dp: [srcf51] BePolite /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.03//ZZMain -modelName blur -outputName 90-04-30-1129/blur -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 480 360 -imageSegment cam1 03b 0 480 190 200 -maxUnionTiles 10 -showZZBuffers -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 3
Command line options:
    -modelName blur \
    -outputName 90-04-30-1129/blur \
    -writeFiltered \
    -writeIFF \
    -writeCounters \
    -writeTimes \
    -showZZBuffers \
    -bufferSplit 2 \
    -useTileListTable \
    -useHitListTable \
    -maxUnionTiles 10 \
    -debugPixel -1 -1 \
    -zeta 1.500000 \
    -pikGamma 2.400000 \
    -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \
    -samplesPerPixel 3 \
    -numThreads 3 \
    -maxVMBytes 40000000 \
    -imageSize cam1  480 360 \
    -imageSegment cam1 03b  0 480  190 200 \
Reading model...
////o [blur-crackball.pik...] oooooo/ooooooo////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   247 objects in model
Reading time 22.9 seconds.
Light source "src1":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 4.0000e+01 8.0000e+01]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Light source "src2":
  Position [1.0000e+00 9.3750e+01 -7.5000e+01 3.7500e+01]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src1"...
Building ZZ-buffer "src2"...
Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     4099 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       82 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1218 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      504 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 15.4 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list
 [VM = 3442688] Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     4359 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       81 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1250 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      353 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 15.8 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list
 [VM = 4495360] 
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2"
   283235 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
   283235 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   596017 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   575458 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    20559 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   283235 ProjData nodes reused
   283235 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
   170536 tile nodes allocated
     1246 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   218323 tile nodes returned to free list
      788 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
   292223 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     8206 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    17164 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 1976.8 seconds.
    6027 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 1996.6 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  5.815e+06  tot =  1.922e+09  avg =  6.355e+05

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     14  tot =   6027  avg =     1.99
 [VM = 5560320] 
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1"
   355394 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
   355394 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   756328 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   727217 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    29111 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   355394 ProjData nodes reused
   355394 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
   209138 tile nodes allocated
     1620 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   325981 tile nodes returned to free list
     1005 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
   371823 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    10389 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    23689 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 2464.7 seconds.
    5718 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 2484.1 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  6.108e+06  tot =  2.386e+09  avg =  7.889e+05

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     12  tot =   5718  avg =     1.89
Camera ZZ-buffer "cam1-03b":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 2.0000e+00 2.1000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-1.2000e+01 _ 1.2000e+01] x [-9.0000e+00 _ 9.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 1.4926e-02  height = 1.4926e-02
  Image  width = 640  height = 480
  Image segment  [0..479] x [190..199]
  Pixels per ZZ-buffer cell  h = 10  v = 10

Building ZZ-buffer "cam1-03b"...
Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "cam1-03b"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       65 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      693 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      317 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 11.0 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list

  final zz-buffer contents:
  entry ih=0 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-39.680897 _ -24.670898]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.670897 _ -24.184090]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.184088 _ -16.490122]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=1 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-38.603512 _ -24.714964]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.714962 _ -24.275805]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.275803 _ -15.869654]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=2 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-37.405922 _ -24.663168]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.663166 _ -24.487730]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.487728 _ -15.345044]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=3 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-36.042824 _ -24.865162]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.529665 _ -14.902144]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=4 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-34.418308 _ -25.504015]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.322203 _ -14.533203]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=5 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-32.227516 _ -26.709139]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.044432 _ -19.276630]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-19.276628 _ -18.529985]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-18.529984 _ -14.234568]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=6 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.696812 _ -19.869247]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-19.869246 _ -17.409243]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-17.409241 _ -14.005781]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=7 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.276711 _ -19.851746]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-19.851744 _ -16.898619]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-16.898617 _ -13.849481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.049405 _ -10.123129]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=8 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-22.777746 _ -19.574474]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-19.574472 _ -16.647764]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-16.647762 _ -13.772040]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.684201 _ -9.130132]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=9 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-22.188076 _ -19.028744]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-19.028742 _ -16.665371]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-16.665369 _ -13.785305]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.940046 _ -8.516088]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=10 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-21.486101 _ -13.910872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-13.025384 _ -8.072549]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=11 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-20.628794 _ -14.191776]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.992304 _ -7.747428]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=12 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-19.507454 _ -14.736708]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.860316 _ -10.899776]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-10.899775 _ -9.415069]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-9.415068 _ -7.521213]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=13 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-17.416632 _ -16.251120]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.634760 _ -11.111717]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-11.111716 _ -10.385047]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-10.385046 _ -9.532224]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [-9.532223 _ -8.876463]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-8.876462 _ -7.388570]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=14 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-12.310370 _ -11.031581]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-11.031580 _ -10.416801]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-10.416800 _ -9.174190]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [-9.174189 _ -8.629935]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-8.629934 _ -7.354758]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-5.895670 _ -3.855522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=15 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-11.867777 _ -10.730315]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-10.730314 _ -9.924936]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-9.924935 _ -9.339774]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [-9.339773 _ -8.604536]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-8.604535 _ -7.439148]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.098379 _ -3.417609]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=16 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-11.255278 _ -10.062975]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-10.062974 _ -8.945210]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-8.945209 _ -7.693448]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.119869 _ -3.160912]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=17 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-10.267316 _ -8.323209]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.011824 _ -5.279142]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-5.279142 _ -4.663260]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-4.663260 _ -4.415982]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [-4.415981 _ -3.840806]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-3.840806 _ -3.033752]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=18 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-5.776952 _ -5.293362]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-5.293362 _ -4.889019]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-4.889019 _ -3.977139]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [-3.977139 _ -3.613327]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-3.613327 _ -3.033417]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.363152 _ -0.374121]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=19 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-5.374968 _ -5.071774]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-5.071774 _ -4.506599]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-4.506598 _ -4.146476]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [-4.146475 _ -3.621655]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-3.621655 _ -3.200195]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.547498 _ -0.028481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=20 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-4.683934 _ -3.658751]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.504043 _ -1.202176]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.202176 _ -1.165611]  (d:__D s:111 t:111) -()
  entry ih=21 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.368624 _ -1.207717]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.207717 _ -1.108186]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U (Quadric) -(Quadric))
      [-1.108186 _ -0.760162]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(Quadric)
      [-0.760162 _ -0.592721]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-0.592721 _ -0.170373]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(Quadric)
      [-0.170373 _ -0.149806]  (d:__D s:111 t:111) -()
  entry ih=22 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.130377 _ -1.076068]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.076068 _ -0.159808]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U (Quadric) -(Quadric))
      [-0.159808 _ 0.026573]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.452219 _ 1.530762]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.530762 _ 1.686828]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.686828 _ 1.819809]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [1.819810 _ 2.293027]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.293027 _ 2.552513]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.552513 _ 2.691941]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.691941 _ 2.798021]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.050900 _ 4.287603]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=23 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.426498 _ 1.536192]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.536192 _ 2.800571]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.800571 _ 2.900818]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.900818 _ 2.938058]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.634665 _ 3.722576]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [3.722577 _ 4.674424]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.674425 _ 4.757162]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.757162 _ 4.785413]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=24 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.500019 _ 1.548813]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.548813 _ 2.930059]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.930059 _ 2.938796]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.512118 _ 3.518716]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [3.518717 _ 4.949462]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.949462 _ 4.990997]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.371049 _ 5.385135]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.385135 _ 5.989942]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.989943 _ 6.333775]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)))
      [6.333776 _ 6.377567]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric))
  entry ih=25 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.618457 _ 1.884207]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.884207 _ 2.708980]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.708981 _ 2.922410]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.429258 _ 3.522597]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.522597 _ 5.063554]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.063554 _ 5.112341]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.171781 _ 5.214108]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.214108 _ 6.595910]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.595910 _ 6.600116]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.730932 _ 6.756182]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.756183 _ 7.694832]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)))
      [7.694832 _ 7.702423]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric))
      [8.195951 _ 8.446724]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=26 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.855058 _ 0.712128]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.976662 _ 2.666257]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.450085 _ 3.647822]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.647822 _ 5.021365]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.021365 _ 5.073108]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.073109 _ 5.164935]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.164936 _ 5.184379]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.184380 _ 6.536072]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.536072 _ 6.603999]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.604000 _ 6.687039]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.687040 _ 6.752455]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.752456 _ 7.460481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.460482 _ 7.836872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)))
      [7.836872 _ 7.882839]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [7.882840 _ 7.900567]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))))
      [7.900568 _ 7.929302]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [7.929303 _ 8.820282]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)))
      [8.820283 _ 8.832434]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.999258 _ 9.116273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.116274 _ 9.447424]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.447425 _ 9.536654]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=27 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.041161 _ 0.945527]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.574342 _ 3.950873]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.950873 _ 4.801348]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.801349 _ 5.066232]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.066232 _ 5.114098]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.114098 _ 5.248969]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.248969 _ 6.446934]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.446934 _ 6.565594]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.565594 _ 6.683851]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.683851 _ 6.813000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.813000 _ 7.674646]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.674647 _ 7.755779]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [7.755780 _ 7.984932]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [7.984933 _ 8.058051]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.058052 _ 8.195751]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.195752 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=28 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.071999 _ 1.022138]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.851031 _ 4.910828]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.139849 _ 5.424380]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.424381 _ 6.436059]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.436059 _ 6.569839]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.569839 _ 6.609821]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.609821 _ 6.793050]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.793051 _ 7.603791]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.603791 _ 7.724931]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [7.724932 _ 7.986666]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [7.986666 _ 8.108539]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.108540 _ 8.285958]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.285959 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=29 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.037418 _ 1.032908]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.310301 _ 5.961479]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.961479 _ 6.094141]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.094141 _ 6.494358]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.494358 _ 6.676265]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.676265 _ 6.745767]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.745767 _ 7.600405]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.600406 _ 7.768048]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [7.768048 _ 7.896680]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [7.896680 _ 8.089848]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.089849 _ 8.591804]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.591805 _ 8.713743]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.713744 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=30 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.917993 _ 0.959147]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.684877 _ 6.355355]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.633508 _ 7.069756]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.069757 _ 7.618651]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.618652 _ 7.659500]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.659500 _ 7.895911]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.895911 _ 7.990309]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.990309 _ 8.602311]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.602312 _ 8.767138]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.767138 _ 8.945815]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [8.945816 _ 9.127192]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.127193 _ 9.449435]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.449436 _ 9.572615]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.572616 _ 9.901306]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.901307 _ 10.018711]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.018712 _ 10.208653]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.208654 _ 10.303516]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.303517 _ 10.401560]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.401561 _ 10.663311]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.663312 _ 10.745232]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.745233 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=31 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.585583 _ 0.674354]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.918441 _ 7.744987]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.794484 _ 8.209085]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.209086 _ 8.667292]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.667293 _ 8.672217]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.672218 _ 8.907305]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.907306 _ 9.021556]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.021557 _ 9.478318]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.478319 _ 9.645555]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.645556 _ 9.787323]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.787324 _ 9.970494]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.970495 _ 10.206993]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.206994 _ 10.334134]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.334135 _ 10.610105]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.610106 _ 10.732222]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.732223 _ 10.864662]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [10.864663 _ 10.964438]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.964439 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=32 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [8.077209 _ 8.768176]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.821778 _ 9.568222]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.568223 _ 9.601107]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.601108 _ 9.671043]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.671044 _ 9.823917]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.823918 _ 9.842625]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.842626 _ 10.259347]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.259348 _ 10.439523]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.439524 _ 10.451474]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.451475 _ 10.658193]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.658194 _ 10.889599]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [10.889600 _ 11.027490]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [11.027491 _ 11.184587]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [11.184588 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=33 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [9.205170 _ 9.480924]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.758369 _ 10.383739]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [10.383739 _ 10.440338]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.440339 _ 10.483920]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.483921 _ 10.922761]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.922762 _ 10.975225]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.975226 _ 11.134253]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [11.134254 _ 11.204833]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [11.204834 _ 11.208852]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [11.208853 _ 11.314194]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [11.314195 _ 11.384583]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [11.384584 _ 11.503951]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [11.503952 _ 11.521931]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [11.521932 _ 11.591124]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [11.591125 _ 11.610602]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [11.610603 _ 11.692691]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [11.692692 _ 11.799387]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [11.799388 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=34 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [8.849209 _ 9.511986]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.511987 _ 9.673241]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.673242 _ 9.982986]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.982987 _ 10.132399]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.132400 _ 10.190667]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.190668 _ 10.376163]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.376164 _ 10.623433]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.623434 _ 10.694530]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.694530 _ 10.865985]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.865986 _ 11.183732]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [11.183733 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=35 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [6.823870 _ 7.477329]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.689566 _ 8.531202]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.531203 _ 8.852606]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.852607 _ 8.873363]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.873364 _ 9.285519]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.285520 _ 9.499705]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.499706 _ 9.645882]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.645883 _ 9.931993]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.931993 _ 9.954540]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.954541 _ 10.112668]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.112669 _ 10.548158]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.548159 _ 10.616350]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.616351 _ 10.670177]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.670178 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=36 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [5.284853 _ 6.194186]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.404075 _ 6.968273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.968273 _ 7.284415]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.284416 _ 7.438970]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.438971 _ 7.726856]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.726856 _ 7.822186]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.822186 _ 8.347316]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.347317 _ 8.548757]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.548758 _ 8.799507]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [8.799508 _ 9.057718]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.057719 _ 9.140606]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.140607 _ 9.292091]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.292092 _ 9.835710]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.835711 _ 9.885713]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [9.885714 _ 9.953566]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.953567 _ 10.056625]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.056626 _ 10.448139]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.448140 _ 10.541661]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.541662 _ 10.766362]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))))
      [10.766363 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=37 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.565155 _ 4.423428]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.924921 _ 5.401742]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.401742 _ 6.001494]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [6.001495 _ 6.190186]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.190186 _ 6.459683]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.459684 _ 6.468096]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.468097 _ 7.285587]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.285588 _ 7.478164]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.478165 _ 7.711220]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.711221 _ 7.961138]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.961138 _ 8.101615]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.101616 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=38 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.193086 _ 3.635553]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.635553 _ 4.233313]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.233313 _ 4.694943]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.734892 _ 4.979862]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.979862 _ 6.063173]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [6.063173 _ 6.242366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.242367 _ 6.328907]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [6.328908 _ 6.572100]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.572100 _ 7.193292]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.193292 _ 7.331619]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.331619 _ 7.846750]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.846750 _ 8.013210]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.013211 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=39 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.205569 _ 2.238557]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.017014 _ 3.201132]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.201132 _ 4.556506]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.556507 _ 4.634678]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.634679 _ 4.770461]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.770462 _ 4.782563]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.782563 _ 5.999450]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [5.999450 _ 6.120032]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.120032 _ 6.431737]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [6.431737 _ 6.586288]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.586289 _ 7.151142]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.151142 _ 7.249020]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.249021 _ 7.887298]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.887299 _ 8.001993]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.001994 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=40 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [0.999640 _ 1.015479]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.015479 _ 2.236746]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.236746 _ 2.308368]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [2.949922 _ 3.014373]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.014373 _ 4.608078]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.608078 _ 4.632037]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.632038 _ 4.685369]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.685369 _ 4.737000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [4.737000 _ 5.993852]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [5.993852 _ 6.066408]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.066409 _ 6.434463]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [6.434464 _ 6.526865]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.526865 _ 7.157730]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.157730 _ 7.220365]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.220365 _ 7.859136]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.859136 _ 7.932652]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.932653 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=41 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-6.113694 _ -4.766686]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.119634 _ -1.899518]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.899518 _ -0.919186]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-0.919186 _ -0.769839]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [0.806658 _ 0.876960]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [0.876960 _ 1.014881]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.014881 _ 2.188687]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.188687 _ 2.295522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.946507 _ 2.984979]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.984979 _ 4.588675]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.588676 _ 4.601388]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.659274 _ 4.670280]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.670280 _ 6.052722]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [6.052723 _ 6.078392]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [6.078392 _ 6.355086]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [6.355086 _ 6.389645]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.389645 _ 7.219759]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.219759 _ 7.247066]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.247066 _ 7.435446]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.435447 _ 7.435449]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.435449 _ 7.765366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.765367 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=42 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-21.402212 _ -19.712851]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.982533 _ -9.785691]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.792039 _ -6.052106]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.052106 _ -4.821200]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-4.821199 _ -4.305108]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.384704 _ -2.063461]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.063461 _ -2.041361]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-2.041361 _ -1.648026]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(Quadric)
      [-1.648026 _ -1.515201]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-1.515201 _ -1.337323]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-1.337322 _ -1.290848]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-1.290847 _ -0.903619]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(Quadric)
      [-0.903619 _ -0.817345]  (d:__D s:111 t:111) -()
  entry ih=43 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.511946 _ -18.063595]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-13.739010 _ -9.330948]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.190142 _ -6.260109]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.260108 _ -4.803786]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-4.803785 _ -4.124686]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.556523 _ -1.998652]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.998652 _ -1.970047]  (d:__D s:111 t:111) -()
  entry ih=44 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-40.455784 _ -34.862484]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.641214 _ -17.394796]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.243910 _ -9.127780]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.420453 _ -6.143343]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.143343 _ -5.111139]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-5.111138 _ -4.112055]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.594581 _ -0.785983]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.122092 _ 1.590078]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [12.472395 _ 12.751729]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [12.787744 _ 13.090940]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [13.090940 _ 13.212469]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [13.212470 _ 13.373768]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [13.373769 _ 13.609024]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [13.609025 _ 13.635903]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [13.635904 _ 13.878633]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [13.878634 _ 13.960331]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [13.960332 _ 14.103587]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.103588 _ 14.275513]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [14.275514 _ 14.312475]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.312476 _ 14.506758]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [14.506759 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=45 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-43.307331 _ -32.837620]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-25.471157 _ -17.025318]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.595840 _ -9.077579]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.520561 _ -4.229628]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.433116 _ -1.114664]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [14.755698 _ 14.892723]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [14.892724 _ 15.003063]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.003064 _ 15.034002]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.034003 _ 15.171926]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.171927 _ 15.249026]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.249027 _ 15.304450]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.304451 _ 15.431228]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.431229 _ 15.463646]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.463647 _ 15.551973]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.551974 _ 15.657320]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.657321 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=46 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-45.203758 _ -31.767872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-26.119328 _ -16.837622]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.827490 _ -9.147664]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.488195 _ -4.479674]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.953066 _ 15.978577]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.978578 _ 15.985726]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.985727 _ 16.050793]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [16.050795 _ 16.128864]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [16.128866 _ 16.201473]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.201475 _ 16.207399]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [16.207401 _ 16.285185]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.285187 _ 16.356842]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.356844 _ 16.360771]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.360773 _ 16.434467]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.434469 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=47 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-46.709614 _ -31.088701]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-26.632212 _ -16.785208]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.949233 _ -9.327652]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.276884 _ -4.908665]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [16.757099 _ 16.794815]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [16.794817 _ 16.928570]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [16.928572 _ 17.041565]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "cam1-03b"
    32832 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    32832 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
    68797 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    66549 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     2248 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    32832 ProjData nodes reused
    32832 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    33543 tile nodes allocated
       94 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
    64147 tile nodes returned to free list
     1261 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
    33717 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     8154 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    11000 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 281.8 seconds.
     468 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 296.0 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.276e+07  tot =  2.851e+08  avg =  5.940e+06

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     22  tot =    468  avg =     9.75
  ZZ-Buffer width = 48  height 1
Rendering image of buffer "cam1-03b"...
---------- [VM = 6575104] 
Rendering time 13232.6 seconds.
Statistics for rendering ZZ-buffer "cam1-03b":
  5074586 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeHits
  10509060 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
  10146273 hit lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
   362787 hit lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
    67226 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeIllumination
    67226 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
    21562 shadowing objects found by ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
  5074586 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeHits
    33613 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTangentPlane
    43200 Total rays cast
    33613 hits rendered ZZRender.RenderRay
    33613 calls to ZZRender.RenderSurfaceHit
    33625 hit nodes allocated
  1952858 hit nodes returned to free list
  5071687 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeHits

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-f.rgb...
Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-timeRenderingPhase.pik...
  max =  3.881e+07  tot =  3.592e+10  avg =  7.482e+06

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nAtomComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5789  tot = 5074586  avg =  1057.21

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nCSGNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =  12177  tot = 10509060  avg =  2189.39

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nCSGNodeNewHits.pik...
  max =  11745  tot = 10146273  avg =  2113.81

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nCSGNodeOldHits.pik...
  max =    432  tot = 362787  avg =    75.58

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nComputeIllumination.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  67226  avg =    14.01

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nComputeShadowing.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  67226  avg =    14.01

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nShadowingFound.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  21562  avg =     4.49

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nPrimComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5789  tot = 5074586  avg =  1057.21

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nPrimComputeTangentPlane.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  33613  avg =     7.00

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nRays.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  43200  avg =     9.00

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nRenderHit.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  33613  avg =     7.00

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nRenderSurfaceHit.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  33613  avg =     7.00

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nHitListAlloc.pik...
  max =    105  tot =  33625  avg =     7.01

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nHitListReclaimed.pik...
  max =   2442  tot = 1952858  avg =   406.85

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03b-ct-nUnionNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5994  tot = 5071687  avg =  1056.60
Total elapsed time 16069.0 seconds.
dp: 3.42 secs/StartProcess.
dp: 0 failed attempts.
dp: 0.141 secs/MachineInfo.Select.
dp: 3.08  secs/TryStartProcess.
dp: 0.04  secs/DPClient.Import.
dp: 2.93  secs/DPClient.StartProcess.