Segment tracing using local lipschitz bounds
... A complete comparison between Lipschitz techniques and interval analysis using Interval
Affine [Mit90] or Affine Arithmetic [GM07] is beyond the scope of this paper. Still, binary search ...
Efficient search for inputs causing high floating-point errors
WF Chiang, G Gopalakrishnan, Z Rakamaric... - Proceedings of the 19th ..., 2014 - dl.acm.org
... We can observe that both interval and affine arithmetic tools, namely Gappa and SmartFloat,
returned overly pessimistic results. We manually calculated the range of the outputs and ...
Verified analysis of a model for stance stabilization
E Auer, H Albassam, A Kecskeméthy... - Modeling, Design, and ..., 2011 - Springer
... Interval [19], Taylor model [17] or affine arithmetic [6] based methods are most prominent
examples of verified techniques. Besides proving the correctness of the computed result, ...