Delaunay oriented matroid can
be performed with respect to any smooth, strictly convex distance function in
the plane E
(Theorem 3.5). For these distances, the... (Update)
...to Minkowskian geometry if and only if the unit ball K is an ellipse. The construction in the proof of the following theorem is based in [9]. Asplund and Grumbaum [1] have also given a characterization of ellipses in terms of a property of triangles of the Minkowskian...
F. Santos, On Delaunay oriented matroids for convex distance functions, Discrete and Computational Geometry, to appear. Extended abstract in Proceedings of the 6th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, University of Saskatoon, August 1994. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/santos95delaunay.html More