dp: [srcf50] BePolite /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.03//ZZMain -modelName blur -outputName 90-04-30-1129/blur -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 480 360 -imageSegment cam1 03c 0 480 200 210 -maxUnionTiles 10 -showZZBuffers -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 3
Command line options:
    -modelName blur \
    -outputName 90-04-30-1129/blur \
    -writeFiltered \
    -writeIFF \
    -writeCounters \
    -writeTimes \
    -showZZBuffers \
    -bufferSplit 2 \
    -useTileListTable \
    -useHitListTable \
    -maxUnionTiles 10 \
    -debugPixel -1 -1 \
    -zeta 1.500000 \
    -pikGamma 2.400000 \
    -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \
    -samplesPerPixel 3 \
    -numThreads 3 \
    -maxVMBytes 40000000 \
    -imageSize cam1  480 360 \
    -imageSegment cam1 03c  0 480  200 210 \
Reading model...
////o [blur-crackball.pik...] oooooo/ooooooo////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   247 objects in model
Reading time 21.3 seconds.
Light source "src1":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 4.0000e+01 8.0000e+01]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Light source "src2":
  Position [1.0000e+00 9.3750e+01 -7.5000e+01 3.7500e+01]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src1"...
Building ZZ-buffer "src2"...
Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     4099 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       82 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1228 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      494 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 14.8 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list
 [VM = 3446784] Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     4358 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       81 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1225 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      378 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 15.3 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list
 [VM = 4477952] 
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2"
   283235 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
   283235 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   595760 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   575331 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    20429 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   283235 ProjData nodes reused
   283235 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
   170467 tile nodes allocated
     1246 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   218058 tile nodes returned to free list
      788 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
   292096 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     8144 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    17147 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 1868.1 seconds.
    6023 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 1887.5 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  5.430e+06  tot =  1.817e+09  avg =  6.008e+05

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     14  tot =   6023  avg =     1.99
 [VM = 5530624] 
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1"
   355402 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
   355402 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   755993 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   727092 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    28901 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   355402 ProjData nodes reused
   355402 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
   208923 tile nodes allocated
     1628 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   325706 tile nodes returned to free list
     1005 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
   371690 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    10296 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    23640 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 2338.5 seconds.
    5713 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 2357.2 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  5.782e+06  tot =  2.267e+09  avg =  7.495e+05

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     12  tot =   5713  avg =     1.89
Camera ZZ-buffer "cam1-03c":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 2.0000e+00 2.1000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-1.2000e+01 _ 1.2000e+01] x [-9.0000e+00 _ 9.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 1.4926e-02  height = 1.4926e-02
  Image  width = 640  height = 480
  Image segment  [0..479] x [200..209]
  Pixels per ZZ-buffer cell  h = 10  v = 10

Building ZZ-buffer "cam1-03c"...
Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "cam1-03c"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       65 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      699 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      310 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 10.7 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list

  final zz-buffer contents:
  entry ih=0 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-39.680897 _ -24.670898]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.670897 _ -24.184090]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.184088 _ -16.490122]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=1 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-38.603512 _ -24.714964]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.714962 _ -24.275805]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.275803 _ -15.869654]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=2 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-37.405922 _ -24.663168]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.663166 _ -24.487730]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.487728 _ -15.345044]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=3 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-36.042824 _ -24.865162]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.529665 _ -14.902144]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=4 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-34.418308 _ -25.504015]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.322203 _ -14.533203]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=5 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-32.227516 _ -26.709139]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.044432 _ -14.234568]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=6 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.696812 _ -14.005781]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=7 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.276711 _ -13.849481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.049405 _ -10.123129]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=8 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-22.777746 _ -13.772040]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.684201 _ -9.130132]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=9 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-22.188076 _ -13.785305]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.940046 _ -8.516088]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=10 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-21.486101 _ -13.910872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-13.025384 _ -8.072549]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=11 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-20.628794 _ -14.191776]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.992304 _ -7.747428]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=12 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-19.507454 _ -14.736708]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.860316 _ -7.521213]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=13 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-17.416632 _ -16.251120]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.634760 _ -7.388570]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=14 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-12.310370 _ -7.354758]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-5.895670 _ -3.855522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=15 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-11.867777 _ -7.439148]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.098379 _ -3.417609]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=16 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-11.255278 _ -7.693448]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.119869 _ -3.160912]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=17 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-10.267316 _ -8.323209]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.011824 _ -3.033752]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=18 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-5.776952 _ -3.033417]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.363152 _ -0.374121]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=19 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-5.374968 _ -3.200195]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.547498 _ -0.028481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=20 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-4.683934 _ -3.658751]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.504043 _ -1.202176]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=21 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.368624 _ -1.108186]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=22 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.130377 _ 0.026573]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.452219 _ 1.819809]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.819810 _ 1.867817]  (d:__D s:111 t:111) -()
  entry ih=23 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.426498 _ 1.654974]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.654974 _ 1.823773]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.823773 _ 2.587062]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.587062 _ 2.739302]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.739302 _ 2.938058]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.634665 _ 3.735518]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.735518 _ 3.847106]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [3.847106 _ 4.608134]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.608134 _ 4.708176]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.708177 _ 4.785413]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=24 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.548813 _ 1.604146]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.604146 _ 1.739444]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.739444 _ 2.773443]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.773443 _ 2.892229]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.892230 _ 2.930059]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.512118 _ 3.533893]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.533893 _ 3.605851]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [3.605852 _ 4.920566]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.920567 _ 4.981004]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.981004 _ 4.990997]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.371049 _ 5.396137]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.396138 _ 6.369701]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.369702 _ 6.377567]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.094656 _ 7.334255]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=25 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.893228 _ 0.719850]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.884207 _ 1.884834]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.884834 _ 2.708980]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.708981 _ 2.730105]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.505759 _ 3.522597]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.522597 _ 5.063554]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.063554 _ 5.094080]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.186052 _ 5.214108]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.214108 _ 6.595910]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.595910 _ 6.632773]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.689727 _ 6.756182]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.756183 _ 7.464149]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.464149 _ 7.702423]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.702424 _ 7.774621]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.016126 _ 8.658815]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=26 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.206806 _ 1.081405]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.524339 _ 3.647822]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.647822 _ 5.021365]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.021365 _ 5.087994]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.087995 _ 5.148920]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.148920 _ 5.184379]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.184380 _ 6.511698]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.511698 _ 6.603999]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.604000 _ 6.687039]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.687040 _ 6.784498]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.784499 _ 7.771334]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.771334 _ 7.882839]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.882840 _ 7.900567]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.900568 _ 7.992262]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.992263 _ 8.199418]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.199419 _ 8.820282]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.820283 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=27 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.334228 _ -0.756495]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=28 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.396170 _ -0.874296]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=29 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.396170 _ -0.874296]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=30 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.226049 _ -0.538903]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=31 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.997297 _ 1.099077]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.863818 _ 7.740952]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.740952 _ 7.838195]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.838195 _ 8.209085]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.209086 _ 8.611874]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.611875 _ 8.667292]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.667293 _ 8.907305]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.907306 _ 9.107354]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [9.107355 _ 9.410830]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [9.410830 _ 9.645555]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [9.645556 _ 9.787323]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [9.787324 _ 10.058209]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.058210 _ 10.132135]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.132136 _ 10.334134]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.334135 _ 10.610105]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.610106 _ 10.781697]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.781698 _ 10.823214]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) -(U ... ...)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.823215 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=32 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.495162 _ 0.647188]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.980383 _ 8.743857]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.743858 _ 8.893559]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.893560 _ 8.897267]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.897268 _ 9.490252]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.490253 _ 9.601107]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.601108 _ 9.671043]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.671044 _ 9.823917]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.823918 _ 9.947918]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.947919 _ 10.178002]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.178003 _ 10.439523]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.439524 _ 10.451474]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.451475 _ 10.759666]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.759667 _ 10.803303]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [10.803304 _ 11.027490]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [11.027491 _ 11.184587]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [11.184588 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=33 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [9.008572 _ 9.645416]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.645417 _ 9.671043]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.671044 _ 9.704895]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.704896 _ 9.814847]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.814848 _ 10.091734]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.091735 _ 10.281155]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.281156 _ 10.320513]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.320514 _ 10.398048]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [10.398049 _ 10.620377]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.620378 _ 10.830828]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.830829 _ 10.873739]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.873740 _ 11.204833]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [11.204834 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=34 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [8.132287 _ 8.529967]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.753792 _ 9.435046]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.435047 _ 9.796619]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.796620 _ 9.982986]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [9.982987 _ 10.063101]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.063102 _ 10.085688]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.085689 _ 10.190667]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.190668 _ 10.195976]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [10.195977 _ 10.376163]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [10.376164 _ 10.489944]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.489945 _ 10.630173]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.630174 _ 10.724314]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (U ... ...)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.724315 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=35 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [6.760412 _ 7.580543]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.635594 _ 8.476273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.476274 _ 8.852606]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.852607 _ 8.960421]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.960422 _ 9.230278]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.230279 _ 9.499705]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.499706 _ 9.645882]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.645883 _ 9.899816]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.899817 _ 10.014884]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.014885 _ 10.112668]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [10.112669 _ 10.494549]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.494550 _ 10.616350]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [10.616351 _ 10.670177]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.670178 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=36 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [5.301978 _ 6.225720]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.382903 _ 6.968273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.968273 _ 7.284415]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.284416 _ 7.403238]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.403238 _ 7.726856]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.726856 _ 7.883111]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.883111 _ 8.304423]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.304424 _ 8.548757]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.548758 _ 8.799507]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [8.799508 _ 9.094177]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.094178 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=37 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.730978 _ 4.318514]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.946337 _ 5.401742]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.401742 _ 6.001494]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.001495 _ 6.177673]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.177673 _ 6.459683]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.459684 _ 6.495337]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.495338 _ 7.256841]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.256841 _ 7.261838]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.261838 _ 7.478164]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.478165 _ 7.711220]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.711221 _ 8.013403]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.013404 _ 8.101615]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.101616 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=38 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.294047 _ 3.635553]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.635553 _ 4.233313]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.233313 _ 4.654892]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.757908 _ 4.979862]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.979862 _ 6.054285]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.054285 _ 6.242366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.242367 _ 6.328907]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.328908 _ 6.597742]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.597743 _ 7.167667]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.167667 _ 7.331619]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.331619 _ 7.846750]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.846750 _ 8.061852]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.061853 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=39 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.108924 _ 3.201132]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.201132 _ 4.556506]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.556507 _ 4.658845]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.658846 _ 4.739461]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.739462 _ 4.782563]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.782563 _ 5.992014]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.992014 _ 6.120032]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.120032 _ 6.431737]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.431737 _ 6.610779]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.610780 _ 7.126414]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.126415 _ 7.249020]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.249021 _ 7.887298]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.887299 _ 8.049184]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.049185 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=40 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [0.999640 _ 1.167434]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.167434 _ 1.370458]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.370458 _ 2.031807]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [2.031807 _ 2.216806]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.216807 _ 2.236746]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.014373 _ 3.042429]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [3.042430 _ 4.632037]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.632038 _ 4.633331]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.633332 _ 4.685369]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.685369 _ 4.705401]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.705402 _ 5.986297]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [5.986297 _ 6.066408]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.066409 _ 6.434463]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.434464 _ 6.550271]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.550271 _ 7.131911]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.131912 _ 7.220365]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.220365 _ 7.859136]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.859136 _ 7.979961]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.979961 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=41 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-6.113694 _ -4.766686]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.119634 _ -0.769839]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [0.806658 _ 1.186762]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.186762 _ 1.464373]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [1.464373 _ 1.817612]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [1.817612 _ 2.077140]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [2.077140 _ 2.295522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [2.946507 _ 3.014880]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.014881 _ 3.086693]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [3.086693 _ 4.560583]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [4.560584 _ 4.588675]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.670280 _ 4.685842]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [4.685843 _ 6.043060]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.043060 _ 6.078392]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.078392 _ 6.355086]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [6.355086 _ 6.411734]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.411735 _ 7.190102]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.190102 _ 7.247066]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.247066 _ 7.765366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.765367 _ 7.848260]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.848260 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=42 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-21.402212 _ -19.712851]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.982533 _ -9.785691]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.792039 _ -4.305108]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.384704 _ -2.041361]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=43 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.511946 _ -18.063595]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-13.739010 _ -9.330948]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.190142 _ -4.124686]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.556523 _ -1.998652]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=44 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-40.455784 _ -34.862484]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.641214 _ -17.394796]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.243910 _ -9.127780]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.420453 _ -4.112055]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.594581 _ -0.785983]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.122092 _ 1.590078]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [11.036705 _ 11.270384]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [11.474153 _ 11.898675]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [11.898676 _ 11.928834]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [11.928835 _ 12.289289]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [12.289290 _ 12.474033]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [12.474034 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=45 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-43.307331 _ -32.837620]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-25.471157 _ -17.025318]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.595840 _ -9.077579]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.520561 _ -4.229628]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.433116 _ -1.114664]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [14.073282 _ 14.254738]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [14.254739 _ 14.347070]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.347071 _ 14.437467]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [14.437468 _ 14.613522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.613523 _ 14.650670]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [14.650671 _ 14.780919]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.780920 _ 14.914673]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [14.914674 _ 14.939366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.939367 _ 15.089142]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.089143 _ 15.151394]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.151395 _ 15.230598]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.230599 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=46 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-45.203758 _ -31.767872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-26.119328 _ -16.837622]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.827490 _ -9.147664]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.488195 _ -4.479674]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.530475 _ 15.582605]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.582606 _ 15.593512]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.593513 _ 15.674661]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.674662 _ 15.771192]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.771193 _ 15.831710]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.831711 _ 15.867352]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.867353 _ 15.961273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.961274 _ 16.011997]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.011999 _ 16.052336]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.052338 _ 16.140028]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.140030 _ 16.171442]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.171444 _ 16.224674]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.224676 _ 16.305811]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.305813 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=47 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-46.709614 _ -31.088701]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-26.632212 _ -16.785208]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.949233 _ -9.327652]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.276884 _ -4.908665]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [16.498457 _ 16.546888]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [16.546890 _ 16.602205]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [16.602207 _ 16.659393]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.659395 _ 16.691740]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.691742 _ 16.717064]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.717066 _ 16.817499]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.817501 _ 16.927933]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [16.927935 _ 17.028654]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [17.028656 _ 17.121588]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "cam1-03c"
    30699 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    30699 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
    63858 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    62085 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1773 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    30699 ProjData nodes reused
    30699 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    29434 tile nodes allocated
       92 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
    60457 tile nodes returned to free list
     1195 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
    31386 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     8684 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    10224 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 253.4 seconds.
     342 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 267.3 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.228e+07  tot =  2.570e+08  avg =  5.355e+06

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     21  tot =    342  avg =     7.13
  ZZ-Buffer width = 48  height 1
Rendering image of buffer "cam1-03c"...
--------- [VM = 6564864] -
Rendering time 11713.4 seconds.
Statistics for rendering ZZ-buffer "cam1-03c":
  4466900 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeHits
  9181346 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
  8888576 hit lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
   292770 hit lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
    69792 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeIllumination
    69792 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
    21979 shadowing objects found by ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
  4466900 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeHits
    34896 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTangentPlane
    43200 Total rays cast
    34896 hits rendered ZZRender.RenderRay
    34896 calls to ZZRender.RenderSurfaceHit
    34908 hit nodes allocated
  1709053 hit nodes returned to free list
  4421676 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeHits

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-f.rgb...
Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-timeRenderingPhase.pik...
  max =  3.831e+07  tot =  3.189e+10  avg =  6.645e+06

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nAtomComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5840  tot = 4466900  avg =   930.60

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nCSGNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =  12051  tot = 9181346  avg =  1912.78

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nCSGNodeNewHits.pik...
  max =  11770  tot = 8888576  avg =  1851.79

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nCSGNodeOldHits.pik...
  max =    324  tot = 292770  avg =    60.99

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nComputeIllumination.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  69792  avg =    14.54

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nComputeShadowing.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  69792  avg =    14.54

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nShadowingFound.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  21979  avg =     4.58

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nPrimComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5840  tot = 4466900  avg =   930.60

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nPrimComputeTangentPlane.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  34896  avg =     7.27

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nRays.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  43200  avg =     9.00

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nRenderHit.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  34896  avg =     7.27

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nRenderSurfaceHit.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  34896  avg =     7.27

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nHitListAlloc.pik...
  max =    106  tot =  34908  avg =     7.27

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nHitListReclaimed.pik...
  max =   2946  tot = 1709053  avg =   356.05

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-03c-ct-nUnionNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5931  tot = 4421676  avg =   921.18
Total elapsed time 14384.3 seconds.
dp: 3.19 secs/StartProcess.
dp: 0 failed attempts.
dp: 0.219 secs/MachineInfo.Select.
dp: 2.73  secs/TryStartProcess.
dp: 0.06  secs/DPClient.Import.
dp: 2.51  secs/DPClient.StartProcess.