dp: [srcf51] nice /ff/stolfi/packages/zzcsg/v03.04//ZZMain -modelName melon -outputName 90-08-01-2119/melon -writeIFF -writeFiltered -writeTimes -writeCounters -imageSize cam1 999 666 -imageSegment cam1 03 200 250 0 666 -useHitListTable -useTileListTable -useParentTable -maxUnionTiles 5 -numZZBufferThreads 1 -numThreads 3 -zeta 1.5 -iffGamma 1.8 1.8 1.8 -pikGamma 2.4 -samplesPerPixel 4
Command line options:
    -modelName melon \
    -outputName 90-08-01-2119/melon \
    -writeFiltered \
    -writeIFF \
    -writeCounters \
    -writeTimes \
    -bufferSplit 2 \
    -useTileListTable \
    -useParentTable \
    -useHitListTable \
    -maxUnionTiles 5 \
    -debugPixel -1 -1 \
    -zeta 1.500000 \
    -pikGamma 2.400000 \
    -iffGamma 1.800000 1.800000 1.800000 \
    -samplesPerPixel 4 \
    -numThreads 3 \
    -numZZBufferThreads 1 \
    -maxVMBytes 40000000 \
    -imageSize cam1  999 666 \
    -imageSegment cam1 03  200 250  0 666 \
Reading model...
/////o [melon-cracks.pik...] o [melon-bigcracks.pik...] o [melon-floor.bit...] /oooooooooooooooooo/oooooooooo/oo/ooooo/o/o/ooooooooooooo///////////////////
    18 objects in model
Reading time 76.0 seconds.
Light source "src1":
  Position [1.0000e+00 2.0000e+00 8.0000e+00 5.0000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00] x [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src1"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src1" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        4 rehashings of the ProjData table
     5230 tile nodes allocated
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      154 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
        4 rehashings of the TileList table
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1064 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      587 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      17.4 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 5340160]
 [VM = 6435840]
 [VM = 7337984]
 [VM = 8006656]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src1"======================
    61878 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    61878 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   238167 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   150727 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    86094 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   111751 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   100821 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    61878 ProjData nodes reused
    61878 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    90137 tile nodes allocated
    18176 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   207700 tile nodes returned to free list
     3854 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      427 rehashings of the TileList table
    77919 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    16464 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    23430 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

   29929 ZZ-Buffer cells (173 x 173)
   39047 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       1.3 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     911.6 seconds retiling time .
     931.1 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0311 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-src1-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  6.469e+05  tot =  7.947e+08  avg =  2.655e+04

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-src1-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     15  tot =  39047  avg =     1.30
Light source "src2":
  Position [1.0000e+00 3.0000e+00 -6.0000e+00 8.0000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-3.0000e+00 _ 3.0000e+00] x [-3.0000e+00 _ 3.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src2"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src2" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 rehashings of the ProjData table
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      116 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      850 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      279 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      15.3 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 9038848]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src2"======================
    58143 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    58143 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   193496 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   125706 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    66457 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    95527 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    85460 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    58143 ProjData nodes reused
    58143 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    70731 tile nodes allocated
    17361 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   181085 tile nodes returned to free list
     2797 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      255 rehashings of the TileList table
    57496 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     9579 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    16179 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

   29929 ZZ-Buffer cells (173 x 173)
   40963 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       1.4 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     796.0 seconds retiling time .
     813.0 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0272 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-src2-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  4.790e+05  tot =  6.803e+08  avg =  2.273e+04

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-src2-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     13  tot =  40963  avg =     1.37
Light source "src3":
  Position [1.0000e+00 1.0000e+01 5.0000e+00 1.0000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00] x [-4.0000e+00 _ 4.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00

Building ZZ-buffer "src3"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "src3" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 rehashings of the ProjData table
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      166 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      980 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      660 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      16.0 seconds top-level tiling time.
 [VM = 10183680]

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "src3"======================
    54387 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
    54387 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
   219351 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
   136596 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    80679 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    99151 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    88998 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    54387 ProjData nodes reused
    54387 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
    70655 tile nodes allocated
    15989 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
   181762 tile nodes returned to free list
     2999 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      410 rehashings of the TileList table
    72056 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
    14000 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
    22121 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

   29929 ZZ-Buffer cells (173 x 173)
   23546 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       0.8 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     803.8 seconds retiling time .
     821.5 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0274 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-src3-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  4.774e+05  tot =  7.071e+08  avg =  2.363e+04

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-src3-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     17  tot =  23546  avg =     0.79
Camera ZZ-buffer "cam1-03":
  Position [1.0000e+00 7.0000e+00 3.9000e+00 6.7000e+00]
  Field/beam  footprint = [-3.0000e+00 _ 3.0000e+00] x [-2.0000e+00 _ 2.0000e+00]
  Lens/lamp  width = 0.0000e+00  height = 0.0000e+00
  Image  width = 999  height = 666
  Image segment  [200..249] x [0..665]
  Pixels per ZZ-buffer cell  h = 3  v = 3

Building ZZ-buffer "cam1-03"...

=== Statistics for top-level tiling for ZZ-buffer "cam1-03" =========
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
      844 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
     1687 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     1687 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
      844 ProjData nodes allocated
      844 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
        1 rehashings of the ProjData table
        1 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
      109 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
      843 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
      234 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
      419 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New
       6 tiles in top-level tile list
      14.2 seconds top-level tiling time.

=== Statistics for re-tiling ZZ-buffer "cam1-03"======================
     9551 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeTiles
     9551 calls to ZZAtomNode.Project
    28529 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    17689 tile lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    10653 tile lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    14466 parent tiles recovered by ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
    12934 parent tiles didn't help ZZCSGNode.ComputeTiles
     9551 ProjData nodes reused
     9551 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTiles
     1387 tile nodes allocated
     3782 calls to ZZTileList.ComputeTiles
    27266 tile nodes returned to free list
      535 punts by ZZTileList.Unite
       30 rehashings of the TileList table
     6606 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeTiles
     1051 nodes allocated by ZZUnionNode.New
     2138 nodes reused by ZZUnionNode.New

    3774 ZZ-Buffer cells (17 x 222)
    6892 total tiles in ZZ-buffer
       1.8 tiles per ZZ-buffer cell

     142.4 seconds retiling time .
     157.0 seconds total time for this ZZ-buffer (0.0416 seconds/cell)==================================================================

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-timeTilingPhase.pik...
  max =  2.225e+05  tot =  1.200e+08  avg =  3.179e+04

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-numTilesInZZBuffer.pik...
  max =     10  tot =   6892  avg =     1.83
Rendering image of buffer "cam1-03"...
--- [VM = 11269120]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [VM = 12005376]
Rendering time 20424.9 seconds.
Statistics for rendering ZZ-buffer "cam1-03":
  4233542 calls to ZZAtomNode.ComputeHits
  4936108 calls to ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
  4577185 hit lists computed by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
   358923 hit lists reused by ZZCSGNode.ComputeHits
  2439909 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeIllumination
  2342602 calls to ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
  1324815 shadowing objects found by ZZShadow.ComputeShadowing
  4233542 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeHits
  1643037 calls to ZZPrimitive.ComputeTangentPlane
   532800 Total rays cast
   813303 hits rendered ZZRender.RenderRay
   813303 calls to ZZRender.RenderSurfaceHit
   822204 hit nodes allocated
  8861010 hit nodes returned to free list
        8 rehashings of the HitList table
   343643 calls to ZZUnionNode.ComputeHits

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-f.rgb...
Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-timeRenderingPhase.pik...
  max =  1.837e+07  tot =  6.113e+10  avg =  1.836e+06

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nAtomComputeHits.pik...
  max =   2676  tot = 4233542  avg =   127.13

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nCSGNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =   5210  tot = 4936108  avg =   148.23

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nCSGNodeNewHits.pik...
  max =   5143  tot = 4577185  avg =   137.45

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nCSGNodeOldHits.pik...
  max =    155  tot = 358923  avg =    10.78

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nComputeIllumination.pik...
  max =    144  tot = 2439909  avg =    73.27

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nComputeShadowing.pik...
  max =    144  tot = 2342602  avg =    70.35

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nShadowingFound.pik...
  max =    160  tot = 1324815  avg =    39.78

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nPrimComputeHits.pik...
  max =   2676  tot = 4233542  avg =   127.13

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nPrimComputeTangentPlane.pik...
  max =    176  tot = 1643037  avg =    49.34

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nRays.pik...
  max =     16  tot = 532800  avg =    16.00

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nRenderHit.pik...
  max =     48  tot = 813303  avg =    24.42

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nRenderSurfaceHit.pik...
  max =     48  tot = 813303  avg =    24.42

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nHitListAlloc.pik...
  max =    931  tot = 822204  avg =    24.69

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nHitListReclaimed.pik...
  max =   5331  tot = 8861010  avg =   266.10

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nHitListTableRehash.pik...
  max =      6  tot =      8  avg =     0.00

Writing 90-08-01-2119/melon-cam1-03-ct-nUnionNodeComputeHits.pik...
  max =   2467  tot = 343643  avg =    10.32
Total elapsed time 23291.7 seconds.
dp: 0.88 secs/StartProcess.
dp: 0 failed attempts.
dp: 0.000 secs/MachineInfo.Select.
dp: 0.78  secs/TryStartProcess.
dp: 0.04  secs/DPClient.Import.
dp: 0.72  secs/DPClient.StartProcess.