Modified affine arithmetic in tensor form
H Shou, H Lin, R Martin, G Wang - The Proceedings of ..., 2004 -
... affine arithmetic in tensor form is not only more accurate but also much faster than affine
A New Affine Arithmetic-Based Optimal Network Reconfiguration to Minimize Losses in a Distribution System Considering Uncertainty Using Binary Particle Swarm ...
V Raj, BK Kumar - Electric Power Components and Systems, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
In the present work, Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) based optimal re-configuration for balanced and unbalanced radial distribution networks using Affine Arithmetic (AA), ...
Affine arithmetic for power and optimal power flow analyses in the presence of uncertainties
A Vaccaro - 2015 -
... To address the aforementioned problem, this thesis proposes solution methodologies based on the use of Affine Arithmetic (AA), which is an enhanced model for self-validated ...
Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic
A Paiva, F de Carvalho Nascimento... - 2012 25th SIBGRAPI ..., 2012 -
... in the plane that uses affine arithmetic to identify regions where the curve lies inside a thin strip. Unlike other interval methods, even those based on affine arithmetic, our method works ...
An Affine arithmetic based methodology for the thermal rating assessment of overhead lines in the presence of data uncertainty
A Piccolo, A Vaccaro, D Villacci - 2003 IEEE Bologna Power ..., 2003 -
... In this paper the use of Affine Arithmetic (AA) [16,17], an enhanced model for numerical computation, is proposed to overcome this limitation. AA is applied to minimize the ...
Approximating implicit curves on plane and surface triangulations with affine arithmetic
F de Carvalho Nascimento, A Paiva... - Computers & ..., 2014 - Elsevier
... Our method uses affine arithmetic to identify regions where the curve lies inside a thin strip. Unlike other interval methods, even those based on affine arithmetic, our method works on ...
A Taylor-Affine Arithmetic for analyzing the calculation result uncertainty in accident reconstruction
T Zou, H Peng, M Cai, H Wu, L Hu - Forensic science international, 2016 - Elsevier
... to the four arithmetic operations of the affine arithmetic, which is listed in Appendix B. ... In order to overcome the problem, the Modified Affine Arithmetic (MAA) was proposed. In the ...
Affine Arithmetic
F Immler - Archive of Formal Proofs (Feb. 2014). http://isa-afp. org ..., 2016 -
We give a formalization of affine forms [1, 2] as abstract representations of zonotopes. We provide affine operations as well as overapproximations of some non-affine operations like ...
Project duration evaluated using affine arithmetic
G Bosurgi, O Pellegrino, G Sollazzo - Periodica Polytechnica Civil ..., 2017 -
... in this paper the application of the Affine Arithmetic technique. This method treats the variables as ... Adopting Affine Arithmetic, the results are reported in terms of intervals, avoiding the ...
Circuit simulations with uncertainties using affine arithmetic and piecewise affine statemodels
M Freisfeld, M Olbrich, E Barke - 2008 9th International ..., 2008 -
... First of all, we give a short description of the affine arithmetic. In Section 3 we describe the ... In the past, semi-symbolic-simulation applying affine arithmetic (AA) [1], as a suitable range ...
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