Affine arithmetic applied to transient statistical energy analysis of a two-oscillator system
H Song, K Yu, X Li, J Han - Mechanics Research Communications, 2015 - Elsevier
... This paper applies affine arithmetic to transient statistical energy analysis (SEA) of a two-oscillator system, and the influence of the measurement errors of parameters on predicted ...
A compiler for sound floating-point computations using affine arithmetic
J Rivera, F Franchetti, M Püschel - 2022 IEEE/ACM ..., 2022 -
... Affine Arithmetic Library As part of SafeGen, we implemented our own library supporting
Affine arithmetic-based DC power flow for automatic contingency selection with consideration of load and generation uncertainties
S Wang, L Han, P Zhang - Electric Power Components and ..., 2014 - Taylor & Francis
... power flow approach based on affine arithmetic is proposed to ... power flow approach based on affine arithmetic is a fast and ... flow approach based on affine arithmetic serves as a new ...
Interval-type and affine arithmetic-type techniques for handling uncertainty in expert systems
M Ceberio, V Kreinovich, S Chopra, L Longpré... - ... of Computational and ..., 2007 - Elsevier
Expert knowledge consists of statements S j (facts and rules). The facts and rules are often only true with some probability. For example, if we are interested in oil, we should look at ...
Overhead transmission line sag, tension and length calculation using affine arithmetic
YM Abebe, PM Rao - 2015 IEEE Power, Communication and ..., 2015 -
... A novel affine arithmetic (AA) based transmission line sag, tension and conductor length ... known algorithms for uncertain system are interval arithmetic (IA) and affine arithmetic (AA). ...
Finite-precision error modeling using affine arithmetic
S Vakili, JMP Langlois, G Bois - 2013 IEEE International ..., 2013 -
This paper introduces a new approach for finite-precision error modeling based on affine
Improved time series prediction and symbolic regression with affine arithmetic
C Pennachin, M Looks, JA de Vasconcelos - Genetic programming theory ..., 2011 - Springer
... We show how affine arithmetic can be used to improve both ... Affine arithmetic is used to estimate conservative bounds on ... , and the use of affine arithmetic compares favorably with ...
Formal verification of mixed-signal designs using extended affine arithmetic
C Radojicic, C Grimm - 2016 12th Conference on Ph. D ..., 2016 -
... Affine Arithmetic in that direction. In this paper we extend this initial concept towards a more complete theory of XAAF (Extended Affine Arithmetic ... In section II we extend Affine Arithmetic ...
Affine arithmetic-type techniques for handling uncertainty in expert systems
S Chopra - 2005 -
... Similarly to affine arithmetic, we perform arithmetic operations with these expressions and then include all higher order terms into the corresponding remainders. As a result, we get ...
Chebyshev affine-arithmetic-based parametric yield prediction under limited descriptions of uncertainty
J Sun, J Li, D Ma, JM Wang - IEEE Transactions on Computer ..., 2008 -
... This paper overcomes the aforementioned limitations by introducing a new Chebyshev
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