dp: [srcf6f] nice /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.03//ZZMain -modelName blur -outputName 90-04-29-2153/blur -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 480 360 -imageSegment cam1 08 0 480 310 330 -maxUnionTiles 30 -showZZBuffers -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 3 Command line options: -modelName blur \ -outputName 90-04-29-2153/blur \ -writeFiltered \ -writeIFF \ -writeCounters \ -writeTimes \ -showZZBuffers \ -bufferSplit 2 \ -useTileListTable \ -useHitListTable \ -maxUnionTiles 30 \ -debugPixel -1 -1 \ -zeta 1.500000 \ -pikGamma 2.400000 \ -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \ -samplesPerPixel 3 \ -numThreads 3 \ -maxVMBytes 40000000 \ -imageSize cam1 480 360 \ -imageSegment cam1 08 0 480 310 330 \ Reading model... ////o [blur-crackball.pik...] oooooo/ooooooo//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 247 objects in model Reading time 23.3 seconds. Light source "src1": Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 4.0000e+01 8.0000e+01] Field/beam footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] Lens/lamp width = 0.0000e+00 height = 0.0000e+00 Light source "src2": Position [1.0000e+00 9.3750e+01 -7.5000e+01 3.7500e+01] Field/beam footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] Lens/lamp width = 0.0000e+00 height = 0.0000e+00 Building ZZ-buffer "src1"... Building ZZ-buffer "src2"... Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1" 639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 639 ProjData nodes allocated 639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 5004 tile nodes allocated 1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 25 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 2229 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 319 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New top-level tiling time 17.0 seconds. 31 nodes in top tile list [VM = 3828736] Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2" 639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 639 ProjData nodes allocated 639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 5447 tile nodes allocated 1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 30 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 1999 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 506 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New top-level tiling time 17.7 seconds. 31 nodes in top tile list [VM = 4855808] [VM = 5858304] Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2" 126265 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 126265 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 321755 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 272865 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 48881 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 126265 ProjData nodes reused 126265 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 55175 tile nodes allocated 3276 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 265549 tile nodes returned to free list 336 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 146600 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 30547 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 32588 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New Total retiling time 1176.5 seconds. 15276 total tiles in ZZ-buffer total tiling time 1206.7 seconds. Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik... max = 1.523e+06 tot = 1.091e+09 avg = 1.091e+05 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik... max = 13 tot = 15276 avg = 1.53 Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1" 113695 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 113695 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 334452 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 264849 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 69599 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 113695 ProjData nodes reused 113695 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 57597 tile nodes allocated 4278 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 329918 tile nodes returned to free list 408 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 151154 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 45103 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 58566 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New Total retiling time 1286.5 seconds. 14322 total tiles in ZZ-buffer total tiling time 1315.0 seconds. Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik... max = 7.077e+05 tot = 1.184e+09 avg = 1.184e+05 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik... max = 15 tot = 14322 avg = 1.43 Camera ZZ-buffer "cam1-08": Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 2.0000e+00 2.1000e+00] Field/beam footprint = [-1.2000e+01 _ 1.2000e+01] x [-9.0000e+00 _ 9.0000e+00] Lens/lamp width = 1.4926e-02 height = 1.4926e-02 Image width = 640 height = 480 Image segment [0..479] x [310..329] Pixels per ZZ-buffer cell h = 3 v = 3 Building ZZ-buffer "cam1-08"... Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "cam1-08" 639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 639 ProjData nodes allocated 639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 15 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 1083 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 110 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New top-level tiling time 10.6 seconds. 31 nodes in top tile list Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "cam1-08" 70483 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles 70483 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project 185363 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 153954 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 31409 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles 70483 ProjData nodes reused 70483 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles 26013 tile nodes allocated 1554 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles 123827 tile nodes returned to free list 267 punts by ZZTileList.Unite 83471 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles 16097 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 18749 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New Total retiling time 594.9 seconds. 6025 total tiles in ZZ-buffer total tiling time 608.7 seconds. Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik... max = 3.790e+06 tot = 5.632e+08 avg = 5.029e+05 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik... max = 53 tot = 6025 avg = 5.38 ZZ-Buffer width = 160 height 7 Rendering image of buffer "cam1-08"... --- [VM = 7091200] ----------------- Rendering time 1665.7 seconds. Statistics for rendering ZZ-buffer "cam1-08": 492669 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeHits 620356 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits 564273 hit lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits 56083 hit lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits 172800 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeIllumination 172800 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing 73553 shadowing objects found by ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing 492669 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeHits 86400 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTangentPlane 86400 Total rays cast 86400 hits rendered ZZRender.RenderRay 86400 calls to ZZRender.RenderSurfaceHit 86413 hit nodes allocated 823736 hit nodes returned to free list 71604 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeHits 55 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New 6433 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-f.rgb... Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-timeRenderingPhase.pik... max = 1.713e+06 tot = 4.790e+09 avg = 4.990e+05 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nAtomComputeHits.pik... max = 117 tot = 492669 avg = 51.32 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nCSGNodeComputeHits.pik... max = 216 tot = 620356 avg = 64.62 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nCSGNodeNewHits.pik... max = 171 tot = 564273 avg = 58.78 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nCSGNodeOldHits.pik... max = 71 tot = 56083 avg = 5.84 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nComputeIllumination.pik... max = 18 tot = 172800 avg = 18.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nComputeShadowing.pik... max = 18 tot = 172800 avg = 18.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nShadowingFound.pik... max = 18 tot = 73553 avg = 7.66 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nPrimComputeHits.pik... max = 117 tot = 492669 avg = 51.32 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nPrimComputeTangentPlane.pik... max = 9 tot = 86400 avg = 9.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nRays.pik... max = 9 tot = 86400 avg = 9.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nRenderHit.pik... max = 9 tot = 86400 avg = 9.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nRenderSurfaceHit.pik... max = 9 tot = 86400 avg = 9.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nHitListAlloc.pik... max = 32 tot = 86413 avg = 9.00 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nHitListReclaimed.pik... max = 393 tot = 823736 avg = 85.81 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nUnionNodeComputeHits.pik... max = 63 tot = 71604 avg = 7.46 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nUnionNodeNew.pik... max = 13 tot = 55 avg = 0.01 Writing 90-04-29-2153/blur-cam1-08-ct-nUnionNodeOld.pik... max = 18 tot = 6433 avg = 0.67 Total elapsed time 3634.0 seconds. Done. dp: 4.64 secs/StartProcess. dp: 0 failed attempts. dp: 0.000 secs/MachineInfo.Select. dp: 3.85 secs/TryStartProcess. dp: 0.71 secs/DPClient.Import. dp: 1.48 secs/DPClient.StartProcess.