dp: [srcf37] BePolite /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.03//ZZMain -modelName blur -outputName 90-04-30-1129/blur -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 480 360 -imageSegment cam1 04c 0 480 240 250 -maxUnionTiles 10 -showZZBuffers -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 3
Command line options:
    -modelName blur \
    -outputName 90-04-30-1129/blur \
    -writeFiltered \
    -writeIFF \
    -writeCounters \
    -writeTimes \
    -showZZBuffers \
    -bufferSplit 2 \
    -useTileListTable \
    -useHitListTable \
    -maxUnionTiles 10 \
    -debugPixel -1 -1 \
    -zeta 1.500000 \
    -pikGamma 2.400000 \
    -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \
    -samplesPerPixel 3 \
    -numThreads 3 \
    -maxVMBytes 40000000 \
    -imageSize cam1  480 360 \
    -imageSegment cam1 04c  0 480  240 250 \
Reading model...
////o [blur-crackball.pik...] oooooo/ooooooo////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   247 objects in model
Reading time 23.0 seconds.
Light source "src1":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 4.0000e+01 8.0000e+01]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Light source "src2":
  Position [1.0000e+00 9.3750e+01 -7.5000e+01 3.7500e+01]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01] x [-2.7500e+01 _ 2.7500e+01]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src1"...
Building ZZ-buffer "src2"...
Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     4099 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       82 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1207 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      515 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 19.1 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list
 [VM = 3448832] Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     4358 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       81 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1232 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      371 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 20.3 seconds.
      11 nodes in top tile list
 [VM = 4465664] 
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2"
   283235 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
   283235 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   595883 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   575396 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    20487 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   283235 ProjData nodes reused
   283235 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
   171039 tile nodes allocated
     1246 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   218298 tile nodes returned to free list
      788 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
   292161 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     8261 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    17104 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 2885.4 seconds.
    6020 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 2910.0 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.057e+07  tot =  2.782e+09  avg =  9.195e+05

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     14  tot =   6020  avg =     1.99

Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1"
   355402 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
   355402 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   755844 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   727021 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    28823 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   355402 ProjData nodes reused
   355402 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
   208549 tile nodes allocated
     1628 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   325603 tile nodes returned to free list
     1005 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
   371619 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    10465 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    23458 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 3438.5 seconds.
    5721 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 3461.8 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.115e+07  tot =  3.306e+09  avg =  1.093e+06

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     12  tot =   5721  avg =     1.89
Camera ZZ-buffer "cam1-04c":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+01 2.0000e+00 2.1000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-1.2000e+01 _ 1.2000e+01] x [-9.0000e+00 _ 9.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 1.4926e-02  height = 1.4926e-02
  Image  width = 640  height = 480
  Image segment  [0..479] x [240..249]
  Pixels per ZZ-buffer cell  h = 10  v = 10

Building ZZ-buffer "cam1-04c"...
Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "cam1-04c"
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      639 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1277 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1277 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      639 ProjData nodes allocated
      639 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       78 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      638 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      899 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      498 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
  top-level tiling time 12.5 seconds.
      12 nodes in top tile list

  final zz-buffer contents:
  entry ih=0 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-39.680897 _ -24.670898]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.670897 _ -24.184090]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.184088 _ -16.490122]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=1 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-38.603512 _ -24.714964]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.714962 _ -24.275805]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.275803 _ -15.869654]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=2 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-37.405922 _ -24.663168]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.663166 _ -24.487730]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [-24.487728 _ -15.345044]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=3 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-36.042824 _ -24.865162]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.529665 _ -14.902144]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=4 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-34.418308 _ -25.504015]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.322203 _ -14.533203]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=5 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-32.227516 _ -26.709139]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.044432 _ -14.234568]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=6 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.696812 _ -14.005781]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=7 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.276711 _ -13.849481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.049405 _ -10.123129]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=8 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-22.777746 _ -13.772040]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.684201 _ -9.130132]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=9 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-22.188076 _ -13.785305]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.940046 _ -8.516088]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=10 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-21.486101 _ -13.910872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-13.025384 _ -8.072549]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=11 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-20.628794 _ -14.191776]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.992304 _ -7.747428]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=12 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-19.507454 _ -14.736708]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.860316 _ -7.521213]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=13 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-17.416632 _ -16.251120]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.634760 _ -7.388570]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=14 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-12.310370 _ -7.354758]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-5.895670 _ -3.855522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=15 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-11.867777 _ -7.439148]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.098379 _ -3.417609]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=16 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-11.255278 _ -7.693448]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.119869 _ -3.160912]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=17 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-10.267316 _ -8.323209]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.011824 _ -3.033752]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=18 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-5.776952 _ -3.033417]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.363152 _ -0.374121]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=19 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-5.374968 _ -3.200195]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.547498 _ -0.028481]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:D?_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=20 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-4.683934 _ -3.658751]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-1.504043 _ -1.202176]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=21 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.368624 _ -1.108186]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=22 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.130377 _ 0.026573]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.452219 _ 1.819809]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=23 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [1.426498 _ 2.938058]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.634665 _ 4.785413]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=24 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.308973 _ 0.130278]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.548813 _ 2.930059]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.512118 _ 4.990997]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.371049 _ 6.377567]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407801 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=25 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.063897 _ 0.953469]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.884207 _ 2.708980]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.522597 _ 5.063554]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.214108 _ 6.595910]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.756183 _ 7.702423]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407801 _ 20.097742]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
  entry ih=26 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.462439 _ -0.698414]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=27 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.462439 _ -0.698414]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=28 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.571931 _ -0.359613]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=29 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.571931 _ -0.359613]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=30 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.571931 _ -0.359613]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=31 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-1.571931 _ -0.359613]  (d:DD_ s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=32 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-0.736561 _ 0.946572]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.122381 _ 6.885384]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.222994 _ 7.376854]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.376854 _ 8.195457]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.195458 _ 8.257962]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.257963 _ 8.277409]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.277410 _ 8.278009]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.278010 _ 8.332891]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.332891 _ 9.039310]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.039310 _ 9.205097]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.205098 _ 9.328811]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [9.328812 _ 9.382320]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.382321 _ 9.415880]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [9.415881 _ 9.773035]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.773036 _ 9.805583]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [9.805584 _ 9.823917]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [9.823918 _ 9.953499]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (Quadric)))
      [9.953500 _ 9.986046]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (Quadric)))
      [9.986047 _ 10.010151]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.010152 _ 10.178203]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.178204 _ 10.294620]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [10.294621 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=33 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [6.100200 _ 6.888727]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.175475 _ 7.515860]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.515860 _ 7.653103]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.653104 _ 7.994287]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.994287 _ 8.015627]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.015628 _ 8.138771]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.138772 _ 8.277409]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.277410 _ 8.305749]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.305750 _ 8.311385]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [8.311386 _ 8.434798]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.434799 _ 8.979102]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [8.979103 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=34 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [6.142200 _ 6.226339]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.226339 _ 6.395066]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.395067 _ 6.419470]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.419470 _ 6.743746]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.743747 _ 6.841218]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.153129 _ 7.226997]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.226997 _ 8.089814]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.089815 _ 8.154236]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.154237 _ 8.234447]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [8.234448 _ 8.330133]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [8.330134 _ 8.914473]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.914474 _ 8.976984]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.976985 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=35 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [4.827038 _ 5.036270]  (d:D?? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.881458 _ 6.993666]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.993666 _ 7.048613]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.048614 _ 7.369207]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.369207 _ 7.968528]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.968529 _ 8.073239]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.073240 _ 8.252669]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.252670 _ 8.441370]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [8.441371 _ 8.815335]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [8.815336 _ 8.852606]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.852607 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=36 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [4.546631 _ 5.256995]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.782568 _ 6.921826]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.921827 _ 6.968273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.968273 _ 7.094154]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.094155 _ 7.284415]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.284416 _ 7.726856]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.726856 _ 7.910609]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.910609 _ 7.943897]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.943897 _ 7.985523]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.985524 _ 8.438109]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (U -(U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [8.438110 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=37 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [4.586112 _ 5.157832]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.401742 _ 5.786667]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.786667 _ 5.881507]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.881508 _ 5.900493]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [5.900493 _ 6.001494]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.001495 _ 6.459683]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.459684 _ 6.509754]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.509755 _ 6.920667]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.920667 _ 7.036705]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.036706 _ 7.478164]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.478165 _ 7.702293]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.702293 _ 7.711220]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.711221 _ 7.729559]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.729559 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=38 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.635553 _ 4.233313]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.979862 _ 5.913492]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [5.913492 _ 6.242366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.242367 _ 6.328907]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.328908 _ 6.802948]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.802948 _ 6.856531]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.856532 _ 6.876631]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.876631 _ 6.997656]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [6.997656 _ 7.331619]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.331619 _ 7.398528]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.398528 _ 7.465775]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.465775 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=39 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [3.201132 _ 4.556506]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.782563 _ 6.120032]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.120032 _ 6.431737]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.431737 _ 6.703780]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.703781 _ 6.764638]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.764638 _ 7.206505]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.206505 _ 7.249020]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.249021 _ 7.435581]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.435582 _ 7.489984]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.489984 _ 7.541679]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.541679 _ 7.565693]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.565693 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=40 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [0.999640 _ 2.236746]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [3.014373 _ 4.632037]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.685369 _ 6.066408]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.066409 _ 6.434463]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.434464 _ 6.768734]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.768734 _ 6.857047]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.857047 _ 7.220365]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.220365 _ 7.268231]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [7.268232 _ 7.350072]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [7.350072 _ 7.571826]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.571827 _ 7.598233]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.598234 _ 7.859136]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.859136 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=41 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-6.113694 _ -4.766686]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.119634 _ -0.769839]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [0.806658 _ 2.295522]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [2.946507 _ 4.588675]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [4.670280 _ 6.078392]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [6.078392 _ 6.355086]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [6.355086 _ 7.247066]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [7.247066 _ 7.703520]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [7.703520 _ 7.739247]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.739247 _ 7.765366]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [7.765367 _ 8.231397]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.231398 _ 8.492146]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U -(Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [8.492146 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=42 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-21.402212 _ -19.712851]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-12.982533 _ -9.785691]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-6.792039 _ -4.305108]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.384704 _ -2.041361]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=43 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-23.511946 _ -18.063595]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-13.739010 _ -9.330948]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.190142 _ -4.124686]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.556523 _ -1.998652]  (d:DDD s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
  entry ih=44 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-40.455784 _ -34.862484]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-24.641214 _ -17.394796]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.243910 _ -9.127780]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.420453 _ -4.112055]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.594581 _ -0.785983]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [1.122092 _ 1.590078]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [11.550170 _ 11.841419]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) -(Plane))
      [11.955795 _ 12.007794]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U -(Quadric) -(Plane))
      [12.007795 _ 12.022304]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric))
      [12.022305 _ 12.337669]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [12.337670 _ 12.344998]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)))
      [12.344999 _ 12.407155]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [12.407156 _ 12.408201]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) -(U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) -(U (U -(Quadric) -(Plane)) (Quadric)))
      [12.408202 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=45 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-43.307331 _ -32.837620]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-25.471157 _ -17.025318]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.595840 _ -9.077579]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.520561 _ -4.229628]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-2.433116 _ -1.114664]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [13.796775 _ 13.987591]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [13.987592 _ 14.129273]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.129274 _ 14.182279]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [14.182280 _ 14.370687]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.370687 _ 14.464111]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [14.464112 _ 14.550279]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [14.550280 _ 14.720264]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [14.720265 _ 14.751959]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [14.751960 _ 14.880902]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [14.880903 _ 15.008054]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [15.008055 _ 15.032643]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.032644 _ 15.175919]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.175920 _ 15.239256]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.239257 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=46 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-45.203758 _ -31.767872]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-26.119328 _ -16.837622]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.827490 _ -9.147664]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.488195 _ -4.479674]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.133567 _ 15.237016]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.237017 _ 15.350927]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.350928 _ 15.369445]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric))
      [15.369446 _ 15.407800]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))
      [15.407801 _ 15.465646]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Plane))
      [15.465647 _ 15.577829]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Quadric) (Plane)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.577830 _ 15.596652]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Plane)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [15.596653 _ 15.686233]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Plane)) (Quadric))
      [15.686234 _ 15.790567]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Plane) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [15.790568 _ 15.791618]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Plane) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (Quadric))
      [15.791619 _ 15.890650]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [15.890651 _ 15.966063]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (Quadric)))
      [15.966064 _ 15.986596]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (Quadric) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))))
      [15.986597 _ 16.078377]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))))
      [16.078379 _ 16.125164]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))))
      [16.125166 _ 16.166344]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (U (U ... ...) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))))
      [16.166346 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
  entry ih=47 iv=0:
    list: [-99999991988224.000000 _ 99999991988224.000000]
      [-46.709614 _ -31.088701]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-26.632212 _ -16.785208]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-14.949233 _ -9.327652]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [-7.276884 _ -4.908665]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (Quadric)
      [15.407802 _ 16.121767]  (d:??_ s:0?1 t:011) (Plane)
      [16.121769 _ 16.173399]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (Quadric))
      [16.173401 _ 16.239307]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.239309 _ 16.286514]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (U (Quadric) (Quadric)) (Quadric)))
      [16.286516 _ 16.309128]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (Plane) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.309130 _ 16.379250]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Plane) (Quadric)) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.379251 _ 16.448816]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Plane) (U (Quadric) (Quadric))) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.448818 _ 16.449492]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Plane) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (U (Quadric) (Quadric)))
      [16.449493 _ 16.516809]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (Plane) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [16.516811 _ 16.582897]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (Plane) (Quadric)) (U (U ... ...) (Quadric))) (Quadric))
      [16.582899 _ 99999991988224.000000]  (d:??? s:0?1 t:011) (U (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))) (U (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...)) (U (U ... ...) (U ... ...))))
Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "cam1-04c"
    27719 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    27719 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
    57485 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    56002 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1483 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    27719 ProjData nodes reused
    27719 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    32281 tile nodes allocated
       86 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
    63755 tile nodes returned to free list
     1273 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
    28283 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    10583 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    12492 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
Total retiling time 288.9 seconds.
     297 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
  total tiling time 304.8 seconds.

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.870e+07  tot =  2.934e+08  avg =  6.113e+06

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     22  tot =    297  avg =     6.19
  ZZ-Buffer width = 48  height 1
Rendering image of buffer "cam1-04c"...
--- [VM = 5625856] -------
Rendering time 18452.5 seconds.
Statistics for rendering ZZ-buffer "cam1-04c":
  4311697 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeHits
  8758097 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
  8546442 hit lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
   211655 hit lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
    84996 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeIllumination
    72791 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
    29681 shadowing objects found by ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
  4311697 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeHits
    42498 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTangentPlane
    43200 Total rays cast
    42498 hits rendered ZZRender.RenderRay
    42498 calls to ZZRender.RenderSurfaceHit
    42573 hit nodes allocated
  3282015 hit nodes returned to free list
  4234745 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeHits
       28 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
       11 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-f.rgb...
Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-timeRenderingPhase.pik...
  max =  7.107e+07  tot =  5.139e+10  avg =  1.071e+07

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nAtomComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5828  tot = 4311697  avg =   898.27

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nCSGNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =  12227  tot = 8758097  avg =  1824.60

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nCSGNodeNewHits.pik...
  max =  11783  tot = 8546442  avg =  1780.51

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nCSGNodeOldHits.pik...
  max =    444  tot = 211655  avg =    44.09

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nComputeIllumination.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  84996  avg =    17.71

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nComputeShadowing.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  72791  avg =    15.16

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nShadowingFound.pik...
  max =     18  tot =  29681  avg =     6.18

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nPrimComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5828  tot = 4311697  avg =   898.27

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nPrimComputeTangentPlane.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  42498  avg =     8.85

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nRays.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  43200  avg =     9.00

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nRenderHit.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  42498  avg =     8.85

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nRenderSurfaceHit.pik...
  max =      9  tot =  42498  avg =     8.85

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nHitListAlloc.pik...
  max =    558  tot =  42573  avg =     8.87

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nHitListReclaimed.pik...
  max =   7573  tot = 3282015  avg =   683.75

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nUnionNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =   6000  tot = 4234745  avg =   882.24

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nUnionNodeNew.pik...
  max =      3  tot =     28  avg =     0.01

Writing 90-04-30-1129/blur-cam1-04c-ct-nUnionNodeOld.pik...
  max =      2  tot =     11  avg =     0.00
Total elapsed time 22269.3 seconds.
dp: 3.26 secs/StartProcess.
dp: 0 failed attempts.
dp: 0.295 secs/MachineInfo.Select.
dp: 2.57  secs/TryStartProcess.
dp: 0.07  secs/DPClient.Import.
dp: 2.34  secs/DPClient.StartProcess.