Using taylor models in exact real arithmetic
F Brauße, M Korovina, N Müller - International Conference on ..., 2015 - Springer
... A further approach is affine arithmetic [5] which can be interpreted as a version of the Taylor
... arithmetic’ [8, 15] which is similar to affine arithmetic, but now with interval coefficients. ...
Dynamical systems for arithmetic schemes
C Deninger - arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.06400, 2018 - arxiv.org
... We begin with the case of an affine arithmetic scheme X0 = spec R0 and write X = spec R.
Viewing • ... For a covering of X0 by open affine arithmetic subschemes Xi 0, the space ...
The small octagons of maximal width
C Audet, P Hansen, F Messine, J Ninin - Discrete & Computational ..., 2013 - Springer
... This linear relaxation are generated using an extension of affine arithmetic [12, 14]. To ensure
the numerical reliability of the solutions provided by a linear solver (here, we used CPLEX)...
Robustness analysis of finite precision implementations
E Goubault, S Putot - Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and ..., 2013 - Springer
... Affine arithmetic is a more accurate extension of interval arithmetic, that takes into account
affine correlations between variables. An affine form is a formal sum over a set of noise ...
Polygonal surface advection applied to strange attractors
S Yan, N Max, KL Ma - Computer Graphics Forum, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
... [[PdFS06]] visualize 2D strange attractors using affine arithmetic, which gives tighter
bounds than interval arithmetic. Rössler [[Rös76]] discovered a simpler system of three ODEs, ...