# Last edited on 2012-01-11 03:50:35 by stolfilocal

# Legend and credits for texture samples
# See notes at end of file

| File     | Image contents                          | T | Source/credits
| anemo-01 | palpi from dense anemone field          | i | [  ]
| barks-01 | tree bark, grainy                       | p | [JS]
| barks-02 | tree bark, corky                        | p | [JS]
| barks-03 | bark of brazilian tree                  | g | [JS]
| belly-01 | belly of ladybug larva                  | m | [RR]
| berry-01 | berries from bush near ifgw-unicamp     | g | [JS]
| bikes-01 | bikes parked at kyoto univ              | g | [JS]
| bluej-01 | bluejay                                 | w | [GG]
| brick-01 | brick wall of IFI-Unicamp               | p | [JS]
| bubbl-01 | bubbles floating on water               | m | [SN]
| bugeg-01 | ladybug eggs and larvae                 | m | [RR]
| claws-01 | crab claw                               | m | [RR]
| cloth-01 | cloth from mousepad                     | d | [JS]
| cloud-01 | clouds at Unicamp, medium               | p | [JS]
| cloud-02 | clouds at Unicamp, darkish              | p | [JS]
| cloud-03 | clouds at Unicamp, light                | p | [JS]
| coral-01 | brain coral                             | m | [CR]
| coral-02 | coral polyps                            | m | [CR]
| coral-03 | crinoid coral                           | m | [CR]
| coral-04 | lattice coral                           | m | [CR]
| coral-05 | coral with closed polyps                | m | [CR]
| crabs-01 | spiny crab claw                         | m | [RR]
| crabs-02 | spiny crab claw                         | m | [RR]
| crabs-03 | mottled crab shell                      | m | [RR]
| crack-01 | cracked ice on the Neva                 | p | [JS]
| deers-01 | group of deer                           | m | [RR]
| dirty-01 | loose red dirt                          | p | [JS]
| eagle-01 | eagles on tree                          | m | [RR]
| falls-02 | fallen flowers on dirty tarmac          | p | [JS]
| feath-01 | owl feathers                            | m | [RR]
| fiber-01 | weathered fiberglass from impa's roof   | g | [JS]
| fiber-02 | weathered fiberglass from impa's roof   | g | [JS]
| figfr-01 | wild figs                               | m | [RR]
| finch-01 | finch                                   | w | [GG]
| fishy-01 | fish school, pink                       | m | [CR]
| fishy-02 | fish scales, red                        | m | [CR]
| fishy-03 | fish skin, circles/spots                | m | [CR]
| fishy-04 | fish school, silver                     | m | [CR]
| fishy-05 | fish school, blue                       | m | [CR]
| fishy-06 | fish skin, rings                        | m | [CR]
| fishy-07 | fish skin, yellow stripes               | m | [CR]
| fishy-08 | spiderfish skin                         | m | [CR]
| fishy-09 | silvery fish school                     | i | [  ]
| flowr-01 | yellow ype canopy in flower             | p | [JS]
| flowr-03 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| flowr-12 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| foils-01 | crumpled candy foil, white              | d | [JS]
| foils-02 | crumpled candy foil, red                | d | [JS]
| frogs-03 | frog skin and eye                       | m | [RR]
| gecko-01 | gecko skin and eye                      | m | [RR]
| gecko-02 | gecko skin                              | m | [RR]
| gizmo-01 | mechanical apparatus                    | m |
| gnuhd-01 | herd of gnus                            | m | [RR]
| grafl-02 | fallen flower petals on cropped grass   | g | [JS]
| grafl-11 | fallen flower petals on cropped grass   | g | [JS]
| grape-01 | grape cluster                           | m | [SN]
| grass-01 | tall grass at Unicamp                   | p | [JS]
| grass-02 | close-cropped mostly dry grass          | g | [JS]
| grass-03 | fresh short grass from top              | g | [JS]
| grass-04 | tall weedy grass from side              | g | [JS]
| grass-07 | fresh not-so-short grass, oblique view  | g | [JS]
| grass-08 | fresh not-so-short grass, oblique view  | g | [JS]
| grave-01 | gravel in kyoto imperial garden         | g | [JS]
| grave-02 | gravel in kyoto imperial garden         | g | [JS]
| hairs-02 | animal hair                             | m | [RR]
| hermi-01 | façade of Hermitage                     | m | [JS]
| hoppr-01 | grasshopper belly                       | p | [SI]
| house-01 | house in kyoto next to imperial garden  | g | [JS]
| husks-01 | rice husks                              | g | [JS]
| husks-02 | rice husks                              | g | [JS]
| hutsy-01 | islander's huts                         | m | [CR]
| ipeam-01 | yellow ype flowers, close               | p | [JS]
| ipers-02 | pink ype canopy in flower               | g | [JS]
| kingf-01 | kingfisher                              | w | [GG]
| kingf-02 | kingfisher                              | w | [GG]
| ladyb-01 | ladybug cluster                         | m | [RR]
| ladyb-02 | ladybug, red                            | m | [RR]
| ladyb-03 | ladybug, yellow                         | m | [RR]
| ladyb-04 | ladybug, red                            | m | [RR]
| ladys-01 | hibernating ladybugs                    | m | [RR]
| leafy-01 | tree leaves at Unicamp                  | p | [JS]
| leafy-02 | papaya leaves, oblique from below       | g | [JS]
| leafy-05 | tree canopy, medium leaves from side    | g | [JS]
| leafy-06 | tree canopy, palmate leaves from below  | g | [JS]
| leafy-07 | tree canopy, palmate leaves from below  | g | [JS]
| leafy-12 | green leaves from top                   | p | [JS]
| leafy-14 | tree leaves from side                   | p | [JS]
| leafy-33 | bamboo leaves                           | p | [JS]
| loons-01 | loon                                    | w | [GG]
| loons-02 | loon wing and breast                    | m |
| mingo-01 | flock of flamingos                      | m | [RR]
| morsa-01 | sea elephants sleeping                  | m | [RR]
| nails-01 | nails on door of kyoto imperial garden  | g | [JS]
| nails-02 | nails on door of kyoto imperial garden  | g | [JS]
| narch-01 | monarch butterflies                     | m | [RR]
| needs-01 | pine needles                            | m | [RR]
| newsp-01 | printing reticle                        | m | [GG]
| oncas-01 | leopard face                            | m |
| orchd-02 | orchid surface                          | m | [RR]
| parad-01 | paradise bird feathers                  | m | [RR]
| pards-01 | leopard spots                           | m |
| pcock-01 | peacock tail feathers                   | m | [RR]
| peter-01 | façade at St. Petersburg                | p | [JS]
| pines-01 | pine trees on steep slope               | m | [SN]
| plaid-01 | plaid shirt                             | m | [RR]
| plank-01 | plankton                                | m |
| porcu-01 | porcupine quills and eye                | m | [RR]
| puffs-01 | brush-spined fruits on leafy floor      | g | [JS]
| puffx-01 | puffer fish                             | m |
| rebar-01 | tangled heap of used rebar              | g | [JS]
| rebar-02 | tangled heap of used rebar              | g | [JS]
| rebar-03 | tangled heap of used rebar              | g | [JS]
| reefs-01 | coral reef                              | m | [CR]
| rhino-01 | rhinoceros hide                         | m | [RR]
| rocks-01 | rock surface                            | m |
| roofs-01 | tile roof of temple in kyoto            | g | [JS]
| sandy-01 | sand pile at Unicamp                    | p | [JS]
| slugs-01 | sea slug gills                          | m | [CR]
| smoke-01 | dense smoke                             | m | [SN]
| smurf-01 | crowd of Smurfs                         | w | [PY]
| snake-03 | snake skin                              | m | [RR]
| snake-04 | snake skin                              | m | [RR]
| snakw-01 | tangle of garter snakes                 | m | [RR]
| sparw-02 | sparrow                                 | w | [GG]
| spweb-01 | spiderweb                               | p | [SI] ssilk1.gif
| sqirt-01 | sea squirts                             | m | [CR]
| stone-01 | stone blocks from a wall in kyoto       | g | [JS]
| stork-01 | stork nest, close                       | m | [RR]
| straw-01 | straw, close                            | m | [RR]
| taran-01 | tarantula on dark sand                  | m | [RR]
| tareg-01 | tarantula eggs and young                | m | [RR]
| tatos-01 | potatoes from peru                      | p | [SI]
| teeth-01 | tyrannosaur teeth and skin              | m | [SN]
| tenta-01 | polip tentacles                         | m | [CR]
| thorn-01 | thorny palmate leaves                   | g | [JS]
| thorn-02 | thorny palmate leaves                   | g | [JS]
| thumb-01 | fingerprint of J. Stolfi                | d | [ID]
| torto-01 | box turtle scales                       | m | [RR]
| trees-01 | winter trees at St. Petersburg, crown   | p | [JS]
| trees-02 | winter trees at St. Petersburg, whole   | p | [JS]
| trees-03 | winter tree branches at St. Petersburg  | p | [JS]
| trees-04 | island trees                            | m | [CR]
| trees-05 | tree canopy, small leaves, from side    | g | [JS]
| trees-06 | tree canopy, small leaves, from side    | g | [JS]
| trees-07 | tree canopy, small leaves, from side    | g | [JS]
| trees-08 | tree canopy, small leaves, from side    | g | [JS]
| trees-09 | tree canopy, medium leaves, from side   | g | [JS]
| trees-12 | tree canopy, medium leaves from side    | p | [JS]
| trick-01 | science toy advertisement               | k | [SN]
| truss-01 | truss at Ouro Verde bldg.               | p | [JS]
| waldo-01 | crowd of Waldos                         | w | [WW]
| warts-01 | warts around bird's eye                 | m | [RR]
| water-01 | water pond in kyoto imperial garden     | g | [JS]
| waves-01 | wavy pond surface                       | p | [JS]
| weeds-01 | weeds in river bank, kyoto              | g | [JS]
| weeds-02 | weeds in river bank, kyoto              | g | [JS]
| xrpei-01 | skin folds of "xarpei" breed dog        | m | [RR]

# Discarded: 

| dirty-02 | loose red dirt                          | p | [JS]
| falls-01 | fallen flowers on dirty tarmac          | p | [JS]
| flowr-02 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| flowr-04 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| flowr-05 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| flowr-11 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| flowr-13 | fallen flower petals on cement floor    | g | [JS]
| grafl-01 | fallen flower petals on cropped grass   | g | [JS]
| ipers-01 | pink ype canopy in flower               | g | [JS]
| ipers-03 | pink ype canopy in flower               | g | [JS]
| joshu-01 | joshua tree canopy                      | p | [JS]
| leafy-03 | tree canopy, medium leaves from side    | g | [JS]
| paina-01 | paineira wth ripe fruits                | p | [JS]
| spiny-01 | spiny paineira bark                     | p | [JS]
| trees-10 | tree canopy with yellow flowers         | p | [JS]
| trees-11 | tree canopy, small leaves from side     | p | [JS]
| trees-13 | tree canopy, medium leaves from side    | p | [JS]

#  Codes used in "Image type" (T) column:
#    d = sample material scanned directly
#    g = digital photograph
#    p = photograph, scanned directly
#    m = photograph, scanned from printed book or magazine
#    k = solid black line drawing or text, scanned from printed magazine
#    w = watercolor and ink painting, scanned from printed book or magazine
#    i = image from internet
#  Abbreviations used in "Source/credits" column:
#    [RR] = "Ranger Rick", a nature magazine for children.
#    [GG] = "American Birds", a "Golden Guide" pocket book.
#    [SI] = "Smithshonian Institution Photo Archive".
#    [SN] = "Science News".
#    [CR] = "Coral Reefs", a book by ???
#    [JS] = Jorge Stolfi.
#    [ID] = Police-issued personal ID card
#    [WW] = Martin Hanford's "Where is Waldo" book series.
#    [PY] = "Smurfs" comic book by Peyo.
# Except for the [SI] material, scanning was done by J. Stolfi with a
# flatbed scanner, at various resolutions up to 600 dpi (nominal).
# Most images have been scaled down after scanning.
# They have also been gamma-corrected and contrast-adjusted
# in various ways.