#! /bin/bash 
# Last edited on 2009-12-24 01:50:44 by stolfi
# Last edited on 2009-12-23 04:29:38 by stolfi

# Should create files "p.sizes" in each directory, and use them...


function mov() {
  dir="$1"; shift
  inum="$1"; shift
  dnum="$1"; shift
  dt="$1"; shift
  tm="$1"; shift
  tz="$1"; shift
  keep=$1; shift
  siz="$1"; shift
  rot="$1"; shift
  ops="$1"; shift
  cmt="$1"; shift
  aut="Photo taken on ${dt} ~ ${tm} ${tz} {by J. Stolfi} with a Sony DSC-W50 camera."
  printf "%s\n" "--- ${dnum} -----------------------------------------"
  # Create a directory for image:
  if [[ ! -d ${dir}/${inum} ]] ; then mkdir ${dir}/${inum} ; fi
  # Create the comments file:
  echo "${cmt}" | fmt --split-only > ${cmtfile}
  echo "${aut}" | fmt --split-only >> ${cmtfile}
  cat ${cmtfile} 
  # Create the "orig" image file:
  convert ${dscfile} -resize "${siz}" -rotate "${rot}" ${orifile}
  ls -l ${orifile}
  display -title "${dnum}:${inum}/%f" ${orifile}


cvt=( tools/bin/convert-and-crop-original-images -show )


exit 0

exit 0


# Note that the "keep" bit was not always honored.

mov $kyo 01 489 2007-06-10 08:29:51 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Pond at entrance of {Kyoto Imperial Garden}."
mov $kyo 02 490 2007-06-10 08:30:04 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Pond at entrance of {Kyoto Imperial Garden}."
mov $kyo 03 493 2007-06-10 08:33:04 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Gate of {Kyoto Imperial Garden}"
mov $kyo 04 494 2007-06-10 08:52:32 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "View of {Kyoto Imperial Garden}: wall and gate of {Kyoto Imperial Palace}."
mov $kyo 05 495 2007-06-10 08:52:47 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "View of {Kyoto Imperial Garden}."
mov $kyo 06 496 2007-06-10 09:02:54 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "Tree crutches in {Kyoto Imperial Garden}."
mov $kyo 07 497 2007-06-10 09:14:26 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "View of {Kamo River, Kyoto} from bridge looking South."
mov $kyo 08 498 2007-06-10 12:32:26 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "View of {Kamo River, Kyoto} from bridge looking North."
mov $kyo 09 499 2007-06-10 12:32:38 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "View of East bank of {Kamo River, Kyoto}."
mov $kyo 10 500 2007-06-10 12:37:19 "(+0900)" 1 "408x"  "-90" "()"  "Stepping stones and stone turtles across {Kamo River, Kyoto}."
mov $kyo 11 501 2007-06-10 12:52:04 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "Close-up of gate of {Kyoto Imperial Garden}"
mov $cnf 01 502 2007-06-11 09:53:27 "(+0900)" 0 "102x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} registration."
mov $cnf 03 503 2007-06-11 09:53:43 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} registration. {Jin Akiyama} (left,by column), ???, {Godfried Toussaint}, {Joseph O'Rourke} (facing away), {Bruce Reed} (right)."
mov $cnf 04 504 2007-06-11 10:27:23 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "{Bruce Reed} is talking at {KyotoCGGT2007}."
mov $cnf 05 505 2007-06-12 17:36:07 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "{Jean Cardinal} and {Sébastien Collette}(?) are delivering a two-speaker talk at {KyotoCGGT2007}."
mov $cnf 06 506 2007-06-12 17:36:30 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "0"   "()"  "{Jean Cardinal} and {Sébastien Collette}(?) are delivering a two-speaker talk at {KyotoCGGT2007}."
mov $kyo 13 507 2007-06-13 11:53:02 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "A building with {Oishi} sign in {Shirakawa Dori}, Northern {Kyoto}."
mov $kyo 14 508 2007-06-13 13:07:08 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "(C)" "Temple on Northern hills of {Kyoto}."
mov $kyo 15 509 2007-06-13 13:28:15 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "(C)" "{Kyoto Highway 103} (parallel to Kitayama Dori)."
mov $cnf 07 510 2007-06-14 19:25:33 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "Start of {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet, general view."
mov $cnf 08 511 2007-06-14 19:25:38 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "(Z)" "{David Kirkpatrick} at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 09 512 2007-06-14 19:26:39 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "{Maiko-san} dance about to begin at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 10 513 2007-06-14 19:27:07 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "0"   "()"  "{Maiko-san} dance at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 11 514 2007-06-14 19:27:23 "(+0900)" 0 "204x"  "0"   "()"  "{Maiko-san} dance at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 13 515 2007-06-14 19:27:37 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "{Maiko-san} dance at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 14 516 2007-06-14 19:32:16 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{Maiko-san} dance at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 15 517 2007-06-14 19:43:35 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "(Z)" "{Maiko-san} at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 16 518 2007-06-14 19:46:16 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{Maiko-san} posing with {Jorge Stolfi} at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet.  Photo taken by {Frank Nielsen}."
mov $cnf 17 519 2007-06-14 19:46:21 "(+0900)" 0 "204x"  "-90" "()"  "{Maiko-san} posing with {Jorge Stolfi} at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet.  Photo taken by {Frank Nielsen}."
mov $cnf 18 520 2007-06-14 19:46:42 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{Maiko-san} posing with {Frank Nielsen} at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 19 521 2007-06-14 19:46:52 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Table at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Tetsuo Asano}, {David Kirkpatrick}, ???, ???."
mov $cnf 20 522 2007-06-14 19:47:21 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "Table at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, {Sergey Bereg}, his wife, {Frank Nielsen}."
mov $cnf 21 523 2007-06-14 19:47:42 "(+0900)" 0 "408x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
mov $cnf 23 524 2007-06-14 19:48:52 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Table at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, ???, {Sulamita Klein}; {Magnus Halldórsson} in bg."
mov $cnf 24 525 2007-06-14 19:49:05 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "(Z)" "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Magnus Halldórsson}."
mov $cnf 25 526 2007-06-14 19:49:37 "(+0900)" 0 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "Table at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, ???."
mov $cnf 26 527 2007-06-14 19:50:24 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama}, ???."
mov $cnf 27 528 2007-06-14 19:51:09 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "(Z)" "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: Table: ???, ???, ???."
mov $cnf 28 529 2007-06-14 19:51:24 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Mari-Jo Ruiz}."
mov $cnf 29 530 2007-06-14 19:51:57 "(+0900)" 0 "204x"   "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: ???, {Joseph O'Rourke}, {David Avis}."
mov $cnf 30 531 2007-06-14 19:52:01 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: {Joseph O'Rourke}, {David Avis}."
mov $cnf 31 532 2007-06-14 19:52:42 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, {Jin Akiyama} (holding vase present), ???."
mov $cnf 33 533 2007-06-14 19:53:17 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, {Godfried Toussaint}, ??? (bg)."
mov $cnf 34 534 2007-06-14 19:54:03 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, ???, {Jin Akiyama}, ??? (with banners)."
mov $cnf 35 535 2007-06-14 19:54:40 "(+0900)" 0 "204x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: ??? (bg), {János Pach}, and {Ferran Hurtado}."
mov $cnf 36 536 2007-06-14 19:54:43 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: ??? (bg), {János Pach}, and {Ferran Hurtado}."
mov $cnf 37 537 2007-06-14 19:56:21 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Gek Ling Chia}."
mov $cnf 38 538 2007-06-14 19:57:04 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: Jorge Urrutia, Mikio Kano, ???."
mov $cnf 39 539 2007-06-14 20:26:07 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: junk."
mov $cnf 40 540 2007-06-14 20:26:10 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} with toys."
mov $cnf 41 541 2007-06-14 20:26:36 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
mov $cnf 43 542 2007-06-14 20:26:47 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} on stage."
mov $cnf 44 543 2007-06-14 20:27:23 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: Wide view. {Vashek Chvátal} on stage, {Godfried Toussaint} (back) {Jin Akiyama}, {János Pach}."
mov $cnf 45 544 2007-06-14 20:27:57 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
mov $cnf 46 545 2007-06-14 20:28:17 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
mov $cnf 47 546 2007-06-14 20:32:42 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Tetsuo Asano} and {David Kirkpatrick}."
mov $cnf 48 547 2007-06-14 20:33:47 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???."
mov $cnf 49 548 2007-06-14 20:33:56 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???."
mov $cnf 50 549 2007-06-14 20:34:31 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama}'s goat."
mov $cnf 51 550 2007-06-14 20:35:31 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama} as kid."
mov $cnf 53 551 2007-06-14 20:55:18 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {David Avis}'s speech."
mov $cnf 54 552 2007-06-14 20:56:49 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Mari-Jo Ruiz}'s speech."
mov $cnf 55 553 2007-06-14 20:57:42 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "Table at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Nikolai Dolbilin}."
mov $cnf 56 554 2007-06-14 21:08:58 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Scholarly band playing at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Godfried Toussaint}, ???, ???, {David Rappaport} on stage."
mov $cnf 57 555 2007-06-14 21:27:45 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Spanish-speaking table at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Standing, left to right: ???, {Ferran Hurtado}, {Jorge Urrutia}. Seated, counterclockwise from 1:00: {Jorge Stolfi}, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???. Photo taken by ???."
mov $cnf 58 556 2007-06-14 21:29:14 "(+0900)" 0 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, {Jin Akiyama} (playing the accordion)."
mov $cnf 59 557 2007-06-14 21:29:28 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama} plays accordion, sings."
mov $cnf 60 558 2007-06-14 21:30:50 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???, {Jin Akiyama} plays accordion."
mov $cnf 61 559 2007-06-14 21:31:34 "(+0900)" 0 "408x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama}'s audience."
mov $cnf 63 560 2007-06-14 21:32:06 "(+0900)" 0 "408x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama} plays accordion (wide view, overexposed)."
mov $cnf 64 561 2007-06-14 21:32:19 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama} plays accordion (wide view)."
mov $cnf 65 562 2007-06-14 21:34:15 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ??? (from Manila) singing."
mov $cnf 66 563 2007-06-14 21:36:14 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ??? (Kyoto U. music teacher) about to sing."
mov $cnf 67 564 2007-06-14 21:36:19 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ??? (Kyoto U. music teacher) about to sing."
mov $cnf 68 565 2007-06-14 21:37:03 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "General view of the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet during singer's performance."
mov $cnf 69 566 2007-06-14 21:37:07 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "General view of the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet during singer's performance. {Sulamita Klein} is in the center."
mov $cnf 70 567 2007-06-14 21:37:13 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "General view of the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet during singer's performance. {Jin Akiyama} is seated at left."
mov $cnf 71 568 2007-06-14 21:37:22 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{???} (Kyoto U. music teacher) singing at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
mov $cnf 73 569 2007-06-14 21:52:08 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "-90" "(C)" "Leaving the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Bruce Reed} and ???."
mov $cnf 74 570 2007-06-15 11:16:23 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "-90" "(C)" "Leaving the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Sulamita Klein} and {David Rappaport}."
mov $cnf 75 571 2007-06-15 12:48:59 "(+0900)" 0 "1088x" "0"   "(C)" "{KyotoCGGT2007}: External view of main conference hall."
mov $cnf 76 572 2007-06-15 12:49:56 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007}: {Kyoto University's main cafeteria}."
mov $cnf 77 573 2007-06-15 12:51:22 "(+0900)" 0 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007}: {Kyoto University's Clock Tower} Centennial Hall (side view)."
mov $cnf 78 574 2007-06-15 12:52:15 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007}: {Kyoto University's Clock Tower} Centennial Hall (corner view)."
mov $cnf 79 575 2007-06-15 12:53:10 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007}: {Kyoto University's Clock Tower} Centennial Hall (front view)."
mov $cnf 80 576 2007-06-15 12:57:16 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "{KyotoCGGT2007}: Street in Kyoto U. with {Kyoto University's Clock Tower} in background."
mov $kyo 16 577 2007-06-15 13:22:52 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "Street in {Kyoto}, somewhere between Kyoto University and Hearton Hotel."
mov $kyo 17 578 2007-06-15 13:28:15 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Street in {Kyoto}, somewhere near Hearton Hotel."
mov $kyo 18 579 2007-06-15 13:29:39 "(+0900)" 0 "51x"   "0"   "()"  "Street in {Kyoto}, somewhere near Hearton Hotel."
mov $kyo 19 580 2007-06-15 15:55:21 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "{Temple of 33 Doors, Kyoto}."
mov $kyo 20 581 2007-06-15 17:22:43 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "Door to {Nijo Castle, Kyoto}, East side."
mov $kyo 21 582 2007-06-15 17:22:47 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "Door to {Nijo Castle, Kyoto}, East side."
mov $kyo 22 583 2007-06-15 17:27:12 "(+0900)" 1 "1088x" "0"   "()"  "Moat and outer wall of {Nijo Castle, Kyoto}, East side."
mov $kyo 23 584 2007-06-15 17:29:15 "(+0900)" 1 "544x"  "0"   "()"  "Door to {Nijo Castle, Kyoto}, North side."
mov $kyo 24 585 2007-06-15 17:43:36 "(+0900)" 1 "816x"  "0"   "()"  "Street in {Kyoto}, somewhere near Hearton Hotel."

# ${cnf}/502 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} registration."
# ${cnf}/506 "0"   "{Jean Cardinal} and {Sébastien Collette}(?) are delivering a two-speaker talk at {KyotoCGGT2007}."
# ${cnf}/513 "0"   "{Maiko-san} dance at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
# ${cnf}/514 "0"   "{Maiko-san} dance at the{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet."
# ${cnf}/519 "-90" "{Maiko-san} posing with {Jorge Stolfi} at the {KyotoCGGT2007} banquet.  Photo taken by {Frank Nielsen}."
# ${cnf}/523 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
# ${cnf}/530 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: ???, {Joseph O'Rourke}, {David Avis}."
# ${cnf}/535 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet. Table: ??? (bg), {János Pach}, and {Ferran Hurtado}."
# ${cnf}/539 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: junk."
# ${cnf}/541 "-90" "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
# ${cnf}/544 "-90" "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Vashek Chvátal} and {Jin Akiyama} on stage."
# ${cnf}/546 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Tetsuo Asano} and {David Kirkpatrick}."
# ${cnf}/547 "-90" "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???."
# ${cnf}/548 "-90" "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: ???."
# ${cnf}/559 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama}'s audience."
# ${cnf}/560 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama} plays accordion (wide view, overexposed)."
# ${cnf}/557 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007} banquet: {Jin Akiyama} plays accordion, sings."
# ${kyo}/573 "0"   "{KyotoCGGT2007}: {Kyoto University's Clock Tower} Centennial Hall (side view)."
# ${kyo}/579 "0"   "Street in {Kyoto}, somewhere near Hearton Hotel."
# ${kyo}/580 "0"   "{Temple of 33 Doors, Kyoto}."


${cvt[@]} -crop  240   40 1100 1100 -aspect  1    1  photos/plants/tree-002/orig.jpg

${cvt[@]}                           -aspect  3    4  photos/events/2007-06-formger/01/orig.png

${cvt[@]} -crop   0  48  576  768 -size  300  400 ${cnf}/569/orig.png # "(PC)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  300  400 ${cnf}/570/orig.png # "(HC)"

${cvt[@]} -crop 150  48  624 1040 -size  624 1040 ${kyo}/501/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0 1088  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/536/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   0  24 1088  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/554/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0  800  600 -size  800  600 ${cnf}/512/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  16  12  800  600 -size  800  600 ${cnf}/515/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   8  12  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/494/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  16   6  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/495/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   8   6  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/498/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   8   6  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/499/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   8   6  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/577/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   8   6  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/585/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0  720  540 -size  640  480 ${cnf}/531/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop   6   8  600  800 -size  600  800 ${kyo}/496/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  12  16  384  512 -size  384  512 ${cnf}/527/orig.png # "(S)" K

${cvt[@]} -crop  36  12  300  500 -size  300  500 ${cnf}/545/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]} -crop  16   0 1024  768 -size  800  600 ${cnf}/516/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  24   0  512  384 -size  512  384 ${cnf}/550/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop 150   0  290  406 -size  290  406 ${cnf}/553/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0  544  400 -size  400  400 ${cnf}/556/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop 438 100  400  600 -size  400  600 ${cnf}/558/orig.png # "(H)" Crop all leave only Jin
${cvt[@]} -crop 350 200  512  384 -size  512  384 ${cnf}/561/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  32  24  512  384 -size  512  384 ${kyo}/576/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  32   8  512  384 -size  512  384 ${kyo}/581/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0  512  384 -size  512  384 ${kyo}/582/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  32   0  512  384 -size  512  384 ${kyo}/584/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   0  64  768 1024 -size  768 1024 ${cnf}/518/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  48  64  768 1024 -size  768 1024 ${cnf}/520/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  64   0 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/503/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  64  24 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/521/orig.png # "(S)" K
${cvt[@]} -crop  32   0 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/565/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/566/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   0  24 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${cnf}/567/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  32  24 1024  768 -size  512  384 ${cnf}/568/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  16  48 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${kyo}/489/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  64  24 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${kyo}/490/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  64  24 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${kyo}/493/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  64  36 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${kyo}/508/orig.png # "(SC)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  64  48 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${kyo}/574/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   0   0 1024  768 -size 1024  768 ${kyo}/575/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  800  600 ${kyo}/578/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop 240 120  800  600 -size  800  600 ${kyo}/583/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  300  600 ${cnf}/564/orig.png # "(P)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  300  600 ${cnf}/562/orig.png # "(P)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  300  600 ${cnf}/563/orig.png # "(P)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  300  600 ${cnf}/511/orig.png # "(SZ)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  300  600 ${cnf}/525/orig.png # "(SZ)"

${cvt[@]} -crop  25  20  300  600 -size  300  600 ${cnf}/551/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  18   0  300  600 -size  300  600 ${cnf}/552/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  400  800 ${cnf}/517/orig.png # "(SZ)"

${cvt[@]} -crop  80   6  400  800 -size  300  600 ${cnf}/542/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]} -crop   3   4  300  400 -size  300  400 ${kyo}/500/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  480  600 ${kyo}/507/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  400  300 ${cnf}/505/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  400  300 ${cnf}/510/orig.png # "(HC)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  400  300 ${cnf}/543/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  400  300 ${cnf}/526/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  400  300 ${cnf}/549/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]} -crop  30   0  800  600 -size  800  600 ${cnf}/555/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  800  600 ${cnf}/533/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]} -crop  16   0  800  600 -size  800  600 ${cnf}/522/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  640  480 ${cnf}/528/orig.png # "(SZ)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  480  360 ${cnf}/504/orig.png # "(S)"

${cvt[@]} -crop  54   0  525 1050 -size  400  800 ${cnf}/540/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  512  384 ${kyo}/509/orig.png # "(HC)"

${cvt[@]}                         -size  512  384 ${kyo}/509/orig.png # "(HC)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  512  384 ${kyo}/572/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  512  384 ${kyo}/497/orig.png # "(H)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  512  384 ${kyo}/571/orig.png # "(HC)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  384  512 ${cnf}/529/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  384  512 ${cnf}/532/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  384  512 ${cnf}/534/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  384  512 ${cnf}/537/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  800  600 ${cnf}/524/orig.png # "(S)"
${cvt[@]}                         -size  800  600 ${cnf}/538/orig.png # "(S)"