dp: [srcf2e] nice /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.04//ZZMain -modelName melon -outputName 90-08-02-1424/melon -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 999 666 -imageSegment cam1 00d 75 100 0 666 -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -useParentTable -maxUnionTiles 5 -numZZBufferThreads 1 -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 4
Command line options:
    -modelName melon \
    -outputName 90-08-02-1424/melon \
    -writeFiltered \
    -writeIFF \
    -writeCounters \
    -writeTimes \
    -bufferSplit 2 \
    -useTileListTable \
    -useParentTable \
    -useHitListTable \
    -maxUnionTiles 5 \
    -debugPixel -1 -1 \
    -zeta 1.500000 \
    -pikGamma 2.400000 \
    -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \
    -samplesPerPixel 4 \
    -numThreads 3 \
    -numZZBufferThreads 1 \
    -maxVMBytes 40000000 \
    -imageSize cam1  999 666 \
    -imageSegment cam1 00d  75 100  0 666 \
Reading model...
/////o [melon-cracks.pik...] o [melon-bigcracks.pik...] o [melon-floor.bit...] /oooooooooooooooooo/oooooooooo/oo/ooooo/o/o/ooooooooooooo///////////////////
    18 objects in model
Reading time 70.8 seconds.
Light source "src1":
  Position [1.0000e+00 2.0000e+00 8.0000e+00 5.0000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00] x [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src1"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        4 rehashings of the ProjData table
     5232 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      154 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
        4 rehashings of the TileList table
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1131 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      520 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      17.8 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 5345280]
 [VM = 6205440]
 [VM = 7019520]
 [VM = 8004608]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1"======================
    61873 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    61873 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   242320 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   152155 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    88590 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   109848 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    98554 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    61873 ProjData nodes reused
    61873 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    90273 tile nodes allocated
    18536 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   209892 tile nodes returned to free list
     3897 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      433 rehashings of the TileList table
    78988 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    17562 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    22847 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

   29929 ZZ-Buffer cells (173 x 173)
   39054 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       1.3 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     906.4 seconds retiling time .
     926.3 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0309 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  5.608e+05  tot =  7.978e+08  avg =  2.666e+04

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     15  tot =  39054  avg =     1.30
Light source "src2":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+00 -6.0000e+00 8.0000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-3.0000e+00 _ 3.0000e+00] x [-3.0000e+00 _ 3.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src2"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 rehashings of the ProjData table
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      116 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      910 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      219 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      15.3 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 9203712]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2"======================
    58139 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    58139 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   194007 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   125859 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    66812 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    94406 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    84323 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    58139 ProjData nodes reused
    58139 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    70636 tile nodes allocated
    17377 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   181363 tile nodes returned to free list
     2797 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      253 rehashings of the TileList table
    57637 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    10236 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    15588 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

   29929 ZZ-Buffer cells (173 x 173)
   40964 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       1.4 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     792.1 seconds retiling time .
     809.3 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0270 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  4.848e+05  tot =  6.828e+08  avg =  2.282e+04

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     13  tot =  40964  avg =     1.37
Light source "src3":
  Position [1.0000e+00 1.0000e+01 5.0000e+00 1.0000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00] x [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src3"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src3" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 rehashings of the ProjData table
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      166 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1062 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      578 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      16.1 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 10260480]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src3"======================
    54422 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    54422 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   221167 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   137240 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    81643 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    97869 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    87537 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    54422 ProjData nodes reused
    54422 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    70999 tile nodes allocated
    16176 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   182911 tile nodes returned to free list
     3016 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      412 rehashings of the TileList table
    72486 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    14719 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    21661 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

   29929 ZZ-Buffer cells (173 x 173)
   23542 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       0.8 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     792.8 seconds retiling time .
     810.6 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0271 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-src3-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  5.042e+05  tot =  7.015e+08  avg =  2.344e+04

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-src3-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     19  tot =  23542  avg =     0.79
Camera ZZ-buffer "cam1-00d":
  Position [1.0000e+00 7.0000e+00 3.9000e+00 6.7000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-3.0000e+00 _ 3.0000e+00] x [-2.0000e+00 _ 2.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00
  Image  width = 999  height = 666
  Image segment  [75..99] x [0..665]
  Pixels per ZZ-buffer cell  h = 3  v = 3

Building ZZ-buffer "cam1-00d"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "cam1-00d" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 rehashings of the ProjData table
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
       72 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      194 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      133 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       7 tiles in top-level tile list
      12.4 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 11513856]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "cam1-00d"======================
      768 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      768 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     3317 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1929 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1336 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1311 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1075 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      768 ProjData nodes reused
      768 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
      366 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
     4391 tile nodes returned to free list
       33 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
        4 rehashings of the TileList table
      925 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      107 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      114 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

    1998 ZZ-Buffer cells (9 x 222)
    2028 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       1.0 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

       9.8 seconds retiling time .
      22.5 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0112 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  5.205e+04  tot =  1.923e+07  avg =  9.626e+03

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =      3  tot =   2028  avg =     1.02
Rendering image of buffer "cam1-00d"...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [VM = 12000256]
Rendering time 2805.5 seconds.
Statistics for rendering ZZ-buffer "cam1-00d":
  1074457 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeHits
  1186044 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
  1138936 hit lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
    47108 hit lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
   799200 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeIllumination
   666958 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
   225376 shadowing objects found by ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
  1074457 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeHits
   302295 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTangentPlane
   266400 Total rays cast
   266400 hits rendered ZZRender.RenderRay
   266400 calls to ZZRender.RenderSurfaceHit
   266402 hit nodes allocated
  1574915 hit nodes returned to free list
       10 rehashings of the HitList table
    64479 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeHits

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-f.rgb...
Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-timeRenderingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.213e+06  tot =  8.332e+09  avg =  5.004e+05

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nAtomComputeHits.pik...
  max =    192  tot = 1074457  avg =    64.53

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nCSGNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =    304  tot = 1186044  avg =    71.23

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nCSGNodeNewHits.pik...
  max =    256  tot = 1138936  avg =    68.40

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nCSGNodeOldHits.pik...
  max =     80  tot =  47108  avg =     2.83

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nComputeIllumination.pik...
  max =     48  tot = 799200  avg =    48.00

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nComputeShadowing.pik...
  max =     48  tot = 666958  avg =    40.06

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nShadowingFound.pik...
  max =     32  tot = 225376  avg =    13.54

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nPrimComputeHits.pik...
  max =    192  tot = 1074457  avg =    64.53

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nPrimComputeTangentPlane.pik...
  max =     48  tot = 302295  avg =    18.16

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nRays.pik...
  max =     16  tot = 266400  avg =    16.00

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nRenderHit.pik...
  max =     16  tot = 266400  avg =    16.00

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nRenderSurfaceHit.pik...
  max =     16  tot = 266400  avg =    16.00

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nHitListAlloc.pik...
  max =     59  tot = 266402  avg =    16.00

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nHitListReclaimed.pik...
  max =    416  tot = 1574915  avg =    94.59

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nHitListTableRehash.pik...
  max =      3  tot =     10  avg =     0.00

Writing 90-08-02-1424/melon-cam1-00d-ct-nUnionNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =     64  tot =  64479  avg =     3.87
Total elapsed time 5497.9 seconds.
dp: 0.85 secs/StartProcess.
dp: 0 failed attempts.
dp: 0.000 secs/MachineInfo.Select.
dp: 0.75  secs/TryStartProcess.
dp: 0.05  secs/DPClient.Import.
dp: 0.67  secs/DPClient.StartProcess.