#| Sample scene description |# #|***************************************************************|# #| Camera description |# #|***************************************************************|# (Camera (Name "cam1") (Position (150 15 45)) #| Viewpoint |# (Focus (0 0 15)) #| Aim point (image center) |# (Field (Size 96 72)) #| Size of image rectangle around aim point |# (Lens (Size 0 0)) #| Lens radius (for depth-of-field blur) |# (Image (Size 640 480)) #| Image dimensions in pixels |# (ZZBuffer (Size 10000)) #| ZZ-buffer size (total number of cells) |# ) #| Specifying blur > 0 causes objects that are not on the focus plane to appear blurred. This is more dramatic but also more expensive. |# #|***************************************************************|# #| Light sources (at least one is required): |# #|***************************************************************|# #| A shadow-casting light source: |# (Source (Name "src1") (Position (70 30 100)) #| Position of light source |# (Focus (0 0 0)) #| Aim point for light beam |# (Color (0.6 0.4 0.4)) #| Color of light at focus point |# (Beam (Size 120 120)) #| Width and height of beam at focus point |# (Lamp (Size 10 10)) #| Size of light source, for penumbrae |# (ZZBuffer (Size 10000)) #| ZZ-buffer size (total number of cells) |# ) #| Another one: |# (Source (Name "src2") (Color (0.4 0.6 0.4)) (Position (-20 -40 80)) (Focus (0 0 0)) (Beam (Size 120 120)) (Lamp (Size 10 10)) (ZZBuffer (Size 10000)) ) #| Setting the Lamp Size to 0 will result a point ligt source that gives sharply delineated shadows. This may be a bit uglier but is a lot faster. Adding "(NoShadows)" to the list of Source atributes specifies a light source that still generates highlights and proper shadows, but not projected shadows. This is even uglier but even faster. The keyword "Ambient", instead of "Source", defines a non-directional light field that gives the same illumination on all surfaces. This is very ugly but very fast, and may be handy for "filling in" dark corners. "Ambient" sources should not have any Beam or Lamp specs. |# #|***************************************************************|# #| Texture bitmaps and bytemaps |# #|***************************************************************|# (Define goosebumps #| Texture for the sphere with goosebumps |# (Texture "goosebumps.pik") crackball #| Texture for the sphere with cracks |# (Texture "crackball.pik") vorwrinkles #| Texture for the sphere with raindrop waves |# (Texture "vorwrinkles.pik") box-color #| Texture for colors of glass box |# (Texture "box-color.bit") box-relief #| Texture for relief of glass box |# (Texture "box-relief.bit") floor-color #| Texture for color of floor |# (Texture "floor-color.bit") ) #|***************************************************************|# #| Surface properties |# #|***************************************************************|# (Define S0 #| A golden-yellow glossy surface: |# (Looks (Scatter (1.0 0.5 0.0) #| Diffusive (matte) reflection color |# ) (Gloss (1.0 0.8 0.0) #| Specular (glossy) reflection color |# (Sharpness 0.80) #| Sharpness of specular highlighs |# ) ) S1 #| A bumpy orange glossy surface: |# (Looks (Scatter (1.0 0.2 0.0)) (Gloss (1.0 0.8 0.0) (Sharpness 0.80)) (Relief (goosebumps 0.015 Spherical) #| Bump map, relative bump height |# ) ) S2 #| A magenta surface with purple-grey cracks and yellow sheen: |# (Looks (Scatter (crackball (0.3 0.2 0.5) (1.0 0.0 0.7)) #| Color pattern |# ) (Gloss (crackball (0.0 0.0 0.0) (1.0 0.8 0.0)) #| Color pattern |# (Sharpness 0.80) ) (Relief (crackball 0.03 Spherical) ) ) S3 #| A wrinkly red surface with a slight yellow sheen: |# (Looks (Scatter (1.0 0.0 0.0)) (Gloss (1.0 0.8 0.0) (Sharpness 0.80)) (Relief (vorwrinkles 0.03 Spherical)) ) S4 #| A silvery surface: |# (Looks (Scatter (0.5 0.5 0.5)) (Gloss (0.7 0.7 0.7) (Sharpness 0.60)) ) S5 #| A bluish matte surface : |# (Looks (Scatter (0.3 0.8 0.9)) (Gloss (0.1 0.1 0.1) (Sharpness 0.80)) ) S6 #| A drab brown color: |# (Looks (Scatter (0.3 0.2 0.1)) ) S7 #| A black shiny surface: |# (Looks (Scatter (0.0 0.0 0.0)) (Gloss (1.2 1.0 0.8) (Sharpness 0.80)) ) PA #| A glass pane: |# (Looks (Scatter (box-color (0.05 0.05 0.05) (0.3 0.2 0.1)) ) (Transparency (box-color (0.7 0.9 1.0) (0.0 0.0 0.0)) #| transparency pattern |# ) (Relief (box-relief 0.005 Planar) #| Bump mapping |# ) ) FL #| A matte surface with a two-color pattern: |# (Looks (Scatter (floor-color (1.0 1.0 0.8) (0.9 0.8 0.7)) ) ) ) #|***************************************************************|# #| Objects |# #|***************************************************************|# #| Floor: |# (Plane (0 0 0) #| A point on the plane |# (0 10 0) (10 0 0) #| Two vectors on the plane |# FL #| The surface color etc. (defined above) |# ) #| The box: |# (Define a1 (Point 35 -30 0.0001) a2 (Point 37 -18 0.0001) a3 (Point 25 -16 0.0001) a4 (Point 23 -28 0.0001) b1 (Point 35 -30 25) b2 (Point 37 -18 25) b3 (Point 25 -16 25) b4 (Point 23 -28 25) ) (Polygon #| Vertices: |# (a1 a2 a3 a4) #| Looks: |# S6) (Polygon #| Vertices: |# (a1 a2 b2 b1) #| Looks: |# PA) (Polygon #| Vertices: |# (a2 a3 b3 b2) #| Looks: |# PA) (Polygon #| Vertices: |# (a3 a4 b4 b3) #| Looks: |# PA) (Polygon #| Vertices: |# (a4 a1 b1 b4) #| Looks: |# PA) (Polygon #| Vertices: |# (b1 b2 b3 b4) #| Looks: |# S6) #| Left ball: |# (Sphere #| Center: |# (30 -23 33) #| Radius: |# 8 #| Looks: |# S1 ) #| Ball in box: |# (Sphere (31 -26 4.0) 4 S0) #| Middle ball |# (Sphere (-20 -8 16) 16 S3) #| Right ball |# (Sphere (10 8 8) 8 S2) #| Little balls |# (Sphere ( 26 -12 2) 2 S4) (Sphere ( 23 -08 2) 2 S7) (Sphere ( 30 5 2) 2 S4) (Sphere ( 23 15 2) 2 S4) (Sphere ( 15 20 2) 2 S4) (Sphere ( 12 23 2) 2 S4) (Sphere ( 20 30 2) 2 S4) #| Ellipsoids: |# (Ellipsoid #| Center: |# (-17 33 10) #| Axis vector 1: |# (-11.4931 -4.2318 8.6603) #| Axis vector 2: |# ( 5.6469 -4.7024 5.1962) #| Axis vector 3: |# ( 0.4163 2.4138 1.7321) #| Looks: |# S5 ) (Ellipsoid #| Center: |# (-17 33 10) #| Axis vector 1: |# ( 9.4114 -7.8374 8.6603) #| Axis vector 2: |# ( 1.2490 7.2415 5.1962) #| Axis vector 3: |# ( -2.2986 -0.8464 1.7321) #| Looks: |# S5 ) (Ellipsoid #| Center: |# (-17 33 10) #| Axis vector 1: |# ( 2.0817 12.0692 8.6603) #| Axis vector 2: |# ( -6.8959 -2.5391 5.1962) #| Axis vector 3: |# ( 1.8823 -1.5675 1.7321) #| Looks: |# S5 )