% Supplementary references (not by Jorge Stolfi or his students)
% Last edited on 2003-04-24 12:18:39 by stolfi

% ==================================================

% === 2003 ===

  title = {Floating-point Error Analysis Based on Affine Arithmetic},
  author = {C. F. Fang and T. Chen and R. Rutenbar},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 International Conf. on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing},
  year = 2003

% === 2002 ===

  author = {Fr{\'e}do Durand and George Drettakis and Claude Puech},
  title = {The 3D visibility complex},
  journel = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = {21},
  number = {2},
  pages = {176--206},
  year = 2002

  author = {Siome Goldenstein and Christian Vogler and Dimitris Metaxas},
  title = {Affine Arithmetic Based Estimation of Cue Distributions in Deformable Model Tracking},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 2001 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2001)},
  month = dec,
  year = 2001,
  pages = {???--???},
  isbn = {0-7695-1272-0}

  title = {Cue Integration using Affine Arithmetic and Gaussians},
  author = {Siome Goldenstein and Christian Vogler and Dimitris Metaxas},
  institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
  number = {MS-CIS-02-06},
  month = {???},
  year = 2002

  author = {Andreas Lemke and Lars Hedrich and Erich Barke},
  title = {Analog Circuit Sizing Based on Formal Methods Using Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ICCAD-2002 - International Conference on Computer Aided Design},
  month = nov,
  year = 2002,
  pages = {486--489}

  author = {Yuchi Kanazawa and {Shin'ichi} Oishi},
  title = {A Numerical Method of Proving the Existence of Solutions for Nonlinear {ODE}s Using Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SCAN'02 -- 10th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics},
  month = sep,
  year = 2002,
  pages = {???-???}

  author = {H. H. Shou and R. Martin and I. Voiculescu and ???},
  title = {Affine Arithmetic in Matrix Form for Polynomial Evaluation and Algebraic Curve Drawing},
  journal = {Progress in Natural Science},
  volume = 12,
  number = 1,
  year = 2002,
  month = jan,
  pages = {77--81}

% Messine:jucs_8_11:extentions_of_affine_arithmetic
  author = {F. Messine},
  title = {Extentions of Affine Arithmetic: {Application} to Unconstrained Global Optimization},
  journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {8},
  number = {11},
  pages = {992--1015},
  month = nov,
  url = {www.jucs.org/jucs_8_11/extentions_of_affine_arithmetic}

%citeseer: lazebnik-projective
  author = {Svetlana Lazebnik},
  title = {Projective Visual Hulls},
  school = {Beckman Institute, University of Illinois},
  year = 2002,
  month = dec,
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/550658.html},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry}

  author = {James A. D. W. Anderson},
  title = {Robot Free Will},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  pages = {559--563},
  year = 2002,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {http://www.bookofparagon.btinternet.co.uk/Robots/ECAI.2002.pdf}

  author = {David Goldberg and Christopher Malon and Marshall Bern},
  title = {A Global Approach to Automatic Solution of Jigsaw Puzzles},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symp.~on Computational Geometry},
  year = 2002,
  month = jun,
  pages = {74--81}

  author = {Katja B{\"u}hler},
  title = {Implicit Linear Interval Estimations},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics},
  year = 2002,
  isbn = {1-58113-608-0},
  pages = {123--132},
  location = {Budmerice, Slovakia},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/584458.584479},
  publisher = {ACM Press},

  title = {A Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence Algorithms},
  author = {D. Scharstein and R. Szeliski},
  journal = {International Journal on Computer Vision},
  pages = {7--42},
  volume = 47,
  number = 1,
  month = may,
  year = 2002
% === 2001 ===

% bb2939
  author = {T. Werner. and T. Pajdla},
  title = {Oriented Matching Constraints},
  booktitle = {Proc. BMVC'01 - British Machine Vision Conference},
  year = {2001},
  note = {Poster session and demonstrations},
  pages = {--},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/werner01oriented.html},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry}

% Citeseer: wernercheirality,
  author = {Tomas Werner and Tomas Pajdla},
  title = {Cheirality in Epipolar Geometry},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference On Computer Vision (ICCV-01)},
  month = jul,
  year = 2001,
  pages = {548--553},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/werner00cheirality.html},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry}
% Citeseer: may-multiplying
  author = {Lyle Ramshaw},
  title = {On Multiplying Points: {The} Paired Algebras of Forms and Sites},
  institution = {Hewlett-Packard Research Labs},
  number = {SRC-RR-169},
  month = may,
  year = 2001,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry}

% Citeseer: snoeyink-arithmetic
  author = {Jack Snoeyink},
  title = {The Arithmetic Precision of Ray-Polygon Intersection Testing},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG'01)},
  pages = {161--164},
  year = 2001,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/452204.html}
  author = {Kristin Leutwyler },
  title = {Solving a Digital Jigsaw Puzzle},
  howpublished = {Electronic article at {\url{http://www.sciam.com/explorations/2001/062501fresco/}}},
  year = 2001,
  comment = {About the computer-assisted reconstruction of the Assisi
    Cathedral frescoes, especially the automatic texture-based indexing 
    program of Mitra, Neri, and Carli at UC Santa Barbara.}

  author = {Georgios Papaioannou and Evaggelia-Aggeliki Karabassi and Theoharis Theoharis},
  title = {Virtual Archaeologist: {Assembling} the Past},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {\&} Applications},
  volume = 21,
  number = 2,
  month = mar,
  year = 2001,
  pages = {53--59}
  title = {Elimination of Non-existence Regions of the Solution of Nonlinear Equations using Affine Arithmetic},
  author = {Tomoyuki Kikuchi and Masahide Kashiwagi},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of NOLTA'01 - 2001 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications},
  month = oct,
  year = 2001
  author = {Takatomi Miyata and Masahide Kashiwagi},
  title = {On Range Evaluation of Polynomials of Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of NOLTA'01 - 2001 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications},
  month = oct,
  year = 2001

   title = {On Division of the Affine Arithmetic},
   author = {Masahide Kashiwagi},
   booktitle = {Proc. NOLTA'99 - 1999 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications},
   month = nov,
   year = 1999

  author = {Adrian Bowyer and Ralph Martin and Huahao Shou and Irina Voiculescu},
  title = {Affine Intervals in a {CSG} Geometric Modeller},
  booktitle = {Proc. Uncertainty in Geometric Computations},
  publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  isbn = {0-7923-7309},
  paes = {1--14},
  month = jul,
  year = 2001

% LBP01
  author = {S. Lazebnik and Edmond Boyer and Jean Ponce},
  title = {On How to Compute Exact Visual Hulls of Object Bounded by Smooth Surfaces},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of CVPR'01 - IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  month = dec,
  year = 2001,
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
  url = {http://www.inrialpes.fr/movi/publi/Publications/2001/LBP01}

  author = {Ralph Martin and Huahao Shou and Irina Voiculescu and Guojin Wang},
  title = {A Comparison of {Bernstein} Hull and Affine Arithmetic Methods for Algebraic Curve Drawing},
  booktitle = {Proc. Uncertainty in Geometric Computations},
  publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  isbn = {0-7923-7309},
  paes = {143-154},
  month = jul,
  year = 2001

% === 2000 ===

  author = {Luiz C. G. Coelho and Luiz H. Figueiredo and Marcelo Gattass},
  title = {Intersection and Trimming of Parametric Meshes on Finite-Element Shells},
  journal = {International J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering},
  volume = {47},
  number = {4},
  pages = {777--800},
  year = 2000

  author = {A. J. G. Simpson and F. C. Reinach and P. Arruda and J. C. Setubal and J. Meidanis and others},
  title = {The Genome Sequence of the Plant Pathogen {Xylella} {fastidiosa}},
  journal = {Nature},
  volume = {406},
  pages = {151--157},
  year = 2000

  title = {A New Intersection Algorithm for Parametric Surfaces Based on Linear Interval Estimations},
  author = {Katja {B{\"u}hler} and Wilhelm Barth},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SCAN 2000 / Interval 2000 - 9th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics},
  year = 2000,
  pages = {--}

  author = {Dominique Michelucci},
  title = {Reliable Computations for Dynamic Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SCAN 2000 / Interval 2000 - 9th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics},
  year = 2000,
  pages = {--},

  author = {M. Kampel and R. Sablatnig},
  title = {Color Calibration for Pre-Classification of Pottery},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop 2000},
  year = 2000,
  pages = {185--189}

  author = {R. Sablatnig and M. Dangl and P. Stadler},
  title = {Adaptive Image Segmentation for Managing Inventories of Museums},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Joint Conf. on Information Sciences, Conf. on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing},
  year = 2000,
  pages = {342--345}

  author = {M. Kampel and R. Sablatnig},
  title = {Color Classification of Ceramics using Spectral Reflectance},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st Intl. Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing},
  year = 2000

  author = {Kenta Hori and Masakazu Imai and Tsukasa Ogasawara},
  title = {Hierarchical Description of a Contour for Reconstruction of Broken Earthenware},
  journal = {The Transactions of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-II},
  volume = {J83-D-II},
  number = 5,
  year = 2000,
  month = may, 
  pages = {1392--1394},
  note = {(in Japanese)}

  author = {Kenta Hori and Masakazu Imai and Tsukasa Ogasawara},
  title = {Data Model for Computer Reconstruction of Potsherds},
  journal = {Journal of Computer Archaeology},
  volume = 5,
  number = 2,
  pages = {1--10},
  year = 2000,
  month = mar,
  note = {(in Japanese)}

  author = {Toshiyuki Kurosaki},
  title = {Range Evaluation of the Polynomial using Interval Arithmetic},
  comments = {Bachelor's thesis},
  howpublished = {\url{http://www.kashi.info.waseda.ac.jp/Non-linear/thesis-e.html}},
  year = 2000

  author = {Tomoyuki Kikuchi},
  title = {Elimination of Non-existence Region of the Solution of Nonlinear Equations using Affine Arithmetic},
  comments = {Bachelor's thesis},
  howpublished = {\url{http://www.kashi.info.waseda.ac.jp/Non-linear/thesis-e.html}},
  year = 2000

  author = {Kouichi Shiota}, 
  title = {On the Rounding Error of the Affine Arithmetic},
  comments = {Bachelor's thesis},
  howpublished = {\url{http://www.kashi.info.waseda.ac.jp/Non-linear/thesis-e.html}},
  year = 2000

  author = {Shinya Miyajima}, 
  title = {On the Improvement of the Division of the Affine Arithmetic}, 
  comments = {Bachelor's thesis},
  howpublished = {\url{http://www.kashi.info.waseda.ac.jp/Non-linear/thesis-e.html}},
  year = 2000

  author = {N. Femia and G. Spagnuolo},
  title = {True Worst-Case Circuit Tolerance Analysis Using Genetic Algorithm and Affine Arithmetic - Part I},
  journal = {IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems},
  volume = {47},
  number = {9},
  month = sep,
  year = 2000,
  pages = {1285--1296}

  author = {Q. Zhang and R. R. Martin},
  title = {Polynomial Evaluation using Affine Arithmetic for Curve Drawing},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Eurographics UK 2000 Conference},
  month = {},
  year = 2000,
  pages = {49--56},
  isbn = {0-9521097-9-4}

  author = {Irina Voiculescu and Jakob Berchtold and Adrian Bowyer and Ralph R. Martin and Qijiang Zhang},
  title = {Interval and Affine Arithmetic for Surface Location of Power- and {Bernstein}-form Polynomials},
  booktitle = {Proc. Mathematics of Surfaces IX},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  isbn = {1-85233-358-8},
  pages = {410--423},
  month = sep,
  year = 2000
  author = {G. Pinto and P. de Rezende},
  title = {Additively Weighted {Voronoi} Diagram in the Oriented Projective Plane},
  booktitle = {Proc. 12th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry},
  year = 2000,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {www.cs.unb.ca/conf/cccg/eProceedings/18.ps.gz}

% === 1999 ===

  author = {Kenta Hori and Masakazu Imai and Tsukasa Ogasawara},
  title = {Joint Detection for Potsherds of Broken Earthenware},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision {\&} Pattern Recognition (CVPR'99)},
  volume = 2,
  month = jun,
  year = 1999,
  pages = {440--445},
  abstract = {
    In this paper, we propose a new strategy for detecting the joint
    among two potsherds. Joint detection problems were studied in jigsaw
    puzzle assembling. However, the shape assumptions of a piece used in
    the past researches cannot be applied to joint detection to
    reconstruct broken earthenware. To detect the joint, the most similar
    section among two contours must be detected by partial verification.
    In our strategy, each contour is segmented for partial verification
    without making any assumption about the shape of a potsherd, unlike
    previous jigsaw puzzle assembling methods.
    Our strategy consists of five processes: the contour segmentation
    process, the segment description process, the segment verification
    process, the candidate extraction process, and the candidate
    verification process. We also present experimental results of our
    strategy with two-dimensional images of potsherds.
    Keywords: Joint Detection, Partical Verification of Contours,
    Reconstruction of Broken Earthenware

  author = {Affonso de {Cusatis Junior}},
  title = {Tra{\c{c}}ado de Raios de Superf{\'\i}cies Impl{\'\i}citas com Aritm{\'e}tica Afim},
  school = {Departamento de Inform{\'a}tica, Pontif{\'\i}cia Universidade Cat{\'o}lica do Rio de Janeiro},
  note = {(in Portuguese)},
  month = apr,
  year = 1999

  author = {B. J{\"u}ttler},
  title = {Curvature Continuous {Pythagorean} Hodograph Spline Curves},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {37}
  author = {G{\"o}kt{\"u}rk {\"U}{\c{c}}oluk and I. Hakki Toroslu},
  title = {Automatic Reconstruction of Broken {3-D} Surface Objects},
  journal = {Computers {{\&}} Graphics},
  volume = 23,
  number = 4,
  year = 1999,
  month = aug,
  pages = {573--582}

  author = {Radim Hal{\'\i}{\v{r}}},
  title = {An Automatic Estimation of the Axis of Rotation of Fragments of Archaeological Pottery: {A} Multistep Model-Based Approach},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media (WSCG'99)},
  year = 1999,
  pages = {???--???}

  author = {R. Sablatnig and P. Kammerer and E. Zolda},
  title = {Analysis of Brush Strokes},
  booktitle = {Fakebusters - Scientific Detection of Fakery in Art},
  editor = {W. McCrone and R. J. Weiss},
  publisher = {Hansen, Stoughton (Mass.)},
  year = 1999,
  pages = {221--245}

  author = {M. Kampel and R. Sablatnig},
  title = {On 3d Modelling of Archaeological Sherds},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the of Intl. Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and Three Dimensional Imaging},
  year = 1999,
  pages = {95--98}

  author = {R. Sablatnig and C. Menard},
  title = {On Estimating the Position of Fragments on Rotational Symmetric Pottery},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling},
  year = 1999,
  pages = {455--462}

  author = {B. J{\"u}ttler and M. L. Sampoli},
  title = {{Hermite} Interpolation by Spline Surfaces with Rational Offsets},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {37--38}
  author = {R. Schickentanz},
  title = {Interpolation and Approximation using Surfaces with Rational Offsets},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {70--71}

  author = {Emmanuel J. Cand{\`e}s and David L. Donoho},
  title = {Curvelets},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {11--12}

  author = {Eng-Wee Chionh and Ming Zhang and Ronald Goldman},
  title = {Implicitization Matrices in the Style of Sylvester with the Order of Bezout},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {13--14}

  author = {H. Lopes and L. G. Nonato and S. Pesco and G. Tavares},
  title = {Dealing with Topogical Singularities on Volumetric Reconstruction},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {49--50}

  author = {M. Craizer and E. A. B. Silva and D. A. Fonini},
  title = {Sucessive Approximation Vector Quantization},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {16}

  author = {Mike Neamtu and Larry L. Schumaker},
  title = {Approximation Properties of Splines on Spherical Triangulations},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {59}

  author = {Helmut Pottmann},
  title = {Geometry of Sculptured Surface Machining},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {63--64}

  author = {Andrzej {\L}ukaszewski},
  title = {Offsets of Rational Surfaces and Ray Tracing},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the 4th International AFA Conference on Curves and Surfaces},
  address = {Saint-Malo, France},
  year = 1999,
  month = jun,
  pages = {50--51}

% This entry replaces lev-99-urbis-www
  author = {Marc Levoy},
  title = {Scanning the Fragments of the {Forma} {Urbis} {Romae}},
  year = 1999,
  howpublished = {WWW document available at 
  month = may

  author = {Alfonso Morales Cleveland},
  title = {Palenque Project Report - 1999 Season},
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//www.mesoweb.com/}}, file {\url{palenque/dig/report/report_99_04.html}}},
  year = 1999
  author = {Paulo C. P. Carvalho and Luiz H. Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho},
  title = {M{\'e}todos de Otimiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o em Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica},
  series = {22nd Col{\'o}quio Brasileiro de Matem{\'a}tica},
  publisher = {IMPA},
  address = {Rio de Janeiro},
  year = 1999,
  month = jul

  author = {Luiz H. Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho},
  title = {A Unified Approach for Hierarchical Adaptive Tesselation of Surfaces},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = {18},
  number = {4},
  pages = {329--s360},
  year = 1999

  author = {Luiz H. Figueiredo and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes},
  title = {Hierarchical Generalized Triangle Strips},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  volume = {15},
  number = {1},
  pages = {21--35},
  year = 1999

  author = {Affonso de {Cusatis Jr.} and Luiz H. Figueiredo and Marcelo Gattass},
  title = {Interval Methods for Ray Casting Surfaces with Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Poceedings of SIBGRAPI'99 - the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing},
  pages = {65--71},
  year = 1999 

  author = {Theban Mapping Project},
  title = {Theban Mapping Project - Tomb KV5},
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//www.kv5.com/}}, file {\url{intro.html}}},
  year = 1999

  author = {Osamu Kawakami},
  title = {On All Solution Algorithms using Affine Arithmetic},
  comments = {Bachelor's thesis},
  howpublished = {\url{http://www.kashi.info.waseda.ac.jp/Non-linear/thesis-e.html}},
  year = 1999

  author = {D. M. Mount and F. T. Pu},
  title = {Binary Space Parititions in Pluecker Space},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation, (ALENEX'99)},
  incollection = {Springer Lecture Notes LNCS},
  number = {1619},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = 1999,
  pages = {94--113},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry (but does not cite Stolfi)}

  title = {Sketching with Projective 2D Strokes},
  author = {Osama Tolba and Julie Dorsey and Leonard McMillan},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology},
  year = 1999,
  pages = {149--157},
  isbn = {1-58113-075-9},
  url = {graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~tolba/sketch/paper/paper.html},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry}

% Citeseer: walker99practical
  author = {Robert J. Walker and Jack Snoeyink},
  title = {Practical Point-in-Polygon Tests Using {CSG} Representations of Polygons},
  number = {TR-99-12},
  month = dec,
  year = 1999,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/walker99practical.html}
  author = {H. Muller and A. Hinkenjann},
  title = {Linear Line-Space Meshing for Light Fields},
  number = {716},
  institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universitat Dortmund},
  year = 1999,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  ulr = {http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/muller99linear.html}

% === 1998 ===

  author = {A. X. Falc{\~a}o and J. K. Udupa and S. Samarasekera and S. Sharma and B. E. Hirsch and R. A. Lotufo},
  title = {User-Steered Image Segmentation Paradigms: {Live}-Wire and Live-Lane}, 
  journal = {Graphical Models and Image Processing}, 
  volume = {60},
  number = 4,
  month = jul,
  year = 1998,
  pages = {233--260}

  author = {J. L. S. Peixoto},
  title = {Popula{\c{c}}{\~o}es Ind{\'\i}genas de Tradi{\c{c}}{\~a}o {Tupiguarani} no {Pantanal} {Sul}-{Mato}-{Grossense}},
  journal = {Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de S{\~a}o Paulo},
  volume = {8},
  year = 1998,
  pages = {71--86}

  author = {M. Kashiwagi},
  title = {An All Solution Algorithm using Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {NOLTA'98 - 1998 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications},
  year = 1998,
  address = {Crans-Montana, Switzerland},
  note = {(withdrawn?)},
  month = sep,
  pages = {14--17}

  author = {L. Egiziano and N. Femia and G.  Spagnuolo},
  title = {New Approaches to the True Worst-Case Evaluation in Circuit Tolerance and Sensitivity Analysis -- {Part} {II}: {Calculation} of the Outer Solution Using Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of COMPEL'98 - 6th Workshop on Computer in Power Electronics},
  year = 1998,
  address = {Villa Erba, Italy},
  month = jul,
  pages = {19--22}

  author = {F. Messine and A. Mahfoudi},
  title = {Use of Affine Arithmetic in Interval Optimization Algorithms to Solve Multidimensional Scaling Problems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SCAN'98 - IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics},
  year = 1998,
  address = {Budapest, Hungary},
  month = sep,
  note = {To appear in {\em Reliable Computing}.},
  pages = {22--25}

% IMMD:5:1997
  author = {W. Heidrich},
  title = {A Compilation of Affine Arithmetic Versions of Common Math Library Functions},
  year = {1997},
  number = {3},
  institution = {Universit{\"a}t Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg}

  author = {W. Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel},
  title = {Ray-Tracing Procedural Displacement Shaders},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface'98},
  year = 1998,
  pages = {8--16}

  author = {W. Heidrich and Ph. Slusallek and Hans-Peter Seidel},
  title = {Sampling Procedural Shaders Using Affine Arithmetic},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
  volume = {17},
  number = {3},
  year = 1998,
  month = jul,
  pages = {158--176},
 issn = {0730-0301}

  author = {G. E. Fausshauer and L. L. Schumaker},
  title = {Scattered Data Fitting on the Sphere},
  booktitle = {Mathematical Methods for Curves and Sufaces},
  publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN},
  year = 1998,
  pages = {117--166}

  author = {R. Sablatnig and C. Menard},
  title = {Classification and {3d}-Reconstruction of Rotational Symmetric Pottery},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - Proceedings of the ??th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW'98)},
  year = 1998,
  pages = {186--194}

  author = {R. Sablatnig and C. Menard and W. Kropatsch},
  title = {Classification of Archaeological Fragments using a Description Language},
  booktitle = {Signal Processing IX, Theories and Applications},
  publisher = {EURASIP},
  year = 1998,
  volume = {II},
  pages = {1097--1100}

  author = {Paulo Fernando S. C. {Ramos Jr.}},
  title = {Um Modelo de Deforma{\c{c}{\~o}es para Superf{\'\i}cies: {An{\'a}lise} e Simula{\c[c}}{\~o}es},
  school = {Electric and Computer Engineering School, University of Campinas},
  year = 1998,
  pages = 68

  title = {Modelagem Geom{\'e}trica de 3-Complexos Celulares},
  author = {L. A. P. Lozada and C. F. X. de Mendon{\c{c}}a},
  institution = {Institute of Computing, University of Campinas},
  number = {IC-98-21},
  month = may,
  year = 1998

  title = {{Voynich} {Manuscript} Bibliography},
  year = 1998,
  month = nov,
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//www.research.att.com/~reeds/}}, file {\url{voynich/bib.html}}},

  author = {H. B. Nicholas Jr. and D. W. Deerfield II  and A. J. Ropelewski},
  title = {A Tutorial on Searching Sequence Databases and Sequence Scoring Methods},
  institution = {Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, National Institutes of Health},
  year = 1998

  author = {Michael McCool},
  title = {Course Schedule for {S 788 F} - Topics in Computer Graphics - Spring 1999},
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~mmccool/}}, file {\url{cs788/lectures.html}}},
  institution = {Computer Science Dept, University of Waterloo},
  year = 1998

  author = {D. M. C. Gomes e G. B. Braga},
  title = {A Curadoria da Cole{\c{c}}{\~a}o Tapaj{\^o}nica do {MAE}-{USP}},
  journal = {Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de S{\~a}o Paulo},
  vol = {8},
  pages = {325--328},
  year = 1998

  author = {Yuuichirou Nagashima}, 
  title = {An Effective Method of Division of Affine Arithmetic},
  comments = {Bachelor's thesis},
  howpublished = {\url{http://www.kashi.info.waseda.ac.jp/Non-linear/thesis-e.html}},
  year = 1998

  title = {Decision of Segments Intersection under Input Data Expressed in Affine Arithmetic},
  author = {H. Okuda and S. Yasutome and N. Tokura},
  comments = {Faculty of Eng. Science, Osaka Univ., Osaka 560-8531; tokura@ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp},
  booktitle = {Proc. of TGCOMP Meeting - Technical Group on foundation of COMPuting, IEICE, Institute for Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan},
  year = 1998,
  month = {}

% Citeseer: pinto98additively
  author = {G. Pinto and P. de Rezende},
  title = {Additively Weighted {Voronoi} Diagram in the Oriented Projective Plane},
  year = 1998,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/pinto98additively.html}

% === 1997 ===

  author = {Dominique Michelucci and Jean-Michel Moreau},
  title = {Lazy Arithmetic},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  volume = 46,
  number = 9,
  month = sep,
  year = 1997,
  pages = {961--975}

  author = {P. Alfeld and L. L. Schumaker},
  title = {Non-Existence of Star-Supported Spline Bases},
  howpublished = {WWW manuscript},
  institution = {University of Tennessee},
  year = 1997

  author = {Raymond Legault and Ching Y. Suen},
  title = {Optimal Local Weighted Averaging Methods in Contour Smoothing},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 19,
  number = 8,
  year = 1997,
  pages = {801--817}

  author = {S. Schirra},
  title = {Precision and Robustness in Geometric Computations},
  booktitle = {Algorithmic Foundations of Geographic Information Systems},
  incollection = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {1340},
  publisher = {Springer},
  note = {(to be incorporated into the Handbook on Computational Geometry)},
  year = 1997,
  pages = {255--287}

  author = {C. Menard and R. Sablatnig},
  title = {On Finding Archaeological Fragment Assemblies Using a Bottom-Up Design},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition},
  year = 1997,
  pages = {203--207}

  author = {R. Sablatnig and C. Menard},
  title = {3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery Using Profile Primitives},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and Three-Dimensional Imaging},
  comments = {available at \url{http://www.prip.tuwien.ac.at/~sab/papers/iws3di97.pdf}},
  year = 1997,
  pages = {93--96}

  author = {Jean-Pierre Braquelaire and Anne Vialard},
  title = {A New Antialiasing Approach for Image Compositing},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  volume = {??},
  number = 13,
  year = 1997,
  pages = {218--227}

  author = {Douglas R. Heisterkamp and Prabir Bhattacharya},
  title = {Matching of {3D} Polygonal Arcs},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 19,
  number = 1,
  year = 1997,
  pages = {68--73}

  author = {Anne Vialard},
  title = {Geometrical Parameters Extration from Discrete Paths},
  incollection = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  volume = 1176,
  year = 1997,
  pages = {24--35}

  title = {Estimation of the Axis of Rotation of Fragments of Archaeological Pottery},
  author = {Radim Hal{\'\i}{\v{r}}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Workshop of the Austrian Asoociation for Pattern Recognition (OEAGM'97)},
  year = 1997,
  pages = {175--184}

  author = {Gabriel Landini},
  title = {{Zipf}'s Laws in the {Voynich} {Manuscript}},
  year = 1997,
  month = nov,
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//web.bham.ac.uk/G.Landini/}}, file {\url{evmt/zipf.htm}}},

% ber-sha-97-match = wrong tag for bar-sha-97-match
  author = {Gill Barequet and Micha Sharir},
  title = {Partial Surface and Volume Matching in Three Dimensions},
  journal = {IEEE Trans.~on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = {PAMI-19},
  number = {9},
  pages = {929--948},
  month = sep,
  year = 1997,
  note = {Available also at {\url{//www.cs.jhu.edu/~barequet/papers.html}}}

  author = {Jacques B. M. Guy},
  title = {The Distribution of Letters $\langle c\rangle$ and $\langle o\rangle$ in the {Voynich} {Manuscript}: {Evidence} for a Real Language?},
  journal = {Cryptologia},
  year = 1997,
  month = jan,
  volume = {XXI},
  number = 1,
  pages = {51--54}

  author = {G{\"o}kt{\"u}rk {\"U}{\c{c}}oluk and I. Hakki Toroslu},
  title = {Reconstruction of {3-D} Surface Object from its Pieces},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry},
  address = {Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada},
  month = aug,
  year = 1997

  title = {Estimation of Profiles of Sherds of Archaeological Pottery},
  author = {R. Hal{\'\i}{\v{r}} and J. Flusser},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1997 Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop (CPRW'97)},
  year = 1997,
  month = feb,
  pages = {126--130}

  author = {Jo{\~a}o Setubal and Jo{\~a}o Meidanis},
  title = {Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology},
  publisher = {PWS Publishing},
  year = 1997,
  pages = 296,
  isbn = {0-534-95262-3}

  title = {Snap Rounding Line Segments Efficiently in Two and Three Dimensions},
  author = {M. T. Goodrich and L. J. Guibas and J Hershberger and P. J. Tannenbaum},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM Symp.~on Computational Geometry},
  year = 1997,
  pages = {284-293}

% Citeseer: agarwal97geometric
  author = {Pankaj K. Agarwal},
  title = {Geometric Range searching},
  booktitle = {{CRC} Handbook of Computational Geometry},
  publisher = {CRC},
  year = 1997,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/agarwal97geometric.html}

  author = {Fr{\'e}do Durand, George Drettakis and Claude Puech},
  title = {The 3-D Visibility Complex: A Unified Data Structure for Global Visibility of Scenes of Polygons and Smooth Objects},
  year = 1997,
  booktitle = {Proc. CCCG'97 - 9th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry},
  pages = {???--???},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {w3imagis.imag.fr/Publications/1997/DDP97/cccg97.ps.gz}

% === 1996 ===

  author = {Alan D. Kalvin and others},
  title = {Using Visualization in the Archaeological Excavations of a Pre-{Inca} Temple in {Peru}.},
  type = {Research Report},
  number = {RC 20518},
  institution = {IBM T.~J.~Watson Research Center},
  year = 1996

  author = {R. Sablatnig and C. Menard},
  title = {Computer based Acquisition of Archaeological Finds: {The} First Step towards Automatic Classification},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Computing and Archaeology},
  year = 1996,
  volume = {1},
  pages = {429--446}

  author = {C. Menard and R. Sablatnig},
  title = {Pictorial and 3d Data Acquisition of Archaeological Finds: {The} Basis for Automatic Classification},
  booktitle = {Interfacing the Past - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology - CAA95},
  series = {Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia},
  year = 1996,
  number = {28},
  pages = {413--424}

  author = {M. Mirmehdi and P. L. Palmer and J. Kittler and H. Dabis},
  title = {Multi-Pass Feedback Control for Object Recognition},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ??th Vision Interface Conference},
  month = jun,
  year = 1996,
  pages = {1--8}

  author = {Irene Rothe and Hebert Susse and Klaus Voss},
  title = {The Method of Normalization to Determine Invariants},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 18,
  number = 4,
  year = 1996,
  pages = {366--375}

  author = {W. Heidrich and Ph. Slusallek and Hans-Peter Seidel},
  title = {Sampling Procedural Shaders Using Affine Arithmetic},
  number = {11/1996},
  institution = {Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r Informatik IX, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit{\"a}t, Erlangen-N{\"u}rnberg},
  year = 1996,
  month = dec

  author = {Gill Barequet and Micha Sharir},
  title = {Partial Surface Matching by Using Directed Footprints},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symp.~on Computational Geometry},
  year = 1996,
  pages = {409--},
  note = {Available also at {\url{//www.cs.jhu.edu/~barequet/papers.html}}}

  author = {Peter Alfeld and Marian Neamtu and Larry L. Schumaker}, 
  title = {Bernstein-{B{\'e}zier} Polynomials on Circle, Spheres, and Sphere-Like Surfaces},
  journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
  volume = 13,
  pages = {333--349},
  year = 1996

  author = {Peter Alfeld and Marian Neamtu and Larry L. Schumaker}, 
  title = {Fitting Scattered Data On Sphere-Like Surfaces using Spherical Splines},
  journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  volume = 73,
  pages = {5--43},
  year = 1996

  author = {Jeffrey Allen Tupper},
  title = {Graphing Equations with Generalized Interval Arithmetic},
  school = {Graduate Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto},
  year = 1996,
  note = {Also available at {\url{//www.dgp.utoronto.ca}}, file

  author = {R. {Baker Kearfott}},
  title = {Rigorous Global Search: {Continuous} Problems},
  publisher = {Kluwer},
  year = 1996,
  month = oct,
  isbn = {0-7923-4238-0},
  pages = 280

  author = {R. {Baker Kearfott} and Vladik Kreinovich},
  title = {Applications of Interval Computations},
  volume = {3},
  series = {Applied Optimization},
  publisher = {Kluwer},
  year = 1996,
  isbn = {0-7923-3847-2}

  author = {R. {Baker Kearfott}},
  title = {Algorithm 763: {INTERVAL\_ARITHMETIC} --- A {Fortran} 90 Module for an Interval Data Type},
  journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software},
  number = 4,
  volume = 22,
  pages = {385--392},
  month = dec,
  year = 1996

  title = {Style and Grammar Checkers for {Brazilian} {Portuguese}},
  author = {M. G. V. Nunes and R. Hasegawa and S. Kawamoto and M. C. F. de Oliveira and M. A. S. Turine and C. M. Ghiraldelo and O. N. Oliveira Jr. and C. R. Riolfi and N. S. Sikanski and T. B. Martins},
  series = {Notas to ICMSC -- S{\'e}rie Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o},
  number = {25},
  institution = {Institute of Mathematical Sciences of S{\~a}o Carlos (ICMSC), University of S{\~a}o Paulo},
  year = 1996,
  month = may

  author = {L. H. {de Figueiredo}},
  title = {Surface Intersection using Affine Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface '96},
  month = may,
  year = 1996,

  author = {G{\"o}tz Alefeld and Andreas Frommer and Bruno Lang (eds.)},
  title = {Scientific Computing and Validated Numerics},
  note = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics (SCAN-95), Wuppertal, DE},
  year = 1996,
  pages = 340,
  isbn = {3-05-501737-4},
  publisher = {Akademie-Verlag},
  series = {Mathematical Research},
  volume = 90

  author = {Peter Alfeld and Marian Neamtu and Larry L. Schumaker}, 
  title = {Dimension and Local Bases of Homogeneous Spline Spaces},
  journal = {SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis},
  volume = 27, 
  number = 5,
  pages = {1482--1501},
  month = sep,
  year = 1996

  author = {David M. Mount and Fan-Tao Pu},
  title = {Stabbing Orthogonal Objects in 3-Space},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First CGC Workshop on Computational Geometry},
  publisher = {Center for Geometric Computing, Johns Hopkins University},
  year = 1996,
  pages = {--},
  howpublished = {\url{www.cs.jhu.edu/labs/cgc/workshop/S1120.ps}},
  comments = {Uses oriented projective geometry}

  author = {Peter Alfeld and Marian Neamtu and Larry L. Schumaker}, 
  title = {Circular Bernstein-{B{\'e}zier} Polynomials},
  booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in CAGD},
  editor = {M. Daehlen and T. Lyche and L. L. Schumaker},
  publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
  pages = {1--10},
  year = 1995

% Citeseer: erickson96new
  author = {Jeff Erickson},
  title = {New Lower Bounds for Convex Hull Problems in Odd Dimensions},
  booktitle = {Symposium on Computational Geometry},
  pages = {1--9},
  year = 1996,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/erickson96new.html}

% Citeseer laveau96oriented
  author = {Stephane Laveau and Olivier D. Faugeras},
  title = {Oriented Projective Geometry for Computer Vision},
  booktitle = {{ECCV} (1)},
  pages = {147--156},
  year = 1996,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/laveau96oriented.html}

% Citeseer: erickson-new
  author = {Jeff Erickson},
  title = {New Lower Bounds for Hopcroft's Problem (Extended Abstract)},
  journal = {Discrete {\&} Computational Geometry},
  volume = 16,
  number = 4,
  pages = {389--418},
  year = 1996,
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry}

% === 1995 ===

  author = {L. Guibas and D. Marimont},
  title = {Rounding Arrangements Dynamically},
  booktitle = {Proc. 11th Ann. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom.},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {190--199}

  author = {Bodo Pareigis},
  title = {Besprechung des Buches ``Oriented projective geometry'' von J. Stolfi},
  journal = {Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematikervereinigung},
  volume = {97},
  pages = {34-36},
  year = 1995

  author = {Davi Geiger and  Alok Gupta, Luiz A. Costa and John Vlontzos},
  title = {Dynamic Programming for Detecting Tracking and Matching Deformable Contours},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 3,
  month = mar,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {294--302}

  title = {Overlaying Simply Connected Planar Subdivisions in Linear Time},
  author = {Ulrich Finke and Klaus Hinrichs},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM Symp.~on Computational Geometry},
  year = 1995,
  pages = {119--126}

  author = {Regina C. Coelho and Luciano F. Costa},
  title = {The Box-Counting Fractal Dimension: {Does} it Provide an Accurate Subsidy for Experimental Shape},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of VIII SIBGRAPI - Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica e Processamento de Imagens},
  year = 1995,
  pages = {183--191}

  author = {B. Sandak and R. Nussinov and Haim J. Wolfson},
  title = {An Automated Computer Vision and Robotics Based Technique for {3-D} Flexible Biomolecular Docking and Matching},
  journal = {Computer Applications in the Biosciences},
  volume = 11,
  number = 1,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {87--??}

  author = {M. F. Sagot,  A. Viari, J. Pothier and H. Soldano},
  title = {Finding Flexible Patterns in a Text: {An} Application to Three-Dimensional Molecular Matching},
  journal = {Computer Applications in the Biosciences},
  volume = 11,
  number = 1,
  month = feb,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {56-??}

  author = {Joan Keller},
  title = {The Glass From {Sepphoris}: {A} Preliminary Report},
  institution = {Colby College},
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//www.colby.edu/}}, file {\url{rel/Glass.html}}},
  year = 1995

  author = {W. J. Christmas},
  title = {Structural Matching in Computer Vision Using Probabilistic Reasoning},
  school = {Dept.~of Eletronic and Eletrical Engineering - University of Surrey},
  month = sep,
  year = 1995

  author = {Axel Pinz and Manfred Prantl and Harald Ganster},
  title = {Affine Matching of Intermediate Symbolic Representation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of CAIP'95 - ??},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = 870,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {359--367}

  author = {Hannu Kauppinen and  Tapio Seppanen and Matti Pietikainen},
  title = {An Experimental Comparison of Autoregressive and {Fourier}-Based Descriptors in {2D} Shape Classification},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 2,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {201--207}

  author = {Stan Sclaroff and Alex P. Pentland},
  title = {Modal Matching for Correspondence and Recognition},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 6,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {545--561}

  author = {Eun Joo Rhee and Tae Kyun Kim and Masayuki Nakajima},
  title = {On-Line Recognition of Cursive {Hangul} by {DP} Matching with Strutural Information},
  journal = {IEICE - Transactions on Information and Systems},
  volume = {E-78-D},
  number = 8,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {1065--1072}

  author = {Guillermo Sapiro and Allen Tannenbaum},
  title = {Area and Length Preserving Geometric Invariant Scale-Spaces},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 1,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {67--72}

  author = {Farzin Mokhtarian},
  title = {Silhouette-Based Isolated Object Recognition through Curvature Scale Space},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 5,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {539--544}
  author = {{Jos{\'e}} Manuel I. Quereda and Mateo {Buend{\'i}a} {G{\'o}mez}},
  title = {A Simple Algorithm to Evaluate the Local Symmetry at Each Point of Closed Contour},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of CAIP'95 - ??},
  volume = 870,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {480--487}
  author = {Pengfei Zhu and Paul M. Chirlian},
  title = {On Critical Point Detection of Digital Shapes},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 8,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {737--748}

  author = {J. Hass and M. Hutchings and R. Schlafly},
  title = {The Double Bubble Conjecture},
  journal = {Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {98--102},
  year = 1995

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Gems, Computers and Attractors for 3-Manifolds},
  publisher = {World Scientific},
  year = 1995

  author = {Said Sidki and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {The Fundamental Groups of Orientable 3-Manifolds Admitting Colored Triangulations with Less Than 30 Tetrahedra},
  journal = {International Journal of Algebra and Computations},
  note = {To appear.},
  year = {1995?}

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {A String Theory for 3-Manifolds with a {Kleinian} Action},
  journal = {Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications},
  note = {To appear.},
  year = {1995?}

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {An Effective Algorithm to Get Linking Numbers of 3-Manifolds},
  journal = {Aequationes Mathematicae},
  year = 1995

  author = {Vinicius Silva and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {From 3-Gems to Linking Numbers of 3-Manifolds},
  journal = {Annali dell'Universit{\`a} di Ferrara},
  note = {To appear.},
  year = {1995?}

  author = {Madhav K. Ponamgi and Dinesh Manocha and Ming C. Lin},
  title = {Incremental Algorithms for Collision Detection Between Solid Models},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Solid Modeling},
  year = 1995,
  pages = {293--304}

  author = {Emanuele Trucco and Robert B. Fisher},
  title = {Experiments in  Curvature-Based Segmentation of Range Data},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 17,
  number = 2,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {177--182}

  author = {Jun Shen and Wei Shen},
  title = {Image Smoothing and Edge Detection by {Hermite} Integration},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  volume = 28,
  number = 8,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {1159--1166}

  author = {Kai Xin and Kah Bin Lim and Geok Soon Hong},
  title = {A Scale-Space Filtering Approach For Visual Feature Extraction},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  volume = 28,
  number = 8,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {1145--1158}

  author = {Jay G. Wilpon and Lawrence R. Rabiner and Chin-Hui Lee and E. R. Goldman},
  title = {Automatic Recognition of Keywords in Unconstrained Speech Using Hidden Markov Models},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  volume = 38,
  number = 11,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {1870--1878}

% Citeseer:kirkpatrick95computing
  author = {David G. Kirkpatrick and Jack Snoeyink},
  title = {Computing Common Tangents Without a Separating Line},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures},
  pages = {183--193},
  year = 1995,
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/526372.html}
% CiteSeer: zisserman95object
  author = {Andrew Zisserman and David A. Forsyth and Joseph L. Mundy and Charlie Rothwell and Jane Liu and Nic Pillow},
  title = {3D Object Recognition Using Invariance},
  journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
  volume = 78,
  number = {1--2},
  pages = {239--288},
  year = 1995,
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/zisserman94object.html}

  author = {Thomas A. Holland},
  title = {The Tell Es-Sweyhat Expedition - 1993--94 Annual Report},
  institution = {Oriental Institute, University of Chicago},
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//www-oi.uchicago.edu/}}, file {\url{OI/AR/93-94/93-94_Sweyhat.html}}},
  year = 1995

% Citeseer: ramshaw-from
  author = {Lyle Ramshaw and James B. Saxe},
  title = {From Quadrangular Sets to the Budget Matroids},
  comment = {Uses oriented projective geometry},
  year = 1995,
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/ramshaw95from.html}

  author = {Robert R. Lewis},
  title = {{VideHoc}: {A} Visualizer for Homogeneous Coordinates},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
  year = 1995,
  pages = {414--415},
  publisher = {ACM Press},
  isbm = {0-89791-724-3},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/220279.220328}

  author = {Michael Goldwasser},
  title = {An Implementation for Maintaining an Arrangement of Polygons},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry},
  year = 1995,
  pages = {432--433},
  isbn = {0-89791-724-3},
  url = {www.geom.umn.edu/software/cglist/cglib/arrange.2-page.ps}

% === 1994 ===

% Stewart-ijcga94
  author = {A. James Stewart},
  title = {Local Robustness and its Application to Polyhedral Intersection},
  journal = {International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications},
  year = 1994,
  volume = {4},
  number = {1},
  pages = {87--118},

  author = {Greg Turk and Marc Levoy},
  title = {Zippered Polygon Meshes from Range Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94},
  year = 1994,
  month = jul,
  pages = {311--318}

  author = {I. S. Gradshtein and I. M. Ryzhik},
  title = {Table of Integrals, Series, and Products},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  edition = {fifth},
  year = 1994

  author = {Roger Bagnall},
  title = {Advanced Papyrological Information System},
  institution = {Duke University},
  howpublished = {WWW document at {\url{//scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/}}, file {\url{papyrus/texts/APISgrant.html}}},
  year = 1994

  author = {Arthur R. Pope},
  title = {Model Based Object Recognition: {A} Survey of Recent Research.},
  type = {Technical Report},
  number = {TR-94-04},
  institution = {Berkeley University},
  year = 1994

  author = {X. Zhu and B. Cheng and A. M. Titterington},
  title = {Fractal Model of a One-Dimensional Discrete Signal and Its Implementation},
  journal = {IEE - Proceedings on Visual Image Signal Processing},
  volume = 141,
  number = 5,
  month = oct,
  year = 1994,
  pages = {318--324}

  author = {B. Farhang-Boroujeny},
  title = {Variable-Step-Size {LMS} Algorithm: {New} Developments and Experiments},
  journal = {IEE - Proceedings on Visual Image Signal Processing},
  volume = 141,
  number = 5,
  month = oct,
  year = 1994,
  pages = {311--317}

  author = {{Jo{\~a}o} Meidanis and {Jo{\~a}o} Carlos Setubal},
  title = {Uma Introdu{\c{c}}{\~a}o  {\`a} Biologia Computacional},
  publisher = {IX Escola de Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o - Recife, PE, Brazil},
  year = 1994

  author = {B. Mirtich and J. Canny},
  title = {Impulse-Based Dynamic Simulation},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley},
  year = 1994

  author = {David Baraff},
  title = {Fast Contact Force Computation for Non-Penetrating Rigid Bodies},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'94},
  year = 1994,
  month = jul,
  pages = {23--34}

  author = {Vladimir I. Shelekhov and Sergey V. Kuksenko},
  title = {Object Analysis of Program},
  journal = {SIGPLAN News},
  year = 1994,
  volume = 29,
  number = 9,
  pages = {125--134},
  month = sep

  author = {D. Lischinski},
  title = {Incremental {Delaunay} Triangulation},
  booktitle = {Graphics Gems IV},
  editor = {P. S. Heckbert},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  year = 1994,
  pages = {47--59}

  author = {Jean-Dominique Gascuel and Marie-Paule Gascuel},
  title = {Displacement Constraints for Interactive Modeling and Animation of Articulated Structures},
  journal = {The Visual Computer},
  year = 1994,
  volume = 10,
  pages = {191--204}

  author = {Louis H. Kauffman and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {{Temperley}-{Lieb} Recoupling Theory and Invariants of 3-Manifolds},
  publisher = {Princeton University},
  year = 1994,
  number = 134,
  series = {Annals of Mathematical Studies},
  month = {sep}

  author = {Robert A. McLaughlin and Michael D. Alder},
  title = {Recognising Cubes in Images},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition in Practice IV},
  editor = {Vlieland},
  year = 1994

  author = {F. Benhamou and W. J. Older and A. Vellino},
  title = {Constraint Logic Programming on Boolean, Integer, and Real Intervals},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the International Conference on Interval and Computer-Algebraic Methods in Science and Engineering (INTERVAL/94)},
  address = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
  pages = {48--50},
  year = 1994,
  month = apr

  author = {F. L. Chernousko and A. I. Ovseevich},
  title = {Method of Ellipsoids: {Guaranteed} Estimation in Dynamical Systems Under Uncertainties and Control},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the International Conference on Interval and Computer-Algebraic Methods in Science and Engineering (INTERVAL/94)},
  address = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
  pages = {66},
  year = 1994,
  month = apr

  author = {A. B. Kurzhanski},
  title = {Ellipsoidal Calculus for Uncertain Dynamics},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the International Conference on Interval and Computer-Algebraic Methods in Science and Engineering (INTERVAL/94)},
  address = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
  pages = {162},
  year = 1994,
  month = apr

  author = {Alan Colmerauer},
  title = {A Legal Framework for Discussing Approximate Solving of Constraints},
  booktitle = {Abstracts of the International Conference on Interval and Computer-Algebraic Methods in Science and Engineering (INTERVAL/94)},
  address = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
  pages = {68--70},
  year = 1994,
  month = apr

  author = {C. Jansson and O. Kn{\"a}ppel},
  title = {Numerical results for a Self-Validating Global Optimization Method},
  number = {FIK 94.1},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science III, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg},
  year = 1994

  author = {R. I. Taylor and P. H. Lewis},
  title = {{2D} Shape Signature Based on Fractal Measurements},
  journal = {IEE - Proceedings on Visual Image Signal Processing},
  volume = 141,
  number = 6,
  month = dec, 
  year = 1994,
  pages = {422--430}

  author = {M. C. Lin and D. Manocha},
  title = {Efficient Contact Determination Between Geometric Models},
  institution = {University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill},
  year = 1994

% Vision-Notes: bb21020 
  author = {D. A. Kosiba and P. M. Devaux and S. Balasubramanian and T. L. Gandhi and R. Kasturi},
  title = {An Automatic Jigsaw Puzzle Solver},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'94)},
  year = 1994,
  volume = {A},
  pages = {616--618}
  author = {Y. V. Venkatesh and K. Ramani and R. Nandini},
  title = {{Hermite} Sieve as a Wavelet-Like Array for {1D} and {2D} Signal Decomposition},
  journal = {IEE - Proceedings on Vision and Image Signal Processing},
  volume = 141,
  number = 5,
  month = oct, 
  year = 1994,
  pages = {348--356}

% === 1994 ===

  author = {Joseph O'Rourke},
  title = {Computational Geometry in {C}},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = 1994,
  annote = {Textbook}

  author = {Ketan Mulmuley},
  title = {Computational Geometry: {An} Introduction through Randomized Algorithms},
  publisher = {Prentice Hall},
  year = 1994

% Vasilonikolidakis:1991:ILD,
% vas-00-lagr
  author = {N. Vasilonikolidakis and G. J. Clapworthy},
  title = {Inverse {Lagrangian} dynamics for animating articulated models},
  journal = {Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation},
  volume = {2},
  number = {3},
  pages = {106--113},
  month = sep,
  year = {1991},
  ISSN = {1049-8907}

% ver-91-fac
  author = {R. Vergnieux},
  title = {Le Fac-Simil{\'e} {\`E}lectronique ou {Les} Restitutions Virtuelles},
  booktitle = {$X^{e}$ CNRS Table Ronde de Informatique et {\'E}gyptologie},
  note = {WWW document at {\url{//silicon.Montaigne.u-bordeaux.fr/}}, file {\url{8001/HTML/ONLINE/IE10/Robert.html}}},
  address = {Bordeaux},
  year = 1994,
  pages = {--}

% Vision-Notes: bb21304
  author = {G. Cortelazzo and G. A. Mian and G. Vezzi and P. Zamperoni},
  title = {Trademark Shapes Description By String-Matching Techniques},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  volume = 27,
  year = 1994,
  number = 8,
  month = aug,
  pages = {1005--1018}

% === 1993 ===

  author = {Horst Bunke and U. Buehler},
  title = {Applications of Approximate String Matching to {2-D} Shape Recognition},
  journal = {Pattern Recogniton},
  volume = 26,
  number = 12,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {1797--1824}

  author = {E. Kunz},
  title = {Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry},
  publisher = {Birkhauser},
  year = 1993

  author = {G. Sapiro and R. Kimmel and D. Shaked and B. B. Kimia and A. M. Bruckstein},
  title = {Implementing Continuous-Scale Morphology via Curve Evolution},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  volume = 26,
  number = 9,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {1363--1372}

  author = {S. Bercu and B. Delyon},
  title = {Segmentation et Reconnaissance En-Ligne de Mots Manuscrits},
  type = {Report},
  number = {1858},
  institution = {Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique ({INRIA}) - Unit{\'e} de Recherche de Rennes},
  year = 1993

  author = {Marcel Worring and Arnold W. M. Smeulders},
  title = {Digital Curvature Estimation},
  journal = {CVGIP - Graphical Models and Image Processing: Image Understanding},
  volume = 58,
  number = 3,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {266--382}

  author = {Paul L. Rosin},
  title = {Multiscale Representation and Matching of Curves using Codons},
  journal = {CVGIP - Graphical Models and Image Processing},
  volume = 55,
  number = 4,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {286--310}

  author = {Hirobumi Nishida},
  title = {Curve Description Based On Directional Features and Quasi-Convexity/Concavity},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  volume = 26,
  number = 9,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {1383--1393}

  author = {Paul Rosin and Svetha Venkatesh},
  title = {Extracting Natural Scales Using The {Fourier} Description},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  volume = 26,
  number = 9,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {1383--1393}

  author = {Robert A. McLaughlin and Michael D. Alder},
  title = {Syntactic Pattern Recognition of Simple Shapes} ,
  booktitle = {{ANZIIS-93} Conference Proceedings},
  address = {Perth Australia},
  year = 1993,
  pages = {}

  author = {Olaf Kn{\"u}ppel},
  title = {{BIAS} --- Basic Interval Arithmetic Subroutines},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science III, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg},
  number = {93.3},
  month = jul,
  year = 1993,
  note = {avaliable at {\url{//www.ti3.tu-harburg.de/}}}
  author = {Olaf Kn{\"u}ppel},
  title = {{PROFIL} --- Programmer's Runtime Optimized Fast Interval Library},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science III, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg},
  number = {93.4},
  month = jul,
  year = 1993,
  note = {avaliable at {\url{//www.ti3.tu-harburg.de/}}}
  author = {O. Kn{\"u}ppel and T. Simenec},
  title = {{PROFIL}/{BIAS} Extensions},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science III, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg},
  number = {93.5},
  month = nov,
  year = 1993,
  note = {avaliable at {\url{//www.ti3.tu-harburg.de/}}}

  author = {Ruihuna Ma and Monique Thonnat},
  title = {A Robust and Efficient Stereo Matching Algorithm},
  institution = {{INRIA} Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique},
  year = 1993,
  number = 1860,

  author = {V. V. Kamat},
  title = {A Survey of Techniques for Simulation of Dynamic Collision Detection and Response},
  journal = {Computer {{\&}} Graphics},
  year = 1993,
  volume = 17,
  number = 4,
  pages = {379--385}

  author = {Andr{\'e}ia Formico Rodrigues},
  title = {{ANIMADO}: {Um} Prot{\'o}tipo de um Sistema de Anima{\c{c}}{\~a}o Modelada por Din{\^a}mica},
  school = {Universidade Estadual de Campinas},
  year = 1993,
  month = aug

  author = {C. Young and D. K. Buck and A. C. Collins},
  title = {{POV-Ray} - {Persistence} of {Vision} {Raytracer}, Version 2.0},
  howpublished = {\url{//www.povray.org}},
  year = 1993

  author = {C{\^a}ndido X. F. Mendon{\c{c}}a and Peter Eades},
  title = {Learning Aesthetics for Visualization},
  booktitle = {Anais do {XX} Semin{\'a}rio Integrado de Software e Hardware},
  pages = {76--88},
  address = {Florian{\'o}polis, SC (Brazil)},
  year = 1993

  author = {G. {Di Battista} and P. D. Eades and R. Tamassia},
  title = {Algorithms for Drawing Graphs: {An} Annotated Bibliography},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science},
  address = {University of Newcastle},
  year = 1993

  author = {Ron Unger and John Moult},
  title = {Finding the Lowest Free Energy Conformation of a Protein is an {NP}-Hard Problem: {Proof} and Implications},
  journal = {Bulletin of Mathematical Biology},
  number = 6,
  pages = {1183--1198},
  volume = 55,
  year = 1993

  author = {Henry Packard Moreton},
  title = {Minimum Curvature Variation Curves, Networks, and Surfaces for Fair Free-Form Shape Design},
  institution = {Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA},
  month = mar,
  year = 1993

  author = {Goos Kant},
  title = {A More Compact Visibility Representation},
  booktitle = {Graph Drawing '93 - ALCOM International Workshop on Graph Drawing and Topological Graph Theory},
  month = sep,
  year = 1993

  author = {David Baraff},
  title = {Issues in Computing Contact Forces for Non-Penetrating Rigid Bodies},
  journal = {Algorithmica},
  year = 1993,
  volume = 10,
  pages = {292--352}

  author = {Selim G. Akl and K. A. Lyons},
  title = {Parallel Computational Geometry},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1993
  author = {Cl{\'a}udio L. Lucchesi and Tomasz Kowaltowski},
  title = {Applications of Finite Automata Representing Large Vocabularies},
  journal = {Software Practice and Experience},
  volume = 23,
  number = 1,
  pages = {15--30},
  year = 1993

  author = {Kenneth A. Brakke},
  title = {{Surface} {Evolver} Manual},
  month = dec,
  note = {Eletronic Address: brakke@geom.umn.edu},
  organization = {The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota},
  year = 1993

  author = {Ming C. Lin},
  title = {Efficient Collision Detection for Animation and Robotics},
  school = {University of California, Berkeley},
  year = 1993,
  month = {Dec}

  author = {Ardeshir Goshtasby and William A. Gruver},
  title = {Design of a Single-Lens Stereo Camera System},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  year = 1993,
  volume = 26,
  number = 6,
  pages = {923--937}

  author = {H. Hoppe and T. DeRose and T. Duchamp and J. McDonald and W. Stuetzle},
  title = {Mesh Optimization},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'93},
  month = aug,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {19--26}

  author = {F. Boussofiane and G. Bertrand},
  title = {A New Method for Recognizing and Locating Objects by Searching Longest Paths},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 26,
  number = 12,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {445--448}

  author = {Paul F. Whelan and Bruce G. Batchelor},
  title = {Flexible Packing of Arbitrary Two-Dimensional ??},
  journal = {Optical Engineering},
  volume = 32,
  number = 12,
  year = 1993,
  pages = {3278--3287}

  author = {Paul F. Whelan and Bruce G. Batchelor},
  title = {Automated Packing Systems: {Review} of Industrial Implementation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration},
  volume = {SPIE 2064},
  year = 1993,
  pages = {358--369}

  author = {Hughes}, 
  title = {Review of {Stolfi} ``{Oriented} {Projective} {Geometry}: {A} {Framework} for {Geometric} {Computations}''}, 
  journal = {SIAM Review}, 
  volume = {35}, 
  year = 1993 

% CiteSeer: liu93efficient,
  author = {J. Liu and J. L. Mundy and D. A. Forsyth and A. Zisserman and C. A. Rothwell},
  title = {Efficient Recognition of Rotationally Symmetric Surface and Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders},
  booktitle = {DARPA93},
  pages = {755--765},
  year = 1993,
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/liu93efficient.html}

  author = {Horst Bunke and Guido Kaufmann},
  title = {Jigsaw Puzzle Solving using Approximate String Matching and Best-First Search},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'93)},
  editor = {D. Chetverikov and W. G. Kropatsch},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  publisher = {Springer},
  volume = 719,
  year = 1993,
  month = sep,
  pages = {299-308},
  isbn = {3-540-57233-3}

% === 1992 ===

% Citeseer: forsyth92recognising
  author = {David A. Forsyth and Joseph L. Mundy and Andrew Zisserman and Charlie Rothwell},
  title = {Recognising Rotationally Symmetric Surfaces from Their Outlines},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ??th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV92)},
  pages = {639--647},
  year = 1992,
  url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/forsyth92recognising.html}

  author = {William R. Pearson and Webb Miller},
  title = {Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Biological Sequence Comparison},
  journal = {Methods in Enzymology},
  volume = 210,
  year = 1992,
  pages = {575--601},
  annote = {Credits Needleman and Wunsch~\cite{nee-wun-70-bioseq} as the 
    first to use PD for biosequence comparison.  They point out
    that although the time is $\Theta(N^2)$, the space required is 
    only $\Theta(N)$.}

%ref: bul-bar-gau-92-inum
  author = {J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch},
  title = {Introduction to Numerical Analysis},
  incollection = {Texts in Applied Mathematics},
  note = {Translated by R. Bartels, W. Gautchi, and C. Witzgall.},
  number = 12,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = 1992

  author = {Paul Suetens and Pascal Fua and Andrew J. Hanson},
  title = {Computational Strategies for Object Recognition},
  journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
  volume = 24,
  number = 1,
  year = 1992,
  pages = {5--61}

  author = {Frank Chee-Da Tsai},
  title = {Using Line Invariants for Object Recognition by Invariant Geometric Hashing},
  type = {Technical report},
  number = 0625,
  institution = {Robotics Research Laboratory - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New York University},
  year = 1992

  author = {Paul F. Whelan and Bruce G. Batchelor},
  title = {Development of a Vision System for the Flexible Packing of Random Shapes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration},
  volume = {SPIE 1823},
  year = 1992,
  pages = {223--232}

  author = {Daniel P. Huttenlocher and William J. Rucklidge},
  title = {A Multi-Resolution Technique for Comparing Images Using the {Hausdorff} Distance},
  type = {Technical report},
  number = {92-1321},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science - Cornell University},
  year = 1992

  author = {Farzin Mokhtarian and Alan K. Mackworth},
  title = {A Theory of Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation for Planar Curves},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 14,
  number = 8,
  year = 1992,
  pages = {789--805}

  author = {Samuel P. Harbison},
  title = {{Modula-3}},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1992

  author = {Charles A. Rothwell and Andrew Zisserman and David A. Forsyth and Joseph L. Mundy},
  title = {Canonical Frames for Planar Object Recognition},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV92)},
  year = 1992

  author = {Min-Hong Han and Sangyong Rhee},
  title = {Camara Calibration for Three-Dimensional Measurement},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  year = 1992,
  volume = 25,
  number = 2,
  pages = {155--164}

  author = {Dominique Revuz and Marc Zipstein},
  title = {A Text Compression Algorithm for Natural Languages},
  howpublished = {Preprint, undated.},
  institution = {Institut Gaspard Monge, Universit{\'e} de Marne la Vall{\'e}e},
  year = 1992,
  note = {To appear in the {\em Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching}.}

  author = {David Baraff and Andrew Witkin},
  title = {Dynamic Simulation of Non-Penetrating Flexible Bodies},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  year = 1992,
  month = jul,
  pages = {303--309}

  author = {Lucas Hsu and Rob Kusner and John Sullivan},
  title = {Minimizing the Squared Mean Curvature Integral for Surfaces in Space Forms},
  journal = {Experimental Mathematics},
  number = 3,
  pages = {191--207},
  volume = 1,
  year = 1992

  author = {H. Ferguson and A. Rockwood and J. Cox},
  title = {Topological Design of Sculpted Surfaces},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  pages = {149--156},
  year = 1992

  author = {Chandrajit L. Bajaj},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  pages = {79--88},
  title = {Smoothing Polyhedra using Implicit Algebraic Splines},
  year = 1992

  author = {Kenneth A. Brakke},
  journal = {Experimental Mathematics},
  number = 2,
  pages = {141--165},
  title = {The {Surface} {Envolver}},
  volume = 1,
  year = 1992

  author = {Henry P. Moreton and Carlo H. S{\'e}quin},
  title = {Functional Optimization for Fair Surface Design},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  pages = {167--176},
  year = 1992

  author = {D. B. Parkinson},
  title = {Optimised Biarc Curves with Tension},
  journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
  pages = {207--218},
  year = 1992

  author = {Marc H. Brown and John Hershberger},
  title = {Animation of Geometric Algorithms: {A} Video Review},
  institution = {DEC Systems Research Center},
  number = {87a},
  year = 1992

  author = {Marc H. Brown and John Hershberger},
  title = {Color and Sound in Algorithm Animation},
  institution = {DEC Systems Research Center},
  number = {76a},
  year = 1992

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {A Combinatorial Approach to {Turaev}-{Viro} Invariants},
  editor = {R. Caddeo and F. Tricerri},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on on Differential Geometry and Topology},
  year = 1992,
  publisher = {World Scientific},
  month = {jun},
  note = {Alghero (Sardegna), It{\'a}lia}

  author = {Louis Kauffman and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Decomposition of the Vertex Group for 3-Manifolds},
  journal = {Discrete Mathematics},
  year = 1992,
  volume = 103,
  pages = {49--55}

  author = {T. Duff},
  title = {Interval Arithmetic and Recursive Subdivision for Implicit Functions and Constructive Solid Geometry},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  pages = {131--138},
  year = 1992,
  month = jul

  author = {J. M. Snyder},
  title = {Interval Analysis for Computer Graphics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  pages = {121--130},
  note = {Special Issue of ACM Computer Graphics},
  year = 1992,
  month = jul

  author = {M. Gleicher and M. Kass},
  title = {An Interval Refinement Technique for Surface Intersection},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface '92},
  pages = {242--249},
  month = may,
  year = 1992,

  author = {John R. {Jordan III} and Alan C. Bovik},
  title = {Using Chromatic Information in Dense Stereo Correspondence},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  year = 1992,
  volume = 25,
  number = 4,
  pages = {367--383},

  author = {C. Jansson and O. Kn{\"a}ppel},
  title = {A Global Minimization Method: {The} Multi-Dimensional Case},
  number = {FIK 92.1},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science III, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg},
  year = 1992

  author = {Juyang Weng and Paul Cohen and Marc Herniou},
  title = {Camera Calibration with Distortion Models and Accuracy Evaluation},
  journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  year = 1992,
  volume = 14,
  number = 10,
  pages = {965--980},
  month = oct

  author = {Dimitri Metaxas and Demetri Terzopoulos},
  title = {Dynamic Deformation of Solid Primitives with Constraints},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'92},
  year = 1992,
  month = jul,
  pages = {309--312}

  author = {George Celniker and Dave Grossard},
  title = {Deformable Curve and Surface Finite-Elements for Free-Form Shape Design},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '91},
  pages = {257--266},
  year = 1992,
  note = {In Computer Graphics 25 (4).}

  author = {Anothai Rattarangsi and Roland T. Chin},
  title = {Scale-Based Detection of Corners of Planar Curves},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 14,
  number = 4,
  year = 1992,
  pages = {430--449}

% === 1991 ===

  author = {Michael Karasick and Deter Kieber and Lee R. Nackman},
  title = {Efficient Delaunay Triangulation Using Rational Arithmetic},
  volume = {10},
  number = {1},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
  year = 1991,
  month = jan,
  pages = {71--91},
  note = {ISSN 0730-0301},
  annote = {Many fundamental tests performed by geometric algorithms can be
    formulated in terms of finding the sign of a determinant. When these tests
    are implemented using fixed precision arithmetic such as floating point, they
    can produce incorrect answers; when they are implemented using
    arbitrary-precision arithmetic, they are expensive to compute. We present
    adaptive-precision algorithms for finding the signs of determinants of
    matrices with integer and rational elements. These algorithms were developed
    and tested by integrating them into the Guibas-Stolfi Delaunay triangulation
    algorithm. Through a combination of algorithm design and careful engineering
    of the implementation, the resulting program can triangulate a set of random
    rational points in the unit circle only four to five times slower than can a
    floating-point implementation of the algorithm. The algorithms, engineering
    process, and software tools developed are described.},
  author = {Roger W. Webster and Paul S. LaFollette and Robert L. Stafford},
  title = {Isthmus Critical Points for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles in Computer Vision},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
  volume = 21,
  number = 5,
  year = 1991,
  pages = {1271--1278}

  author = {Mehran Moshfeghi},
  title = {Elastic Matching of Multimodality Medical Images},
  journal = {CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing},
  volume = 53,
  number = 3,
  year = 1991,
  pages = {271--282}

  author = {Paul F. Whelan and Bruce G. Batchelor},
  title = {Automated Packing of Arbitrary Shapes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration},
  volume = {SPIE 1615},
  year = 1991,
  pages = {77--86}

  author = {David Salesin},
  title = {{Epsilon} {Geometry}: {Building} Robust Algorithms from Imprecise Computations},
  school = {Stanford University},
  year = 1991

  author = {Greg Nelson},
  title = {Systems Programming with {Modula-3}},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1991

  author = {Daniel M. Wuescher and Kim L. Boyer},
  title = {Robust Contour Decomposition Using a Constant Curvature Criterion},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 13,
  number = 1,
  year = 1991,
  pages = {41--51}

  author = {David Salesin},
  title = {{Epsilon} {Geometry}: {Building} Robust Algorithms from Imprecise Computations},
  institution = {Computer Science Department, Stanford University},
  number = {STAN-CS-91-1398},
  year = 1991

  author = {C. Jansson},
  title = {A Global Minimization Method: {The} One-Dimensional Case},
  number = {FIK 91.2},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science III, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg},
  year = 1991

  author = {D. B. Parkinson  and D. N. Moreton},
  title = {Optimal Biarc-Curve Fitting},
  journal = {Computer-Aided Design},
  number = 6,
  pages = {411--419},
  volume = 23,
  year = 1991

  author = {M. Held},
  title = {On the Computational Geometry of Pocket Machining},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = 500,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  month = jun,
  year = 1991,
  isbn = {3-540-54103-9}

  author = {Paulo C{\'e}zar Carvalho and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo},
  title = {Introdu{\c{c}}{\~a}o {\`a} Geometria Computacional},
  publisher = {Instituto de Matem{\'a}tica Pura e Aplicada},
  year = 1991,
  series = {18 Col{\'o}quio Brasileiro de Matem{\'a}tica},
  address = {Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil}

  title = {Multigrid Methods for Two- and Three-Dimensional {Poisson}-Type Equations on the Sphere},
  author = {Saulo R. M. Barros},
  journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
  volume = 92,
  year = 1991,
  pages = {313--348}

  author = {David Meyers and Shelly Skinner and Kenneth Sloan},
  title = {Surfaces From Contours: {The} Correspondence and Branching Problems},
  pages = {246--254},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface '91},
  year = 1991,
  month = jun,
  note = {Calgary, Alberta; 3-7 June 1991},
  keywords = {surface reconstruction, tiling, meshes, surface fitting}

  author = {David Meyers and Shelley Skinner and Kenneth Sloan},
  title = {Surfaces from Contours},
  institution = {University of Washington},
  number = {TR 91-09-01},
  year = 1991,
  abstract = "This paper is concerned with the problem of
  reconstructing the surfaces of three-dimensional
  objects, given a collection of planar contours
  representing cross sections through the objects. This
  problem has important applications in bio-medical
  research and instruction, solid modeling, and
  industrial inspection. The problem can be broken into
  four subproblems, the correspondence problem, the
  tiling problem, the branching problem, and the surface
  fitting problem. We describe our system for surface
  reconstruction from sets of contours with respect to
  each of these subproblems. Special attention is given
  to the correspondence and branching problems. We
  present a method which can handle sets of contours in
  which adjacent contours share a very contorted

  author = {Marc H. Brown and John Hershberger},
  title = {Boolean Formulae for Simple Polygons},
  institution = {DEC Systems Research Center},
  number = {50a},
  year = 1991

  author = {Louis Kauffman and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Computing {Turaev}-{Viro} Invariants for 3-Manifolds},
  journal = {Manuscripta Mathematica},
  year = 1991,
  volume = 72,
  pages = {81--94}

  author = {M. Ferri and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Topological Aspects of Edge-Fusion in 4-Graphs},
  journal = {Journal of Combinatory Theory (B)},
  year = 1991,
  volume = 51,
  pages = {227--243}

  author = {William K. Pratt},
  title = {Digital Image Processing},
  publisher = {Wiley},
  edition = {second},
  year = 1991

  author = {Nicholas Ayache},
  title = {Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots: {Stereo} Vision and Multisensory Perception},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = 1991

  author = {A. J. Vayda and A. C. Kak},
  title = {A Robot System for Recognition of Generic Shaped Objects},
  journal = {{CVGIP}: Image Understanding},
  year = 1991,
  volume = 54,
  number = 1,
  pages = {1--46},
  month = jul

  author = {K. G. Suffern and E. D. Fackerell},
  title = {Interval Methods in Computer Graphics},
  journal = {Computers {{\&}} Graphics},
  volume = 15,
  number = 3,
  year = 1991,
  pages = {331--340}

  author = {David Baraff},
  title = {Coping with Friction for Non-Penetrating Rigid Body Simulation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'91},
  year = 1991,
  month = jul,
  pages = {31--40}

% Vision-Notes: bb21305
  author = {I. Dinstein and G. M. Landau},
  title = {Parallel Computable Contour Based Feature Strings for 2-D Shape Recognition},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  volume = 12,
  year = 1991,
  pages = {299--306}

% === 1990 ===

  author = {Gerald E. Farin},
  title = {Curves and Surfaces for Computer-Aided Geometric Design: {A} Practical Guide},
  edition = {2nd},
  pulisher = {Academic Press},
  year = 1990

  author = {K. Falconer},
  title = {Fractal Geometry: {Mathematical} Foundations and Applications},
  publisher = {John Wiley {{\&}} Sons},
  year = 1990

  author = {Peter Meer and C. Allen Sher and Azriel Rosenfeld},
  title = {The Chain Pyramid: {Hierarchical} Contour Processing},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 12,
  number = 4,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {363--375}

  author = {Hong-Chih Liu and Mandyam D. Srinath},
  title = {Partial Shape Classification Using Contour Matching in Distance Transformation},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 12,
  number = 11,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {1072--1079}

  author = {Ann Bengtsson and Jan-Olof Eklundh},
  title = {Shape Representation by Multiscale Contour Approximation},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 13,
  number = 1,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {85--93}

  author = {F. Altschul and  W. Gish and E. W. Myers and David J. Lipman},
  title = {A Basic Aligment Search Tool},
  journal = {Journal of Molecular Biology},
  volume = 215,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {403--410}

  author = {Nirwan Ansari and Edward J. Delp},
  title = {Partial Shape Recognition: A Landmark-Based Approach},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 12,
  number = 5,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {470--482}

  author = {Tony Lindeberg},
  title = {Scale-Space for Discrete Signals},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 12,
  number = 3,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {234--254}
  author = {Haim J. Wolfson},
  title = {Model-Based Object Recognition by Geometric Hashing},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Computer Vision},
  incollection = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = 427,
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = 1990,
  pages = {526--536}
  author = {K. T. Glowacki},
  title = {{Franchthi} Excavations: 17,000 Years of {Greek} Prehistory},
  howpublished = {WWW document available at 
    file {\url{~archaeol/franchthi/franchthi/pot.html}}},
  publisher = {Dept.~of Classical Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN},
  year = 1990

  author = {Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi and Roger D. Eastman},
  title = {Calibration of a Stereo System with Small Relative Angles},
  journal = {Computer Vison, Graphics and Image Processing},
  year = 1990,
  volume = 51,
  pages = {1--19}

  author = {D. P. Mitchell},
  title = {Robust Ray Intersection with Interval Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface '90},
  pages = {68--74},
  month = may,
  year = 1990,

  author = {K. G. Suffern},
  title = {Quadtree Algorithms for Contouring Functions of Two Variables},
  journal = {The Computer Journal},
  volume = 33,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {402--407}

  author = {Harit P. Trivedi},
  title = {A Semi-Analytic Method of Determining Stereo Camera Geometry from Matched Points in a Pair of Images: {Coincident} Meridional Planes, Exact or Noisy Data},
  journal = {Computer Vison, Graphics and Image Processing},
  year = 1990,
  volume = 51,
  pages = {299--312}

  author = {Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi and Roger D. Eastman},
  title = {Calibration of a Stereo System with Small Relative Angles},
  journal = {Computer Vison, Graphics and Image Processing},
  year = 1990,
  volume = 51,
  pages = {1--19}

  author = {Michael Kallay and Bahram Ravani},
  title = {Optimal Twist Vectors as a Tool for Interpolation a Network of Curves with a Minimum Energy Surface},
  journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
  pages = {465--473},
  year = 1990

  author = {A. V. Arkhangel'ski\v{\i} and L. S. Pontryagin},
  title = {General Topology {I}},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  series = {Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences},
  volume = 17,
  year = 1990

  author = {V. G. Ganzha and S. V. Meleshko and V. P. Shelest},
  title = {Application of {REDUCE} System for Analyzing Consistency of Systems of {PDE}s},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation},
  year = 1990,
  editor = {S. Watanabe and Morio Nagata},
  pages = 301,
  organization = {ACM},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley}

  author = {Peter Schr{\"o}der and David Zeltzer},
  title = {The {Virtual} {Erector} {Set}: {Dynamic} Simulation with Linear Recursive Constraint Propagation},
  journal = {Computer Graphics},
  year = 1990,
  volume = 24,
  number = 2,
  month = mar,
  pages = {23--31}

  author = {James D. Foley and Andries van Dam and Steven K. Feiner and John F. Hughes},
  title = {Computer Graphics: {Principles} and Practice},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 1990,
  edition = {second}

  author = {Brian Von Herzen and Alan H. Barr and Harold R. Zatz},
  title = {Geometric Collisions for Time-Dependent Parametric Surfaces},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90},
  year = 1990,
  month = aug,
  pages = {39--48}

  author = {Andrew Witkin and Michael Gleicher and William Welch},
  title = {Interactive Dynamics},
  journal = {Computer Graphics},
  year = 1990,
  volume = 24,
  number = 2,
  month = mar,
  pages = {11--22}

  author = {Andrew Witkin and William Welch},
  title = {Fast Animation and Control of Nonrigid Structures},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90},
  year = 1990,
  month = aug,
  pages = {243--250}

  author = {Jan J. Koenderink},
  title = {Solid Shape},
  publisher = {The {MIT} Press},
  year = 1990

  author = {Charles Loop and Tony DeRose},
  title = {Generalized {B}-Spline Surface of Arbitrary Topology},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90},
  month = aug,
  pages = {347--356},
  year = 1990

  author = {Forman S. Acton},
  title = {Numerical Methods that Work},
  publisher = {Harper and Row},
  year = 1990

  author = {Wendelin L. F. Degen},
  title = {Explicit Continuity Conditions for Adjacent {B{\'e}zier} Surface Patches},
  journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
  pages = {181--189},
  year = 1990

  author = {Tony D. DeRose},
  title = {Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Tangent Plane Continuity of {B{\'e}zier} Surfaces},
  journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
  pages = {165--179},
  year = 1990

  author = {Haim J. Wolfson},
  title = {On Curve Matching},
  journal = {IEEE  Trans.~on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 12,
  number = 5,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {483--489}

% Vision-Notes: bb21306
  author = {I. Dinstein and G. M. Landau},
  title = {Using Parallel String Matching Algorithm for Contour Based 2-D Shape Recognition},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  year = 1990,
  volume = {II},
  pages = {451--455}

  author = {David Baraff},
  title = {Curved Surfaces and Coherence for Non-Penetrating Rigid Body Simulation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'90},
  year = 1990,
  month = aug,
  pages = {19--28}

  author = {Kazuhiko Nagao and Naohiro Ishii},
  title = {Jigsaw Puzzle Matching by Assumption-Based {TMS}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1990 Pacific Rim Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  year = 1990,
  month = nov

% === 1989 ===

% stu-web-00-data
  author = {D. F. Stubbs and N. W. Webre},
  title = {Data Structures with Abstract Data Types and {Pascal}},
  publisher = {Brooks/Cole},
  edition = {2nd},
  year = 1989,
  pages = {471},
  isbn = {0-534-09264-0}

  author = {Cl{\'a}udio L. Lucchesi and Tomasz Kowaltowski},
  title = {Applications of Finite Automata Representing Large Vocabularies},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science (DCC-IMECC), University of Campinas},
  number = {09/91},
  month = feb,
  year = 1991

  author = {Gerald M. Radack and Norman I. Badler},
  title = {Local Matching of Surfaces using Boundary-Centered Radial Decomposition},
  journal = {Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing},
  volume = 45,
  number = 3, 
  year = 1989,
  pages = {380--396}

  author = {D. Lowe},
  title = {Organization of Smooth Image Curves at Multiple Scales},
  journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
  volume = 3,
  number = 2,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {119--130}

  author = {W. Drews and R. Laroia and J. Pandel and A. Schumacher and A. Stolzle},
  title = {{CMOS} Processor for Template-Based Speech-Recognition System},
  journal = {IEE - Proceedings on Visual Image Signal Processing},
  volume = 136,
  number = 2,
  month = apr,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {155--161}

  author = {Grigore C. Burdea and Haim J. Wolfson},
  title = {Solving Jigsaw Puzzles by a Robot},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation},
  volume = 5,
  number = 6,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {752--764}

  author = {Behzad Shahraray and David J. Anderson},
  title = {Optimal Estimation of Contour Properties by Cross-Validated Regularization},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 8,
  number = 6,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {600--610}

  author = {Ron Davidson and David Harel},
  title = {Drawing Graphs Nicely Using Simulated Annealing},
  institution = {Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science},
  address = {The Weizmann Institute of Science},
  year = 1989

  author = {Pascal Lienhardt},
  title = {Subdivisions of {N}-Dimensional Spaces and {N}-Dimensional Generalized Maps},
  journal = {Proceedings of the 5th Annual {ACM} Symp. on Computational Geometry},
  month = jun,
  pages = {228--236},
  year = 1989

  author = {Tomihisa Kamada and Satoru Kawai},
  title = {An Algorithm for Drawing General Undirected Graphs},
  journal = {Information Processing Letters},
  month = apr,
  pages = {7--15},
  year = 1989

  author = {Erik Brisson},
  title = {Representing Geometric Structures in $d$ Dimensions: {Topology} and Order},
  journal = {Proceedings of the 5th Annual {ACM} Symp. on Computational Geometry},
  month = jun,
  pages = {218--227},
  year = 1989

  author = {James F. Cremer and A. James Stewart},
  title = {The Architecture of {Newton}, a General-Purpose Dynamics Simulator},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {\&} Applications},
  year = 1989,
  pages = {1806--1811}

  author = {A. Pentland and J. Williams},
  title = {Good Vibrations: {Modal} Dynamics for Graphics and Animation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'89},
  year = 1989,
  month = jul,
  pages = {215--222}

  author = {David Baraff},
  title = {Analytical Methods for Dynamic Simulation of Non-Penetrating Rigid Bodies},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'89},
  year = 1989,
  month = jul,
  pages = {223--232}

  author = {R. Burden and J. Faires},
  title = {Numerical Analysis},
  publisher = {PWS-Kent},
  year = 1989,
  edition = {fourth}

  author = {Rolf Klein},
  title = {Concrete and Abstract {Voronoi} Diagrams},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = 400,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = 1989,
  ISBN = {3-540-52055-4}

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Invariant Groups on Equivalent Cristallizations},
  journal = {European Journal of Combinatorics},
  year = 1989,
  volume = 10,
  pages = {575--584}

  author = {Jorge L.C. Sanz},
  title = {Advances in Machine Vision},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = 1989

  author = {Alan H. Watt},
  title = {Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 1989

  author = {Udi Manber},
  title = {Algorithms: {A} Creative Approach},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 1989

  author = {Stephane G. Mallat},
  title = {A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: {The} Wavelet Representation},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 11,
  number = 7,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {674--693}

  title = {Obtaining Shape from Shading Information},
  author = {Berthold K. P. Horn},
  booktitle = {Shape from Shading},
  editor = {B. K. P. Horn and M. J. Brooks},
  publisher = {MIT Press},
  address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
  pages = {121--171},
  year = 1989

  title = {Shape from Shading},
  author = {Berthold K. P. Horn and Michael J. Brooks},
  publisher = {MIT Press},
  address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
  year = 1989

  title = {Structure from Stereo - {A} Review},
  author = {U. R. Dhond and J. K. Aggarwal},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Machines and Cybernetics},
  volume = 19,
  number = 5,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {1489--1510}

  author = {Cho-Huak Teh and Roland T. Chin},
  title = {On the Detection of Dominant Points on a Digital Curve},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 8,
  number = 1,
  year = 1989,
  pages = {859--872}

% === 1988 ===

  author = {Gudrun J. Klinker},
  title = {A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding},
  school = {Carnegie Mellon University},
  year = 1988,
  month = may

  author = {H. Wolfson and E. Schonberg and A. Kalvin and Y. Lamda},
  title = {Solving Jigsaw Puzzles by Computer Vision},
  booktitle = {Annals of Operations Research},
  volume = 1986,
  year = 1988,
  pages = {51--64}

  author = {William R. Pearson and  David J. Lipman},
  title = {Improved Tools for Biological Sequence Comparison},
  journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Biochemistry},
  volume = 85,
  month = apr,
  year = 1988,
  pages = {2444--2448}

  author = {Radu Houraud and Thomas Skordas},
  title = {Structural Matching for Stereo Vision},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  address = {Rome, Italy},
  year = 1988,
  volume = 1,
  pages = {439--445},
  month = nov

  author = {Hironobu  Takahashi and Fumiaki Tomita},
  title = {Planarity Constraint in Stereo Matching} ,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  address = {Rome, Italy},
  year = 1988,
  volume = 1,
  pages = {446--449},
  month = nov

  author = {Yifeng Wu and H. Ma{\^\i}tre},
  title = {A New Dynamic Programming Method for Stereovision Ignoring Epipolar Geometry},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  address = {Rome, Italy},
  year = 1988,
  volume = 1,
  pages = {146--148},
  month = nov

  author = {A. Appel and G. Jacobsen},
  title = {The World's Fastest {Scrabble} Program},
  journal = {Communications of the ACM},
  volume = 31,
  number = 5,
  month = may,
  year = 1988,
  pages = {572--578, 585}

  author = {Steven W. Zucker and Sheldon Davis},
  title = {Points and Endpoints: {A} Size/Spacing Constraint for Dot Grouping},
  journal = {Perception},
  pages = {229--247},
  volume = 17,
  number = 2,
  month = mar,
  year = 1988,
  location = {CMU Hunt Library}

  author = {Martti M{\"a}ntyl{\"a}},
  title = {An Introduction to Solid Modeling},
  publisher = {Computer Science Press},
  address = {Rockville, MD},
  year = 1988

  author = {Andrew Witkin and Michael Kass},
  title = {Spacetime Constraints},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'88},
  year = 1988,
  month = aug,
  pages = {159--168}

  author = {Ronen Barzel and Alan H. Barr},
  title = {A Modeling System Based on Dynamic Constraints},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'88},
  year = 1988,
  month = aug,
  pages = {179--188}

  author = {John Platt and Alan H. Barr},
  title = {Constraint Methods for Flexible Bodies},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'88},
  year = 1988,
  month = aug,
  pages = {279--288}

  author = {Demetri Terzopoulos and Andrew Witkin},
  title = {Physically-Based Models with Rigid and Deformable Components},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface'88},
  year = 1988,
  publisher = {Computer Graphics Society},
  pages = {146--154}

  author = {Demetri Terzopoulos and Kurt Fleischer},
  title = {Modeling Inelastic Deformation: {Viscoelasticity}, Plasticity, Fracture},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'88},
  year = 1988,
  month = aug,
  pages = {269--278}

  author = {Mathew Moore and Jane Wilhelms},
  title = {Collision Detection and Response for Computer Animation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'88},
  year = 1988,
  month = aug,
  pages = {289--298}

  author = {Roman Kuchkuda},
  title = {An Introduction to Ray Tracing},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {NATO} Advanced Science Institute, Series F, vol.~40: Theorical Foundations of Computer Graphics and {CAD}},
  pages = {1039--1060},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  address = {Lucca, Italy},
  month = jul,
  year = 1988

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {On the Fundamental Group of 3-Gems and a Planar Class of 3-Manifolds},
  journal = {European Journal of Combinatorics},
  year = 1988,
  volume = 9,
  pages = {291--305}

  author = {James K. Hahn},
  title = {Realistic Animation of Rigid Bodies},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'88},
  year = 1988,
  month = aug,
  pages = {299--308}

% === 1987 ===

% anamaria: Fin-Elem-87
  author = {H. Kaderstuncer and D. H. Norrier},
  title = {Finite Element Handbook},
  publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
  year = 1987

  author = {Peter K. Allen},
  title = {Robotic Object Recognition Using Vision and Touch},
  publisher = {Kluwer},
  year = 1987

  author = {Briggs, W. L.},
  title = {A Multigrid Tutorial},
  publisher = {SIAM},
  year = 1987

  author = {L. Dorst and A. M. Smeulders},
  title = {Lenght Estimators for Digitalized Contours},
  journal = {Computer Vision Graphics Image Processing},
  volume = 40,
  year = 1987,
  pages = {311--333}

  author = {H. Bartels and J. C. Beatty and B. A. Barsky},
  title = {An Introduction to Splines for Use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year = 1987

  author = {David P. Dobkin and Michel J. Laszlo},
  title = {Primitives for the Manipulations of Three-Dimensional Subdivisions},
  journal = {Proceedings of the 3rd {ACM} Symp. on Comp. Geometry},
  month = jun,
  pages = {86--99},
  year = 1987

  author = {D. Terzopoulos and J. Platt and A. H. Barr and K. Fleischer},
  title = {Elastically Deformable Models},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'87},
  year = 1987,
  month = jul,
  pages = {205--214}

  author = {Paul Isaacs and Michael F. Cohen},
  title = {Controlling Dynamic Simulation with Kinematic Constraints, Behavior Functions and Inverse Dynamics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'87},
  year = 1987,
  month = jul,
  pages = {215--224}

  author = {David S. Burnett},
  title = {Finite Element Analysis: {From} Concepts to Applications},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 1987

  author = {Herbert Edelsbrunner},
  title = {Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry},
  series = {EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science},
  volume = 10,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = 1987

  author = {B. Richter and H. Shank and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {The {Gauss} Code off the Plane},
  journal = {Aequationes Mathematicae},
  year = 1987,
  volume = 33,
  pages = {81--95}

  author = {Jane Wilhelms},
  title = {Toward Automatic Motion Control},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {{\&}} Applications},
  year = 1987,
  pages = {11--22},
  month = {April}

  author = {Andrew Witkin and Kurt Fleischer and Alan H. Barr},
  title = {Energy Constraints on Parameterized Models},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'87},
  year = 1987,
  month = jul,
  pages = {225--232}

% === 1986 ===

  author = {D. Filip and  R. Magedson and R. Markot},
  title = {Surface Algorithms Using Bounds on Derivatives},
  journal = {Computer-Aided Geometric Design},
  volume = 3,
  number = 4,
  pages = {295--311},
  year = 1986

  author = {Eugene W. Myers},
  title = {An $O(ND)$ Difference Algorithm and Its Variations},
  journal = {Algorithmica},
  volume = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {251--266},
  annote = {Observes that if the costs are 1 for insertion or deletion, 0 for match,
    and $\geq 2$ for mismatch, then the dynamic programming algorithm for
    string comparison can be speeded up to $O(ND)$, where $D$ is the 
    cost of the optimum pairing (i.e. the minimum number of insert/delete ops).
    Not clear whether this result can be extended to more general costs.}

  author = {D. H. Greene and F. F. Yao},
  title = {Finite-Resolution Computational Geometry},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual IEEE Sympos. Found. Comput. Sci.},
  year = 1986,
  pages = {143-152}

  author = {Ronald N. Bracewell},
  title = {The {Fourier} Transform and its Applications},
  publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
  year = 1986,
  edition = 2

  author = {Jon Warwick and Bob Phelds},
  title = {An Aplication of Dynamic Programming to Pattern Recognition},
  journal = {Journal of Operational Research Society},
  volume = 37,
  number = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {35--40}

  author = {Alan Kalvin and  Edith Schonberg and Jacob T. Schwartz and Micha Sharir},
  title = {Two-Dimensional, Model-Based, Boundary Matching Using Footprints},
  journal = {The International Journal of Robotics Research},
  volume = 5,
  number = 4,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {38--55}

  author = {Haruo Asada and Michael Brady},
  title = {The Curvature Primal Sketch},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = {PAMI-8},
  number = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {1--14}

  author = {J. Babaud and A. Witkin and M. Baudin and R. Duda},
  title = {Uniquess of the {Gaussian} Kernel for Scale-Space Filtering},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 8,
  number = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {26--33}

  author = {Roland T. Chin and Charles R. Dyer},
  title = {Model-Based Recognition in Robot Vision},
  journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
  volume = 18,
  number = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {67--108}

  author = {G. Wyvill and T. .L .Kunii and Y. Shirai},
  title = {Space Division for Ray Tracing in {CSG}},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {{\&}} Applications},
  month = apr,
  year = 1986

  author = {B. K. P. Horn},
  title = {Robot Vision},
  publisher = {The {MIT} Press and McGraw-Hill},
  year = 1986

  author = {A. Penna and R. Patterson},
  title = {Projective Geometry and its Applications to Computer Graphics},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1986

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Paintings: {A} Planar Approach to Higher Dimensions},
  journal = {Geometriae Dedicata},
  year = 1986,
  volume = 20,
  pages = {1--25}

  author = {William H. Press and Brian P. Flannery and Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling},
  title = {Numerical Recipes: {The} Art of Scientific Computing},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = 1986

  author = {Nicholas Ayache and A. D. Faugeras},
  title = {{Hyper}: {A} New Approach for the Recognition and Positioning of Two-Dimensional Objects},
  journal = {Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = {PAMI-8},
  number = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {44--54}

  author = {Farzin Mokhtarian and Alan Mackworth},
  title = {Scale-Based Description and Recognition of Planar Curves and Two-Dimensional Shapes},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 8,
  number = 1,
  year = 1986,
  pages = {34--43}

% === 1985 ===

% for-rod-85
  author = {M. Jarraud and A. P. M. Baede}, 
  title = {The Use of Spectral Techniques in Numerical Weather Prediction},
  booktitle = {Lectures in Applied Mathematics},
  volume = {22},
  pages = {1--41},
  year = 1985

  author = {Jacob T. Schwartz and Micha Sharir},
  title = {Identification of Partially Obscured Object in Two and Three Dimensions by Matching},
  type = {Robotics Report},
  number = 46,
  institution = {New York University},
  year = 1985

  author = {Franco P. Preparata and Michael I. Shamos},
  title = {Computational Geometry},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = 1985

  author = {David J. Lipman and William R. Pearson},
  title = {Rapid and Sensitive Protein Similarity Searches},
  journal = {Science},
  volume = 227,
  number = mar,
  year = 1985,
  pages = {1435--1441}

  author = {{Adobe} {Systems} {Inc.}},
  title = {{PostScript} Language Reference Manual},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 1985

  author = {Jane Wilhelms and Brian A. Barsky},
  title = {Using Dynamic Analysis to Animate Articulated Bodies such as Humans and Robots},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface'85},
  year = 1985,
  publisher = {Computer Graphics Society},
  pages = {97--105}

  author = {William W. Armstrong and Mark W. Green},
  title = {The Dynamics of Articulated Rigid Bodies for Purposes of Animation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface '85},
  year = 1985,
  publisher = {Computer Graphics Society},
  pages = {407--415}

  editor = {Geoffrey T. Toussaint},
  title = {Computational Geometry},
  publisher = {North-Holland},
  year = 1985

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {A Simple Proof of {Gagliardi}'s Handle Recognition Theorem},
  journal = {Discrete Mathematics},
  year = 1985,
  volume = 57,
  pages = {253--260}

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Combinatorics of Orientation Reversing Polygons},
  journal = {Aequationes Mathematicae},
  year = 1985,
  volume = 29,
  pages = {123--131}

  author = {Arnaldo Mandel and S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Graph-Encoded 3-Manifolds},
  journal = {Discrete Mathematics},
  year = 1985,
  volume = 57,
  pages = {261--284}

  author = {Yu. V. Matijasevich}, 
  title = {A Posteriori Interval Analysis},
  booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {204},
  year = 1985,
  pages = {328--324},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}

  title = {{IEEE} Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  address = {New York},
  year = 1985,
  key = {IEEE},
  howpublished = {ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985}

  author = {G. Golub and C. Van Loan},
  title = {Matrix Computations},
  publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press},
  year = 1985

% Vision-Notes bb21300
  author = {Tsai, W.H. and Yu, S.S.},
  title = {Attributed String Matching with Merging for Shape Recognition},
  journal = {IEEE  Trans.~on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  volume = 7,
  year = 1985,
  number = 4,
  month = jul,
  pages = {453--462}

% === 1984 ===

  author = {S. P. Mudur and P. A. Koparkar},
  title = {Interval Methods for Processing Geometric Objects},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {{\&}} Applications},
  volume = 4,
  number = 2,
  month = feb,
  year = 1984,
  pages = {7--17}

  author = {A. Glassner},
  title = {Space Subdivision for Fast Ray Tracing},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {{\&}} Applications},
  month = oct,
  year = 1984

  author = {Kurt Mehlhorn},
  title = {Multi-Dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry},
  series = {Data Structures and Algorithms},
  volume = 3,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = 1984

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Towards a Catalog of 3-Manifold Crystallizations},
  journal = {Atti di Matematica e Fisica dell' Universit{\`a} di Modena},
  year = 1984,
  volume = {XXXIII},
  pages = {369--378}

  author = {S{\'e}rgio Pissanetzky},
  title = {Sparse Matrix Technology},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  year = 1984

% === 1983 ===

  author = {Fred J. Taylor},
  title = {Digital Filter Design Handbook},
  incollection = {Eletrical Engineering and Eletronics},
  volume = 18,
  publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
  year = 1983

  author = {Fujio Yamaguchi and Toshiya Tokieda},
  title = {A Solid Modelling System: {Freedom-II}},
  journal = {Computers {{\&}} Graphics},
  pages = {225--232},
  year = 1983

  author = {Andrew P. Witkin},
  title = {Scale-Space Filtering},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of IJCAI'83 - 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  year = 1983,
  pages = {1019--1021}

  author = {Carl E. Pearson},
  title = {Handbook of Applied Mathematics: {Selected} Results and Methods},
  edition = 2,
  publisher = {Van Nostrand Reinhold},
  year = 1983,
  pages = 1037,
  isbn = {0-442-23866-5}

  author = {Daniel D. Sleator and Robert Endre Tarjan},
  title = {Self-Adjusting Binary Trees},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing},
  year = 1983,
  pages = {235--245}

  author = {Walter Baur and Volker Strassen},
  title = {The Complexity of Partial Derivatives},
  journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
  year = 1983,
  volume = 22,
  pages = {317--330}

  title = {The power of geometric duality},
  author = {Bernard Chazelle and Leo J. Guibas and Der-Tsai Lee},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)},
  address = {Tucson, Arizona},
  month = nov,
  year = 1983

  author = {D. G. Kirkpatrick},
  title = {Optimal Search in Planar Subdivisions},
  journal = {SIAM J. on Computing},
  volume = 12,
  pages = {28--35},
  year = 1983
  author = {B. K. P. Horn},
  title = {The Curve of Least Energy},
  journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software},
  month = dec,
  number = 4,
  pages = {441--460},
  volume = 9,
  year = 1983

  author = {S. Kirkpatrick and C. D. {Gelatt Jr.} and M. P. Vecchi},
  title = {Optimization by Simulated Annealing},
  journal = {Science},
  volume = 220,
  pages = {671--680},
  year = 1983

% === 1982 ===

%RLuis: symon82
  author = {Keith R. Symon},
  title = {Mec\^anica},
  publisher = {Editora Campus},
  address = {Rio de Janeiro, RJ},
  edition = {5{${}^{\rm a}$}},
  year = 1982,

% Vision-Notes: bb21335
  author = {G. M. Radack and N. I. Badler},
  title = {Jigsaw Puzzle Matching Using a Boundary-Centered Polar Encoding},
  journal = {Computer Graphics {\&} Image Processing},
  volume = 19,
  year = 1982,
  month = may,
  pages = {1--17}

  author = {Azriel Rosenfeld and Avinash C. Kac},
  title = {Digital Picture Processing},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  year = 1982,
  edition = 2

  author = {Stephen T. Barnard and Martin A. Fischler},
  title = {Computational Stereo},
  journal = {{ACM} Computing Surveys},
  year = 1982,
  volume = 14,
  number = 4,
  pages = {553--572},
  month = dec

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {Graph-Encoded Maps},
  journal = {Journal of Combinatory Theory (B)},
  year = 1982,
  volume = 32,
  pages = {171--181}

  author = {Dana H. Ballard and Christopher M. Brown},
  title = {Computer Vision},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1982

  author = {James D. Foley and Andries {Van Dam}},
  title = {Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics},
  publisher = {Addison Wesley},
  year = 1982
  title = {Computational Stereo},
  author = {S. T. Barnard and M. A. Fischler},
  journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
  volume = {14},
  number = 4,
  pages = {553-572},
  year = 1982

% === 1981 ===

  author = {Louis L. Scharf and Howard Elliott},
  title = {Aspects of Dynamic Programming in Signal and Image Processing},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Automatic Control},
  volume = {AC-26},
  number = 5,
  month = oct,
  year = 1981,
  pages = {1018--1029}

% anamaria: Met-Com-PDE
  author = {R. Vichnevetsky},
  title = {Computer Methods For Partial Differential Equations},
  volume = {I},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1981

  author = {T. F. Smith and M. S. Waterman},
  title = {},
  journal = {Journal of Molecular Biology},
  volume = 147,
  year = 1981,
  pages = {195--197},
  annote = {Gives a more precise formlulation of the algorithm
    of Needleman and Wunsch~\cite{nee-wun-70-bioseq}, based on
    the dynamic programming matrix.  Generalizes to finding the 
    maximum homology subsequence, with free ends.}

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {A Minimax Theorem on Projective Graphs},
  journal = {Journal of Combinatory Theory (B)},
  year = 1981,
  volume = 30,
  pages = {253--262}

  author = {R. F. Riesenfeld},
  title = {Homogeneous Coordinates and Projective Planes in Computer Graphics},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics {{\&}} Applications},
  month = jan,
  year = 1981,
  pages = {50--55}

% === 1980 === 

  author = {S{\'o}stenes Lins},
  title = {A Sequence Representation for Maps},
  journal = {Discrete Mathemathics},
  year = 1980,
  volume = 30,
  pages = {249--263}

  author = {H. Goldstein},
  title = {Classical Mechanics},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 1980,
  edition = {second}

% === 1979 ===

  author={H. Rabinowitz},
  title={Implementation of a More Complete Interval Arithmetic},
  school = {Univ. of California, Berkeley},
  year = 1979
  author = {William M. Newman and Robert F. Sproull},
  title = {Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics},
  publisher = {Mc Graw-Hill},
  year = 1979,
  edition = {second}

  author = {R. E. Moore},
  title = {Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis},
  publisher = {SIAM, Philadelphia},
  year = 1979

  author = {M. R. Garey and David S. Johnson},
  title = {Computers and Intractability: {A} Guide to the Theory of {NP}-Completeness},
  publisher = {W. H. Freeman},
  year = 1979

% === 1978 ===

  author = {P. Sankar and C. Sharma},
  title = {A Parallel Procedure for the Detection of Dominant Points on Digital Curves},
  journal = {CGIP},
  volume = 7,
  year = 1978,
  pages = {403--412}

  author = {Hiroaki Sakoe and Seibi Chiba},
  title = {Dynamic Programming Algorithm Optimization for Spoken Word Recognition},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  volume = {ASSP-26},
  number = 1,
  year = 1978,
  pages = {43--49}

% === 1977 ===

  author = {James W. McKee and J. K. Aggarwal},
  title = {Computer Recognition of Partial Views of Curved Objects},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Computers},
  volume = {C26},
  number = 8,
  year = 1977,
  pages = {790--800}

  author = {Edwin E. Moise},
  address = {New York, Heidelberg, Berlin},
  publisher = {Springer--Verlag},
  title = {Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and 3},
  year = 1977

  author = {Bruno Beek, Edward P. Neuberg and David C. Hodge},
  title = {An Assessment of the Technology of Automatic Speech Recognition for Military Applications},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  volume = {ASSP-25},
  number = 4,
  year = 1977,
  pages = {310--322}

  author = {David A. H. Jacobs},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  title = {The State of  the Art in Numerical Analysis},
  year = 1977

  author = {Richard W. Christiansen and Craig K. Rushforth},
  title = {Detecting and Locating Key Words in Continuous Speech Using Linear Predictive Coding},
  journal = {IEEE  Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
  volume = {ASSP-25},
  number = 5,
  year = 1977,
  pages = {361--367}

% === 1976 ===

  author = {J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty},
  title = {Graph Theory with Applications},
  publisher = {MacMillan},
  address = {London},
  year = 1976

  author = {Elon Lages Lima},
  title = {Elementos de topologia geral},
  publisher = {Livros T{\'e}cnicos e Cient{\'\i}ficos},
  address = {Rio de Janeiro, RJ},
  year = 1976,
  keywords = {book},
  pages = {1--95}

% === 1975 ===

% Vision-Notes: bb9556 
  author = {Ramer, U.},
  title = {Extraction of Line Structures from Photographs of Curved Objects},
  journal = {Computer Graphics {\&} Image Processing},
  volume = 4,
  year = 1975,
  number = 1,
  pages = {81--103}
  author = {E. R. Hansen}, 
  title = {A Generalized Interval Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {29},
  year = 1975,
  pages = {7--18},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}

  author = {Bruce G. Baumgart},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1975 AFIPS National Computer Conference},
  pages = {589--596},
  title = {A Polyhedron Representation for Computer Vision},
  volume = 44,
  year = 1975

% === 1974 ===

  author = {Robert A. Wagner and Michael J. Fischer},
  title = {The String-to-String Correction Problem},
  journal = {Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery},
  volume = 21,
  number = 1,
  year = 1974,
  month = jan,
  pages = {168--173}

  author = {E. Urs Ramer},
  title = {Computer Edge Extraction from Photographs of Curved Objects},
  school = {New York University},
  month = jan,
  year = 1974

% === 1973 ===

  author = {R. P. Brent},
  title = {Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1973

% === 1972 ===

  author = {S. L. S. Jacoby and J. S. Kovalic and J. T. Pizzo},
  title = {Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Optimization Problems},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1972

  author = {Frank Harary},
  publisher = {Addison Wesley},
  title = {Graph Theory},
  year = 1972

% === 1970 ===

  author = {Saul B. Needleman and Christian D. Wunsch},
  title = {A General Method Applicable to the Seacrh for Similarities in the Amino Acid sequence of two Proteins},
  journal = {Journal of Molecular Biology},
  volume = 48,
  year = 1970,
  pages = {443--453},
  annote = {First use of dynamic programming for biosequence comparison.
    Uses $\Theta(N^2)$ and space and at least that much time.}
  author = {Ray Winfield Smith and Emory Kristof},
  title = {Computer Helps Scholars Re-Create an {Egyptian} Temple},
  journal = {National Geographic Magazine},
  volume = 138,
  number = 5,
  month = nov,
  year = 1970,
  pages = {644--655}

  author = {T. W. Kibble},
  title = {Mec{\^a}nica Cl{\'a}ssica},
  publisher = {Editora Pol{\'\i}gono},
  year = 1970

% === 1969 ===

  author = {W. Fulton},
  title = {Algebraic Curves: {An} Introduction to Algebraic Geometry},
  publisher = {W. A. Benjamin},
  year = 1969

% === 1968 ===

  author = {B. P. Lathi},
  title = {Communications Systems},
  publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
  year = 1968

% === 1967 ===

  author = {David Kahn},
  title = {The Codebreakers},
  publisher = {Macmillan},
  year = 1967

  author = {Dare A. Wells},
  title = {Lagrangian Dynamics},
  publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
  year = 1967,
  series = {Schaum's Outline Series}

% === 1966 ===

  title = {Photometric Method for {Lunar} Topography},
  author = {T. Rindfleisch},
  journal = {Photometric Engineering},
  volume = 32,
  number = 3, 
  pages = {262--276},
  month = mar,
  year = 1966

  author = {C. M{\"u}ller},
  title = {Spherical Harmonics},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics},
  volume = 17,
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = 1966

  author = {R. E. Moore},
  title = {Interval Analysis},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  year = 1966

% === 1964 ===

% Vision-Notes: bb20914
  author = {Herbert Freeman and L. Garder},
  title = {Apictorial Jigsaw Puzzles: {The} Computer Solution of a Problem in Pattern Recognition},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  volume = 13,
  year = 1964,
  month = apr,
  pages = {118--127}

% === 1962 ===

  author = {P. V. C. Hough},
  title = {Method and Means for Recognizing Complex Patterns},
  howpublished = {U. S. Patent 3,069654},
  year = 1962,
  month = dec

% === 1961 ===

  author = {H. S. M. Coxeter},
  title = {Introduction to Geometry},
  publisher = {Wiley},
  year = 1961

% === 1959 ===

  author = {Donald L. Shell},
  title = {The {Share 709} System: {A} Cooperative Effort},
  journal = jacm,
  volume = 6,
  number = 2,
  pages = {123--127},
  month = apr,
  year = 1959

% === 1958 ===

  author = {A. Spitzbart and D. L. Shell},
  title = {A {Chebycheff} Fitting Criterion},
  journal = jacm,
  volume = 5,
  number = 1,
  pages = {22--31},
  month = jan,
  year = 1958

% === 1955 ===

  author = {J. W. Sheldon},
  year = 1955,
  title = {On the Numerical Solution of Elliptic Difference Equations},
  journal = {Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation},
  volume = 9,
  pages = {101--112},
  kwds = {na, pde, elliptic equation}

% === 1953 ===

% SphHarA
  author = {R. Courant and D. Hilbert},
  title = {Methods of Mathematical Physics},
  volume = {I},
  publisher = {Interscience},
  address = {New York},
  year = 1953
% === 1952 ===

  author = {David Hilbert and S. Cohn-Vossen},
  title = {Geometry and the Imagination},
  publisher = {Chelsea},
  address = {New York},
  year = 1952

  author = {W. V. D. Hodge and D. Pedoe},
  title = {Methods of Algebraic Geometry},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year = 1952

% === 1951 ===

  title = {A Photometric Investigation of the Slopes and Heights of the Ranges of Hills in the {Maria} of the {Moon}},
  author = {J. van Diggelen},
  journal = {Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of the Netherlands},
  volume = 11,
  month = jul,
  year = 1951

% === 1949 ===

  author = {H. S. M. Coxeter},
  title = {The Real Projective Plane},
  publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
  year = 1949