Generalized intervals and the dependency problem
W Krämer - PAMM: proceedings in applied mathematics and ..., 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Computing enclosures of the range of functions using interval arithmetic often leads to
overestimations due to variables (parameters) appearing more than once within the expression to ...
Select Ideas in Partial Differential Equations
PJ Costa - Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics, 2021 - morganclaypool.com
This text provides an introduction to the applications and implementations of partial differential
equations. The content is structured in three progressive levels which are suited for upper...
Automatic pre-tessellation culling
J Hasselgren, J Munkberg... - ACM Transactions on ..., 2009 - dl.acm.org
... We will illustrate how interval and affine arithmetic compare to our tight polynomial bounds
when computing a two-dimensional axis-aligned bounding box of this curve over the domain, ...