Power aware accuracy-guaranteed fractional bit-widths optimization
L Zhang, Y Zhang, W Zhou - 11th Joint International Conference ..., 2008 - atlantis-press.com
... [5] use Affine Arithmetic (AA), which considers the correlations among signals, to model
range and precision analyses. It serves much better than Interval Arithmetic, but signal’s range ...
Overview of the IBEX library
J NININ, G CHABERT - mode2016.sciencesconf.org
... It is based on interval arithmetic and affine arithmetic. The main feature of IBEX is its ability
to build strategies using contractor programming. The concept of contractor is directly inspired ...
Verification of Analog/Mixed-Signal Systems with AADD
C Zivkovic, C Grimm - ANALOG 2018; 16th GMM/ITG ..., 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... 3.3 Affine arithmetic decision diagrams While affine arithmetic allows us to model real-valued ...
In the following, we informally describe the idea of affine arithmetic decision diagrams (...
Semi-symbolic operational computation for robust control system design
L Gil, M Radetzki - ... Conference on Methods and Models in ..., 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
... computation method for tolerance analysis using affine arithmetic. In order to carry out ...
for control system robustness evaluation based on affine arithmetic in section II . In section III...