(Enter summary)
Abstract: The problem of discretizing three-dimensional solid objects is considered. The objects
may be presented in standard boundary representation. We discuss constructing from this
representation a binary space partition tree, a data structure especially well-suited to the
geometric processing needed for grid generation. We also give algorithms for generating
fixed-mesh grids and variable-mesh grids adaptively. The method has been implemented on
top of a solid modeling system.
Key Words: Algorithms,... (Update)
Context of citations to this paper: More .... in part by Vanecek s brep index [Van90b, Van90c] The brep index is a generalization of the binary space partition (BSP) trees [FKN80, Van90a] , and motivated indirectly by the cut trees of Dobkin and Edelsbrunner [DE87] It is useful to compare these two approaches. In the... Cited by: More
A Spatial Index for Convex Simplicial Complexes in .. - Ferrucci, Vanecek, Jr.
Brep-Index: A Multidimensional Space Partitioning Tree - Vanecek, Jr. (1991)
Active bibliography (related documents): More All
0.5 : Solid Modeling - Shapiro (2001)
0.5 : Integrated Symbolic-Numeric Computing in //ELLPACK: .. - Weerawarana.. (1992)
0.4 : Modeling Contacts in a Physically Based Simulation - Bouma, Vanecek, Jr. (1994)
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0.6 : Perfect Binary Space Partitions - de Berg, al. (1993)
0.0 : A Balanced-Mesh Clock Routing Technique Using Circuit.. - Hidenori Sato Akira (1996)
0.0 : Incremental Construction of Multi-dimensional Space.. - George Vanecek Jr
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2 : A Data Structure for Analyzing Collisions of Moving Objects (context) - Vanecek - 1991
2 : On visible surface generation by a priori tree structures (context) - Fuchs, Kedem et al. - 1980
2 : Space searching for intersecting objects (context) - Dobkin, Edelsbrunner - 1987
BibTeX entry: (Update)
G. Vanecek, Jr. Towards Automatic Grid generation using Binary Space Partitions Trees, Purdue University, Department of Computer Science, CAPO Report CER-- 90--6, January 1990. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/vanecek94towards.html More @misc{ vanecek90towards,
author = "G. Vanecek",
title = "Towards Automatic Grid generation using Binary Space Partitions Trees",
text = "G. Vanecek, Jr. Towards Automatic Grid generation using Binary Space Partitions
Trees, Purdue University, Department of Computer Science, CAPO Report CER--
90--6, January 1990.",
year = "1990",
url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/vanecek94towards.html" }
Citations (may not include all citations):
COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (context) - Preparata, Shamos - 1985
Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and .. (context) - Guibas, Stolfi - 1985
On visible surface generation by a priori tree structures (context) - Fuchs, Kedem et al. - 1980
Applications of Spatial Data structures: Computer Graphics (context) - Samet - 1989
Set operations on polyhedra using binary space partitioning .. (context) - Thibault, Naylor - 1987
Representations for rigid solids: Theory (context) - Requicha - 1980
Location of a point in a planar subdivision and its applicat.. (context) - Lee, Preparata - 1976
Geometric and Solid Modeling: An Introduction (context) - Hoffmann - 1989
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Design and analysis of Spatial Data Structures: Quadtrees (context) - Samet - 1989
Model generation and modification for dynamic systems from g.. (context) - Hoffmann, Hopcroft - 1988
Set Operations on Polyhedra using Decomposition Methods (context) - Jr - 1989
Extending solid modeling systems for mechanism design and ki.. (context) - Tilove - 1983
Topological Structures for Geometrical Modeling (context) - Weiler - 1986
Creating volume models from edge-vertex graphs (context) - Hanrahan - 1982
Computing about physical objects (context) - Bajaj, Dyksen et al. - 1987
Towards Grid Generation with BSP Trees (context) - Kripac, splitting et al. - 1987
A study of geometric set-membership classification (context) - Tilove - 1977
Obtaining boundaries with respect: A simple approach to perf.. (context) - Jr - 1989
Solving Elliptical Problems Using ELLPACK (context) - Rice, Boisvert - 1985
Bridge edge and triangulation approach in solid modeling (context) - Yamaguchi, Tokieda - 1985 Documents on the same site (http://fermivista.math.jussieu.fr/ams/ams68.html): More
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Improved Approximation Algorithms For Shop Scheduling Problems - Shmoys, Stein, Wein (1994)
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm For The Perfect Phylogeny .. - Agarwala.. (1994)
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